- BSc (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Special) ? University of Colombo: 2002.
- PhD in Biochemistry ? Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, 2008.
- Postdoctoral fellow ? University of British Columbia, 2008-2010

Prof. Charitha L Goonasekara
Post-doctoral (Canada), PhD (Canada), BSc (Colombo)
Professor of Biochemistry
Head, Biochemistry - FOM
Dean - FGS
- Qualifications
- Teaching Areas
Teaching Areas
- Biochemistry
- Molecular Biology
- Protein biochemistry
- Publications
- Authored children?s story collection book, Bawwai Pusie? ISBN : 978-955-7519-14-2.
Referred Journal Articles
- Jayasekara KG, Soysa SSSBDP, Suresh TS, Goonasekara CL, Gunasekera HAKM. (2024) Anti-dengue viral activity of Glycyrrhiza glabra roots in Vero cells; Scientific Reports. 14: 25922. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.12.29.573598v1
- Handagala JK, Kumarasinghe N, Goonasekara CL, Kuruppu AI., Medicinal Plants Used in Sri Lankan Traditional Medicine for Dengue Fever (2024); Microbiol. Res., 15: 468-488.
- Jayasekara KG, Soysa SSSBDP, Suresh TS, Goonasekara CL, Gunasekera HAKM. (2023) In-vitro dengue virus inhibition by aqueous extracts of Aegle marmelos, Munronia pinnata and Psidium guajava; Journal of Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 51(2)
- Jayasekara K.G., Soysa. P., Suresh. T.S., Goonasekara C.L., Gunasekera K.M. (2022) A Preliminary Study on the Anti-dengue Viral Activity of Munronia pinnata. Vidyodaya J. Sci. 25:65-74.
- Nadugala M.N., Jeewandara C., Jadi R.S., Malavige N., De Silva A.M., Premaratne P.H., Goonasekara C.L. (2021) Natural Immunogenic properties of bioinformatically predicted linear B-cell epitopes of dengue envelope and pre-membrane proteins. BMC Immunol 22:71.
https://bmcimmunol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12865-021-00462-4 - Pallie M.S., Perera P.K., Kumarasinghe K.M.N., Arawwawela L.D.A.M., Goonasekara C.L. (2020) Ethnopharmacological use and biological activities of Tragia involucrata. Ev. Com. Alt. Med., Article ID 8848676.
https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ecam/2020/8848676/ - Silva A.M.M., Goonasekara C.L., Hayley M., Heeley D.H. (2020) Further investigation into the biochemical effects of phosphorylation of tropomyosin Tpm1.1 (?). Serine-283 is in communication with the mid-region. Biochemistry, 59(50):4725-4734.
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.biochem.0c00882 - Pallie M.S., Perera P.K., Goonasekara C.L., Kumarasinghe K.M.N., Arawwawela L.D.A.M. (2020) Efficacy and safety of freeze-dried form of Tragia involucrata L. decoction in treating diabetes: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Clin Trials Degener Dis. 2020;5(3) 32-36.
https://www.clinicaltdd.com/article.asp?issn=2542-3975;year=2020;volume=5;issue=3;spage=31;epage=36;aulast=Pallie - Pushpakumara PD., Jeewandara C., Gomes L., Perera Y., Wijewickrama A., Malavige N., Goonasekara C.L., (2020) Development and validation of an assay for detection of Japanese encephalitis virus specific antibody responses. PLoS-One. 15 (10): e0238609.
https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0238609 - Silva A.M.M., Ige. T., Goonasekara C.L., Heeley D.H. (2020) Threonine-77 is a determinant of the low temperature conditioning of the most abundant isoform of tropomyosin in Atlantic salmon. Biochemistry, 59 (31): 2859?2869.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32686411/ - Pushpakumara PD., Jeewandara C., Wijesinghe A., Gomes L., Ogg G.S., Goonasekara C.L., Malavige N. (2020) Identification of immune responses to Japanese Encephalitis virus specific T cell epitopes. Front Public Health, 8 (19): doi.10.3389/fpubh.2020.00019.
