- MBBS (1st Class Hons)
- PhD (Cantab)
- CCT (UK)

Prof. Pandula Athauda-arachchi
Professor in Pharmacology
Head of Department - Para Clinical Sciences
Subject Head – Pharmacology | Clinical Lead- BE Studies KDU/UHKDU | Head-Interventional Cardiology & International TAVI Proctor, Durdans HC
Subject Head – Pharmacology | Clinical Lead- BE Studies KDU/UHKDU | Head-Interventional Cardiology & International TAVI Proctor, Durdans HC
- Qualifications
- Teaching Areas
Teaching Areas
Cardiovascular medicine and Therapeutics, Clinical Pharmacology, Interventional Cardiology
- Research Interests
Research Interests
- Interventional Cardiology, Cardiovascular therapeutics and pharmacology, Transcatheter heart valve therapies, advanced coronary interventions, Autologous Stem cell based research/ biomedical engineering, cardiovascular physiology
- Research & Publications
Research & Publications
- P.M. Athauda Arachchi, Stem Cell Manipulation with Plasmid-Based Transcription Factor Over-Expression Systems to Successfully Generate Pre-Specified Cells Fates in-vitro; Proof of Concept of in-vitro Stem Cell Fate Reprogramming Using cDNA Vectors, Proceedings of KDU International Research Conference of 2022
- Pandula Athaudarachchi, Intracoronary Transplantation of Autologous Haematopoietic Stem Cells in Ischaemic End-Stage Left Ventricular Failure, KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies 2022
- Pandula Athaudarachchi, Sujeeka Theannilawu, Mitigation of cardiac death risk in a subset of patients with late presenting ST elevation myocardial infarction with preserved or mild Left Ventricular systolic dysfunction … Sri Lanka Journal of Cardiology 2022
- Pandula Athaudaarachchi, S Theannilawu, P Kiribamuna, M Jayanetti Cardiac cathlab procedure patterns in elderly patients, pre and post covid pandemic : experience in a tertiary level cardiac centre. Sri Lanka Journal of Cardiology 2022
- S. Athauda Arachchi, P.M., Yahampath, N. and Rajapakse A Unique Challenge in Management in the Emergency Department and Cardiac Cathlab: Case Review of Two Subjects with Kounis Syndrome Complicated with ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Ventricular Tachycardia, Following Exposure to Cutaneous or Intravenous Allergens. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine 2022
- Pandula Athauda Arachchi, Madhur Malik, Kesava Dev, Case report: Unruptured sinus of Valsalva aneurysms – Multimodality imaging correlation helps determine indications and approaches for repair 2022
- P.M. Athauda Arachchi, Under-deployed TAVI with occluded Left main and severe aortic regurgitation; Bailout chimney-in-chimney stenting & aggressive post-dilatation saves the day 2022
- Athauda-arachchi, P. et al. Analysis of the Utility of JCTO Score in Real Life Chronic Total Occlusion (CTO) PCI Revascularization in Sri Lanka- Insights from a Two-year Single centre, Single Operator Study. Sri Lanka Journal of Cardiology June 2021: 4 (2), 35-40
- Athauda-arachchi, P. Advanced interventional cardiac procedures and perioperative care required to prevent the epidemic of end-stage heart disease in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Medicine, 28(1), pp.54–60
- Athauda-arachchi, P. Challenges of a Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in a calcified Bicuspid aortic valve – the 1st experience in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Journal of Cardiology June 2019: 1 (3), 105-107
- Athauda-arachchi, P. 5 year outcome of double rotablation of unprotected leftmain/LAD/Lcx with culotte stenting in an 84 year old female- seeing beyond the Syntax scores in real world patients. Sri Lanka Journal of Cardiology June 2019: 1 (3), 127-129
- Athauda-arachchi, P M and Hutcheon S D. Assessing the implications of implementing the NICE guideline 95 for evaluation of stable chest pain of recent onset: a single centre experience. Scott Med J. 2013 Feb;58(1):12-5.
