- MBBS (Col)
- Dip in Pathology
- MD Path (Histopathology)

Dr. IHS Kumarasinghe
MBBS (Col), Dip in Pathology, MD Path (Histopathology)
Senior Lecturer Gr I in Pathology
- Qualifications
- Teaching Areas
Teaching Areas
- Histopathology
- Cytopathology
- Research Interests
Research Interests
- Breast pathology
- Gynaecological pathology
- Gastro intestinal pathology
- Publications
- Jayasekera, M.M.P.T., Govindapala, B.G.D.S., Samarawickrama, T., Munasinghe, T.M.J., Karunarathna, T.A.S.L., Kumarasinghe, I.H.S. and Wijesinghe, R.A.N.K., 2021. Lepromatous leprosy mimicking systemic lupus erythematosus. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians. 2021;52(1):49–52.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/jccp.v52i1.7930 - Thudawage V S, Nakkawitta W M I D, Kumarasinghe I H S, Pathirage MVS et al. Actinomycosis in the oropharynx. Sri lanka College of Microbiologists Bulletin 19(1) August 2021. Page 26.
- Ekanayake CD, Dissanayake D, Kumarasinghe I. Ovarain cystadenofibroma: Towards a preoperative diagnosis. Sri Lanka Journal of Menopause.2021;2(2):22-25.
- Kumarasinghe I H S, Wickramarachchi R E. Adenocarcinoma of the urinary bladder : A diagnostic dilemma. Proceedings of the 14th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, 2021. 301.
- Kumareasinghe I H S, Jayalath H. Retromolar Monophasic Synovial Sarcoma: A Rare Entity. Proceedings of the 14th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, 2021. 237.
- Thudawage V S, Nakkawitta W M I D, Kumarasinghe I H S, Pathirage MVS et al. Unusual Presentation of Actinomycosis in Oropharynx: A Case Report. Proceedings of the 14th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, 2021. 80.
- Kumarasinghe I H S, Kathriarachchi K, Ekanayake C D. A pedunculated leiomyoma within an ovarian endometriotic cyst. Proceedings of the 14th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka, 2021. 241.
- Ekanayake CD, Munasinghe N, Kumarasinghe I, Rasnayake S. Elevated CA 125 level in a mucinous cystadenoma and a teratoma: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2020 Sep 3;14(1):141. doi: 10.1186/s13256-020-02458-x. PMID: 32878645; PMCID: PMC7469355.
- Karunathilake CDMP, Fernando MSM, Kavindi KGW, Rathmnayake RMSST, Kumara KPCSP, Senevirathna DMMD, Kumarasinghe IHS. Knowledge and attitudes regarding oral cancer and self examination of the mouth and risk assessment for oral cancer in individuals above 30 years of age in Divisional Secretariat of Kesbewa. Proceedings of the Second Research Symposium of the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka 2019. PP14.
- Teaching Ethics to Medical Students at the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University. Presented at the Workshop and Symposium on teaching Bioethics to Undergraduate medical Students in Sri Lanka. Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya. April 2018.
- Fernando K, Jayasekera K, Warushahennadi J, Kumarasinghe I, Weerakoon K, Kularatne SAM. Intentional ingestion of Stryshnos Nux-vomica Seeds Causing Severe Muscle Spasms and Cardiac Arrest: A Postmortem Report. Wilderness and Enviromenal Medicine, 2015 Mar; 26(1):101-2. DOI: 10.1016/j.wem.2014.08.006.
- Kumarasinghe I H S. Perera N, Priyani A A H. Does primary tumour size predict the number of tumour positive axillary lymph nodes in patients with breast cancer? Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions. College of Pathologists of Sri Lanka, 2012. PP10.
- Jayasekera, M.M.P.T., Govindapala, B.G.D.S., Samarawickrama, T., Munasinghe, T.M.J., Karunarathna, T.A.S.L., Kumarasinghe, I.H.S. and Wijesinghe, R.A.N.K., 2021. Lepromatous leprosy mimicking systemic lupus erythematosus. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians. 2021;52(1):49–52.
- Research grants
Research grants
- Co-investigator of the KDU Research Grant – Grant No : KDU/RG/2020/FOM/001
- Positions Held
Positions Held
- Head, Pathology, FOM, KDU – 2014 February to 2022 February
- Secretary, Ethical Review Committee, FOM, KDU – 2015 to 2019
- Head, Department of Paraclinical Sciences, FOM, KDU – May 2020 to date
- Head, Department of Pathology, UH KDU – June 2020 to date
- Head, Division of Histopathology, UH KDU – June 2020 to date
- Head, Division of Haematology, UH KDU – June 2020 to 2021
- In charge, Multi disciplinary Museum, FOM, KDU – 2014 to date
- Involvement with other Organizations
Involvement with other Organizations
- Life member SLMA
- Life member Sri Lanka College of Pathologists