https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2020.00019/full - Kuruppu A.I., Paranagama P., Goonasekara C.L. (2019) Medicinal plants commonly used against cancer in traditional medicinal formulae in Sri Lanka. Saudi Pharm J. 27: 565-573.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1319016419300271 - Perera S.U., Navaratne, V., Nagahawatte, A., Perera, J., Wijayarathna, C.D., Alvitigala, J., Goonasekara, C.L (2018) Validating the Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) technique to detect tuberculosis in a Sri Lankan laboratory setting. CMJ. 63: 40-42.
https://cmj.sljol.info/articles/abstract/10.4038/cmj.v63i1.8625/ - Nadugala M.N., Jeewandara C., Malavige N., Premaratne P.H., Goonasekara C.L. (2017) Natural Antibody Responses to the Capsid Protein in Sera of Dengue Infected Patients from Sri Lanka. PLoS-One. 12 (6): e0178009.
http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0178009 - Pallie M.S., Goonasekara C.L., Perera P.K., Kumarasinghe K.M.N., Arawwawela L.D.A.M. (2017) Traggia spp: Assesment of diuretic activity and standardization of the whole plant. Am Journ Ethnomed. 4: 5.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318764835_Tragia_spp_Assessment_of_Diuretic_Activity_and_Standardization_of_the_Whole_Plant - Silva M.M., Seneviratne S.S., Weerakoon D.K., Goonasekera C.L. (2017) Characterization of Daboia russelii and Naja naja venom neutralizing ability of an undocumented indigenous medication in Sri Lanka. J Ayurveda Integr Med, 8: 20-26.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5377483/ - Pallie M.S., Goonasekara C.L., Perera P.K., Kumarasinghe K.M.N., Arawwawela L.D.A.M. (2017) Evaluation of the diuretic effect of the hot water extract of Tragia involucrata Linn. in rats. Int Journ Pharm, 13: 83-90.
http://scialert.net/fulltext/?doi=ijp.2017.83.90 - Nadugala M.N., Premaratne P.H., Goonasekara C.L. (2016) Systematic bioinformatic approach for prediction of linear B-cell epitopes on Dengue E and prM protein. Adv Bioinformatics. (Article ID 1373157.)
http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/1373157 - Senarath K., Usgodaarachchi, B., Navaratne, V., Nagahawatte, A., Wijayarathna D., Alvitigala, J., Goonasekara, C. L. (2014) Non specific amplification with LAMP technique in the diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Sri Lankan setting, J Tubercul. Res., 2: 168-172.
http://www.scirp.org/Journal/PaperInformation.aspx?PaperID=51522 - Wang, T., Cheng, Y., Dou, Y., Goonasekara, C., David, J.P., Steel, D.F., Huang, C., Fedida, D (2012) Trafficking of an endogenous potassium channel in adult ventricular myocytes, Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 303: C963-C976.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3492822/r+myocytes%2C+Am.+J.+Physiol.+Cell+Physiol.+303%3A+C963-C976. - Goonasekara, C.L., Balse, E., Hatem, S., Steele, D.F., Fedida, D (2010) Cholesterol and cardiac arrhythmias, Expert Rev. Cardiovasc. therapy. 8 : 965-979.
http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.1586/erc.10.79 - Dou, Y., Balse, E., Dehghani-Zadeh, A., Wang, T., Goonasekara, C.L., Steele, D.F., Hatem, S.N., Fedida, D. (2010) Normal targeting of a tagged Kv1.5 channel acutely transfected into fresh cardiac myocytes, Am. J. Physiol. Cell Physiol. 298: c1342-1352.
http://ajpcell.physiology.org/content/298/6/C1343.long - Goonasekara, C. L., Heeley, D. H. (2009) Effects of removal of the amino terminal six amino acids of tropomyosin on the regulatory properties of the striated muscle thin filament, Biochemistry. 48 :3538-3544.