- Athauda-arachchi, P. and Dorman, S. (2012). Retention and fracture of a hydrophilic radial artery sheath due to severe spasm: an uncommon radial artery complication occurring after coronary angiography. Interventional Cardiology, Future Medicine. February 2012, Vol. 4, No. 1, Pages 57-60.
- Athauda-arachchi, P., Mordi, I., Koch, S., Tzemos, N. Anomalous pulmonary venous drainage: chest radiography and cardiac imaging Postgrad. Med. J. 2013;0:postgradmedj-2012-131469v-postgradmedj-2012-131469.
- Athauda-arachchi, P. and Lang, C. Metabolic Antianginal Agent Ranolazine Offers Good Symptom Relief in a Patient with Inoperable Severe Aortic Stenosis. Cardiovascular Therapeutics. 25th May 2011. 30 (4): e210-e211
- Athauda-arachchi P M and Christopher Lang. ECGs and assessing patients with severe chest pain. Cardiology News. April/May 2012.
- Athauda-arachchi P M, Jenkins G, Smith D. “New aggressive ostial left main stem disease following PCI to LAD, requiring further emergency PCI within 3 months »EuroPCR Paris- 2012- abstract and clinical case presentation.
- Athauda-arachchi P M, Elder D, Guntur P, Tzemos N. Cardiac Imaging Conundrum Resolved by Clinical Examination. BJC Arrhythmia Watch, 2012.
- Athauda-arachchi P.M. PhD dissertation: “Analysis of the effect of fate determining transcription factors on the terminal differentiation of stem cell populations”. Archives- Library of University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2010.
- Joannides A and Athaud-arachchi P et al. A scaleable and defined system for generating neural stem cells from human embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells. 2007 Mar;25(3):731-7.
- Athauda-arachchi P, Kularatne W, Jayatillake M.M et al. Utility of intracoronary injection of peripherally derived bone marrow stem cells to treat a patient with severe symptomatic ischemic left ventricular failure, as a bridge to future revascularization with Rotablation and PCI (e-abstract TCT 2018 number 1674), San Diego, CA, USA.
- Athauda-arachchi P, Unprotected left main Rotablation and bifurcation stenting in octogenarian female (e-abstract) , Euro PCR 2015, Paris, France.
- National Oration :Kandy Society of Medicine 2019- Selected annual oration : “Advanced interventional cardiac procedures and perioperative care required to prevent the epidemic of end-stage heart disease in Sri Lanka”
- EuroPCR Cardiology Summit; Paris, France- 2012- Presentation–“Aggressive ostial Leftmain disease post PCI”
- GulfPCR Cardiology Summit, Dubai, UAE. Nov 2014-Oral Presentation & Abstract- Tackling calcific coronaries during Primary PCI
- Lumen STEMI Global Cardiology Summit- Bangkok Jan 2015-Country representation and Oral Presentation
- AsiaPCR Cardiology Summit, Singapore Jan 2015 - Oral Presentation & Abstract-Tools to tackle complex coronary disease during PPCI: Utility of laser…
- EuroPCR Cardiology Summit, Paris, France- May 2015-Oral Presentation &Abstract- Unprotected LM rotablation and bifurcation stenting in octogenerian female
- AsiaPCR 2016-Presentation on Successful rotablation and PCI to unprotected calcific LMS to LAD in octogenarian…
- AsiaPCR 2017- Guest International Faculty-Oral Presentation-Predictors and procedural of challenging calcified lesions.
- AsiaPCR 2017- Guest International Faculty-Oral Presentation- intracoronary Imaging
- National Heart Foundation- Bangladesh, Invited international Faculty and Speaker ”PCI in Vein Grafts”-National Heart Foundation Conference on Cardiovascular Diseases 2017 Dhaka.
