Programme Details

Laboratory Electives Programme

What is Laboratory Elective

The laboratory elective is for the overseas medical students who are interested in research. They will have opportunities to carryout research projects in a relevant field under the supervision of the academics at KDU. A research report is to be prepared and submitted at the completion of their research project.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Medical student of a foreign university (2nd year onwards)
  • Research experience is not necessary, but they must have a good idea of the type of work they want to do and a short proposal must be submitted and approved by the "Electives Committee"
  • ERC approval letter for the research project (to be obtained before arrival)

Documents to be produced by the students

  • letter from university/medical school supporting the student’s time away for that specific time (Eg. 3 months from XX.05.2022 to XX.08.2022)
  • CV highlighting any research experience and why they are interested in this experience.

Time of year to apply for research elective

  • Throughout the year, provided the KDU supervisor is willing to take the student

No. of students in a group /no. Of available slots

  • At the discretion of the head of department and the supervisor/s who are willing to take a research student

Duration of clinical attachment

  • Minimum 1 month and maximum 1 year with special permission.


  • USD 50/wk ($200 per month) + consumables cost based on the final budget as discussed with Sri Lankan supervisor

Letter awarded at the end

  • A letter stating the duration and the research areas covered during the attachment will be given at the end of successful completion
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