http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/bi802004j - Dehghani-Zadeh, A., Cheng, Y., Xu, H., Wong, N., Wang, Z., Goonasekara, C., Steele, D.F., Fedida, D. (2009) Kif5b is an essential forward trafficking motor for the Kv1.5 cardiac potassium channel, J. Physiol. 587:4565-4574.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2768013/ - Goonasekara, C. L., Heeley, D. H. (2008) Conformational properties of striated muscle tropomyosins from salmonid fishes, J. Muscle. Res. Cell. Motil. 29:135-143.
http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10974-008-9148-7 - Goonasekara, C. L., Gallivan, L., Jackman, D., Heeley, D. H. (2007) Some binding properties of Omp T protease digested muscle tropomyosin, J. Muscle. Res. Cell. Motil. 28: 175-182.
http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10974-007-9114-9 - Ratnasooriya, W. D., Deraniyagala, S. A., Bathige, S. D. N. K., Goonasekara, C. L., Jayakodi, J. R. A. C. (2005) Antinociceptive action of aqueous extract of the leaves of Ixora coccinea, Acta. Biol. Hung. 56: 21-34.
http://www.akademiai.com/content/mx476121777577n3/?genre=article&id=doi%3a10.1556%2fABiol.56.2005.1-2.3 - Deraniyagala, S. A., Ratnasooriya, W. D., Goonasekara, C. L. (2003) Antinociceptive effect and Toxicological study of the aqueous bark extract of Barringtonia racemosa on rats, J. Ethnopharmacol. 86: 21-26.
Technical Reports
- Newsletter, Faculty of Medicine, 2014, Emerging Laboratories at KDU.
Conference Papers
Invited Key note Speeches at International Conferences
- Plenary speech on ?A Vaccine for Dengue? at the Pre-congress seminar, Challenges in elimination of vector borne diseases in Sri Lanka, at the International Research Conference of KDU 2017, held on 30th July 2017 at KDU.
- Key note address on ?Scientific Evidence for the Efficacy of Traditional Medicine?, of the Session IV (Pharmaceutical Validations) of Ayurveda Expo 2015 Symposium, held at the BMIC, Sri Lanka on 5th July 2015.
Free papers
- Handagala JK, Kumarasinghe NP, Goonasekara CL, Kuruppu AI. (2022). A preliminary study conducted on a traditional formulation used for the treatment of dengue. 15th International Research Conference of Kotelawala Defence University, Colombo.
- Jayasekara KG, Soysa SSSBDP, Suresh TS, Goonasekara CL, Gunasekera KM. (2022). In vitro anti dengue viral activity of Aegle marmelos (Beal) dried flower aqueous extract. International Research and Innovation symposium on dengue amidst the pandemic. Pg 72-73.
- Jayasignhesrachchi HS., Govindapala D.S., Nakkawita W.M.I.D., Premaratne P.H., Goonasekara C.L., Kawyangana D.G.P., Chathuranga K.W.T., Kulasekara U.S., De Silva A.D. (2021) Molecular Characterization and Phylogenetic Relationship of SARS-CoV-2 Strains Infecting a NAVY Cohort during the First Wave of the COVID-19 in Sri Lanka. 14th International Research Conference of Kotelawala Defence University, Colombo.
- Karunathilake A.T.A.D., Lasanthi N.P.D.S., Goonasekara C.L., Seneviratne S.S. (2021) Conservation of in-silico Predicted Epitopes of SARS-CoV-2 and Other Native Corona Viruses from Different Geographic Regions. 14th International Research Conference of Kotelawala Defence University, Colombo.
- Joseph J.D., Goonasekara C.L., Premaratne P.H. (2021) IgM and IgG variation in Dengue Patients suffering from Acute Dengue disease during COVID-19 Outbreak in the year 2020. Technological Advances in Science, Medicine and Engineering Conference 2021, Virtual.