- India Valves summit , New Delhi , India 2017 July, Experts Panel- session 6,11
- AsiaPCR 2018- Guest International Faculty & moderator
- Complex Cardiovascular Therapeutics- 2017- Kobe, Japan- International Faculty and commentator
- Transcatheter Therapeutics (TCT) Cardiology Summit- San Diego, USA- Presenter- Challenging Cases
- SingLive 2019- Complex PCI and TAVI sharing International Faculty
- AICT-AsiaPCR 2019 Cardiology sessions- Plenary session speaker – Topic “Complex Left Main and RCA PCI in a single setting in Tortuous coronaries”
- AICT-AsiaPCR 2019 Cardiology sessions- Large and small of PCI- treating the outliers
- AICT-AsiaPCR 2019 Cardiology : Complex PCI sessions Cases and Abstract corner- Speaker :”When rotablation fails CrossBoss assisted Ostial calcific LAD CTO PCI saves the day”
- India Valves 2019 and 2017- Inaugural session – international Guest Speaker
- India & South Asia High Bleeding Risk Summit 27th June 2020- Speaker-International Webinar-Topic “High Risk PTCA in patients with requirement for Warfarin and complex cardiac history, need for rapid healing deliverable drug eluting stents”.
- US-Asia Symposium- Virtual Conference PCI-Speaker- 12 July 2020- Topic “Intracoronary Imaging and Physiology-What have we been missing in PCI” (on Optical Coherence tomography and Fractional Flow reserve)
- Bangladesh interventional therapy society (BIT) and Bangladesh National Heart Foundation meetings- International expert faculty- 2021/2018
- Society of Critical Care medicine 2014- guest lecture: Acute coronary syndromes and management
- CME teaching programme-Initiation of lecture series- Durdans Hospital, Colombo. Treatment of acute heart attacks /IHD and valvular heart disease – role of interventional cardiology
- Kandy Society of Medicine – Post Graduate CME Lectures @ Teaching hospital Kandy, – Advances in interventional cardiology and managing cardiac emergencies 2014
- Hantana Clinical Society, Teaching hospital, University of Peradeniya. – Invited Guest lecture -Application of interventional cardiology in treating coronary heart disease 2015
- Independent Medical Practitioners Society Sri Lanka, annual sessions, invited lecture 2015.
- Civil Aviation Authority – Presentation on Cardiovascular Disease & Advancements in interventional cardiology and therapeutics. 2019.
- University of Peradeniya, Golden Jubilee Celebrations, Invited Guest of Honour, Plenary Lecture on Non communicable diseases-Advances in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and stem cell therapies to prevent/treat myocardial dysfunction due to acute Myocardial Infarction- 2012
Other Publications
- Local newspapers and magazines- many articles on cardiovascular medicines
- Nugasevana, Chanel D, Nethra TV -presentations on Cardiovascular therapeutics
- Involvement with other Organizations
Involvement with other Organizations
- Fellow- Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh , UK
- Fellow- Royal College of Physicians, Glasgow, UK
- Fellow- European Society of Cardiology
- Life member- Sri Lanka College of Cardiology
- Sri Lanka Medical Association- resource person
- Life member- Kandy Society of Medicine
- Member of British Cardiac Society
- Member of Heart Rhythm UK
- Member of Scottish Cardiac Society
- Visiting Senior interventional Cardiologist- Durdans Heart Centre Colombo.
- Awards & Grants
Awards & Grants
- First Class Honors at all undergraduate exams (MBBS (SL), 11 Subject Distinctions, 18 University Gold medals and Awards for best performances.
- Recipient of Gates-Cambridge International Scholarship (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Recipient of Overseas Research Students Scholarship (UK)
- Fellowship in Interventional Cardiology (UK)
- Recipient of Cardiologists of Tomorrow Award (European Society of Cardiology)
- Other
- Clinical PI for Bioequivalence studies KDU/UHKDU