Programme Details

Public Health Elective Programme

What is Public Health Elective

The public health attachment is a practical appointment which would give an exposure to the preventive sector functions. It would focus on providing work-setting based education for the undergraduates. It will be an appointment equivalent to clinical appointments at the hospital in medical education principles. They will gain insight into the preventive healthcare system in Sri Lanka which includes Epidemiology Unit, Family Health Bureau and the Ministry of Health

Eligibility Criteria

  • MMedical students studying in foreign medical schools and have completed 2nd MBBS or equivalent
  • oEnrolled in a degree programme /employed in a Public Health (PH) relevant field (This would be decided case by case )

Documents to be produced by the students

  • Letter by the dean of medical school/university confirming their studentship and completion of 2nd MBBS(in case of medical students)
  • Complete CV

Time of the year to apply

  • Throughout the year

No. of students in a group/no. of available slots

  • 5 slots per year

Duration of clinical attachment

  • minimum duration 1 week
  • maximum duration 2 weeks


  • USD 50/week

Letter awarded at the end

  • A letter stating the duration and the areas covered during the attachment will be given at the end of successful completion
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