- Jayasignhesrachchi HS., Govindapala D.S., Nakkawita W.M.I.D., Premaratne P.H., Goonasekara C.L., Jayasinghe J., Karunaratne M., Kawyangana D.G.P., Chathuranga K.W.T., Kulasekara U.S., De Silva A.D. (2020) Prospective study on the clinical characteristics, viral positivity and antibody response in an asymptomatic/ minimally symptomatic SARS-Cov-2 positive navy cohort in Sri Lanka, 13th International Research Conference of Kotelawala Defence University, Colombo.
- Nadugala M.N., Premaratne P.H., Goonasekara C.L. (2019). Immunogenicity of Dengue E-protein peptides modified with para-nitro phenylalanine. 27th FAOBMB & 44th MSBMB Conference, August 19-22, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Nadugala M.N, Jadi R.S., De Silva A.M., Premaratne P.H., C L. Goonasekara (2018) Viral neutralization potential of some conserved B-cell epitopes of dengue structural proteins. RNA viruses; Immunology, pathogenesis and translation opportunities, March 28-30, Faridabad, India.
- Pushpakumara P.D, Jeewandara C., Malavige G.N., Goonasekara C. L (2018) The correlation of pre-existing immunity to against JEV with severe dengue as measured by ELISA using JEV specific peptides. RNA viruses; Immunology, pathogenesis and translation opportunities, March 28-30, Faridabad, India.
- Nadugala M.N, Jadi R.S., De Silva A.M. Premaratne P.H., C L. Goonasekara. (2018) Viral neutralization potential of the conserved broadly immunogenic B-cell epitopes of dengue E ?protein against DENV4 serotype. 5th Annual Scientific Session of Sri Lanka Association for Laboraotory Animal Science, January 25-26, Colombo.
- Pallie M.S., Perera P.K., Gonasekara C.L., Kumarasinghe, K.M.N., Arawwawela M., (2018) Hypoglycaemic acitivty of Tragia involucrata Linn. On high fat diet induced hyperlipidemic rats. 7th YSF symposium, January 19, Wayamba University.
- Pallie M.S., Perera P.K., Gonasekara C.L., Kumarasinghe, K.M.N., Arawwawela M., (2017) Effect of hot water extact of Tragia involucrata L. on lipid profile in high fat diet STZ induced diabetic rats and normoglycaemic rats. 73nd Annual Session of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, Colombo.
- Pallie M.S., Perera P.K., Gonasekara C.L., Kumarasinghe, K.M.N., Arawwawela M., (2017) Evaluation of anti-diabetic activity of Tragia Involucrata in Streptozotozin induced diabetic rats. International Symposium on Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Colombo.
- Pushpakumara P.D, Jeewandara C., Malavige G.N., Goonasekara C. L. (2017) Identification of peptide markers for specific diagnosis of Japanese encephalitis. 10th International Research Conference of Kotelawala Defence University, Colombo.
- Nadugala M.N., Jeewandara C., Malavige G.N., Premaratne P.H., Goonasekara C. L. (2016) Immunogenecity of bioinformatially predicted linear epitopes of Premembrane (prM) protein of dengue. 9th International Research Conference of Kotelawala Defence University, Colombo.
- Nadugala M.N., Premaratne P.H., Pushpakumara P.D., Goonasekara C. L. (2015). Predicting potential linear B-cell epitopes on E Glycoprotein of Dengue virus through in-silico approaches. 64th Annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, USA.
http://www.abstractsonline.com/Plan/ViewAbstract.aspx?sKey=2e5199c4-aceb-4d61-8769-342586917c5a&cKey=95f7a42d-c45f-4681-8ac1-2af89cd6993f&mKey=%7bAB652FDF-0111-45C7-A5E5-0BA9D4AF5E12%7d - Pushpakumara P.D., Premaratne P.H., Nadugala M.N., Goonasekara C. L. (2015). Potential serotype and group specific B cell epitopes of dengue NS1 protein as identified by a bioinformatics approach. 64th Annual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, USA.
http://www.abstractsonline.com/Plan/ViewAbstract.aspx?sKey=2e5199c4-aceb-4d61-8769-342586917c5a&cKey=7091515b-c76a-42ce-8d6f-f5ae2cf8a173&mKey=ab652fdf-0111-45c7-a5e5-0ba9d4af5e12 - Heeley D., Goonasekara C. L., White H. (2015) The binding of S1A1-ADP to skeletal thin filament is insensitive to the presence of covalently bound phosphate in tropomyosin. 59th Annual meeting of Biophysical Society, Baltimore, USA.
http://www.cell.com/biophysj/fulltext/S0006-3495(14)04443-9 - Silva M.M., Seneviratne S.S., Weerakoon D.K., Goonasekera C.L. (2015) Daboia russelii venom neutralizing ability of a herbal preparation used in indigenous medicine in the wet zone of Sri Lanka. 2nd International conference of Traditional and Complementary medicine on Health, Taiwan.
- Nadugala M.N., Premaratne P.H., Goonasekara C. L. (2015) Potentialities of bioinformaticaly predicted linear B-cell epitopes on Dengue prM protein. 8th International Research Conference of Kotelawala Defence University, Colombo.
- Pushpakumara P.D., Premaratne P.H., Goonasekara C. L. (2015) Phylogenetic and conservation analysis of Dengue Non-structural protein 1. 8th International Research Conference of Kotelawala Defence University, Colombo.
- Pallie M.S., Perera P.K., Goonasekera C.L., Kumarasinghe K.M.N., Arawwawala L.D.A.M. (2015) Comparative study of Tragia involucrata L. and Tragia spp. by using preliminary standardization techniques. 8th International Research Conference of Kotelawala Defence University, Colombo.
- Silva M.M., Seneviratne S.S., Weerakoon D.K., Goonasekera C.L. (2015) Potential of an herbal preparation used in the indigenous medicine to neutralize Naja naja venom: Example from wet zone, Sri Lanka. 8th International Research Conference of Kotelawala Defence University, Colombo.
- Nadugala M.N. P.H.Premaratne and C. L.Goonasekara (2015). Characterization and Analysis of Dengue Capsid protein through computer applications. 71st Annual Session of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, Colombo.
- Silva M.M., Seneviratne S.S., Weerakoon D.K., Goonasekera C.L. (2015) A simplified version of ex ovo cultivation method of chicken embryos as a model for evaluating venom toxicity. 35th Annual Sessions of Institute of Biology, Colombo.
- Senarath K. D., Navaratne V., Wijayarathna C. D., Nagahawatte A., Alvitigala J, Goonasekara C. L. (2014) Validation of a molecular based low cost method for tuberculosis diagnosis in Sri Lanka. iPURSE annual sessions, Peradeniya.
- Goonasekara, C. L., Navaratne, V., Nagahawatte, A., Usgodaarachchi, B., Alvitigala, J. (2012) Validation of loop mediated isothermal amplification technique (LAMP) to diagnose Tuberculosis (TB) in Sri Lanka, KDU Annual symposium 2012, Colombo.
http://www.kdu.ac.lk/images/documents/symposium/symposium2012/papers/ms/mts/Validation-of-Loop-Mediated-Isothermal-Amplification-Technique_.pdf - Goonasekara, C. L., Dou, Y., Fedida, D. (2011) Rab4 and Rac1 regulate surface expression of Kir2.1 pottassium ion channel in cardiomyocytes. Galle medical association anual symposium.Goonasekara, C. L., (2011) Amino-terminal acetyl group of tropomyosin is a major determinant of thin filament assembly, which regulates muscle contraction, KDU Annual syposium, Colombo, p 92.
http://www.kdu.ac.lk/images/documents/symposium/symposium2011/symposiumoutcomes2011.pdf - Wang, T., Zadeh, A.D., Dou, Y., Goonasekara, C.L., Steele, D.F., Fedida, D. (2010) Efficient Biolistic Transfection of Fresh Adult Cardiac Myocytes with a Tagged Kv1.5 Channel. 54th Annual meeting of Biophysical Society, San Francisco, California.
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349509036339 - Cheng Y, Zadeh AD, Xu H, Wong NC, Wang Z, Goonasekara C, Steele DF, Fedida D (2010) The Role of Kinesin I and a Small Gtpase in the Forward Trafficking of Kv1.5 Channels, 54th Annual meeting of Biophysical Society, San Francisco, California.
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349509046748 - Goonasekara, C. L., Heeley, D. H. (2008) F-actin binding and regulatory properties of an amino-terminally truncated tropomyosin. 52nd Annual meeting of Biophysical Society, Long Beach, California.
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006349508790258 - Goonasekara, C. L., Jackman, D., Heeley, D. H. (2007) An amino terminally truncated tropomyosin. 51st Annual meeting of Biophysical Society, Baltimore.
- Goonasekara, C. L., Martin, G. R., Heeley, D. H. (2006) Analysis of the conformational stability of a tropomyosin isoform from a cold water fish. 50th Annual meeting of Biophysical Society, Salt Lake city.
- Goonasekara, C. L., Gallivan, L., Heeley, D. H. (2005) Investigation of the interaction between tropomyosin and troponin, 6th European Symposium of the Protein Society, Barcelona.
- Goonasekara, C. L., Ratnasooriya, W. D., Deraniyagala, S. A. (2002) Effect of aqueous extract of Barringtonia racemosa on nociception in rats, 58th Annual sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, Colombo, p144.
Unpublished Thesis
- Structure function and the sequence heterogeneity of tropomyosin from the striated muscle, 2008, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada.
- Research Interests
Research Interests
- Molecular diagnostics and treatments for infectious diseases, natural products chemistry
- Editorial Work
Editorial Work
- Editor to the Abstract book of 8th International Research Conference ? KDU
- Editor to the Proceedings of of 8th International Research Conference ? KDU
- Graduate Supervision
Graduate Supervision
- Ms. Jayani Hadagala ? Mphil - ongoing from 2022
- Ms. Hemali Attanayake ? Mphil ? ongoing from 2017
Project ? Establishing a novel method for detecting genetic material Loop mediated isothermal amplification assays for dengue virus and Chlamydia trachomatis - Ms. Kalani Jayasekara ? Mphil ? ongoing from 2017
Project ? Anti-Dengue viral activity in a few selected plants used in Sri Lankan traditional medicine. - Mr. Pradeep Dharshana ? PhD ? ongoing from 2015
Project ? Effect of preexisting immunity to JEV on the severity of dengue disease. - Ms. Mahesha Nadugala ? PhD ? ongoing from 2014.
Project ? Development of vaccine candidates with a broadly reactive neutralizing immune response against dengue. - Dr. Mumtaz Shifa Pallie ? PhD ? ongoing from 2014.
Project ? Identification of chemical fractions of Tragia involucrata L. and the effect on hyperglycaemic subjects. - Ms. Bhagya Usgodaarachchi ? MSc with 1 year research ? completed.
Project ? Validation of Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification Technique (LAMP) to Diagnose Tuberculosis (TB) in Sri Lanka. - Ms. Kanishka Senarath ? BSc honors undergraduate with 1 year research ? completed.
Project ? Determination of fast and cost effective methods for TB diagnosis suitable for Sri Lankan Settings. - Maj. Prabath Karunaratne ? MSc with 1 year research ? completed.
- Sqn Ldr Niroshan Kumarasinghe? MSc with 1 year research ? completed in 2016 ? Main supervisor
- Ms. Madushika Silva ? BSc honors undergraduate with 1 year research ? completed.
Project ? Snake venom neutralization activity of a herbal preparation used in indigenous medicine.
- Awards & Grants
Awards & Grants
- First Prize in Oral Presentation at the 32nd Annual Scientific Sessions of the Association of Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists in 2023.
- Dr Palasuntherum Prize for the oral presentation presented at the 32nd Annual Scientific Sessions of Association of Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists in 2023.
- Best Oral presentation for the paper presented at the medical session of the 13th International Research Conference of KDU in 2022.
- Research Excellence Awards 2020 ? for significant contribution to research in the years 2018, 2019 & 2020.
- KDU Research Grant 2021 ? Co Investigator ? Rs 2,000,000.00.
- KDU Research Grant 2020 ? Principal Investigator ? Rs 1,000,000.00.
- KDU Research Grant 2020 ? Co investigator ? Rs 2,000,000.00.
- University of Sri Jayawardenapura Research grant (2016) ? Co investigator ? Rs. 2,005,500.00
- Awardee of NSF Competitive Research Grant (2015)-Principal Investigator- Rs 3,325,000.00
- University of Sri Jayawardenapura Research grant (2015) ? Co investigator ? Rs. 1,550,245.00
- Awardee of NSF Competitive Research Grant (2014)-Principal Investigator- Rs 2,440,000.00
- Awardee of NSF IPSAT Fellow (2014) ?US $ 7164.10
- UGC Grant for Postgraduate studies (2014) ? Co Supervisor ? Rs. 3,000,000
- Awardee of KDU Research Grant (2011) Principal Investigator ? Rs.400,000.00
- Presidential awards for research published in year 2005 (2010).
- Presidential awards for research published in year 2003 (2010).
- Barrowman travel award in biochemistry, Memorial University (2007/08).
- Barrowman travel award in biochemistry, Memorial University (2005/06).
- Fellowship, School of Graduate Studies, Memorial University (2003-2007).
- Gulamhusein A.J. Noorbhai gold medal for the most outstanding student in biochemistry and molecular biology, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka (2002).
- Gold medal winner for the Stanley Wijesundera Memorial Award for the best result in biochemistry and molecular biology, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka (2002).
- Studentship in Biological Sciences, for the best result in the first year examination of the B.Sc. Degree, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka (1999-2002).
- Involvement with other Organizations
Involvement with other Organizations
- Member in Society of Allergy and Immunology of Sri Lanka.
- Member Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS)
- Research collaborations with
- St. John?s research Institute, Bangalore, India.
- Dengue Research Centre, University of Sri Jayawardenepura
- Prof Aravinda de Silva lab, University of North Carolina, USA
- Executive & Other Positions on Boards
Executive & Other Positions on Boards
- Chairperson (2018), Committee for Promoting Science (CPS) of SLAAS
- President-elect, Section D of SLAAS (2018).
- Member, Section D of SLAAS. (since 2017)
- Member (since 2015) and Vice President (2017) ? CPS-SLAAS.
- Other Responsibilities
Other Responsibilities
- Dean Faculty of Graduate Studies (Since May 2023).
- Dean Research and development, General Sir John Kotelawala Defense University (KDU), Sri Lanka (Oct 2019 ? to May 2023).
- Actg Dea Research and development, General Sir John Kotelawala Defense University (KDU), Sri Lanka (since May 2023 to Nov 2024).
- Member of Board of studies (FGS) ? Medicine and biomedical sciences (since 2018)
- Head of the Department ? Preclinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine (2017-2020)
- Chairperson ? 8th International Research Conference ? KDU - 2015
- Head-Biochemistry, Dept. of Pre-clinical studies, Faculty of Medicine, KDU. From 2012- 2015
- In-charge-Research Laboratory since 2012
- Committee member ? KDU-CARE project since 2013-2016
- Member, Research and Higher Degrees committee, Faculty of Medicine, KDU. Since 2012
- Academic mentor for the undergraduate students of Faculy of Medicine.
- Mentor for the Guna-nena-diriya web-based online mentoring programme for Sri Lankan students. (http://www.gunanenadiriya.lk/node/1). (2010 ? 2012).
- Patents
- National Patent LK/P/1/19832 ? An epitope-based vaccine target with viral neutralization potential for dengue disease. (pending)
- National Patent LK/P/1/19833 ? A diagnostic marker for specific identification of the four dengue viruses. (pending)