- MD
- DMJ (London)
- FRCP (London)
- RCP (Glasgow)
- FRCP (Edinburgh)
- FRCPath (UK)

Snr. Professor PR Fernando
MBBS, MD, FCCP, FCGP, DMJ (London), FRCP (London), RCP (Glasgow), FRCP (Edinburgh), FRCPath (UK)
Senior Professor in Forensic Medicine
- Qualifications
- Research Interests
Research Interests
- Forensic medicine
- Toxicology
- Ethics
- Teaching Areas
Teaching Areas
- Forensic Medicine
- Awards & Grants
Awards & Grants
- Commonwealth Scholarship under the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan tenable in the United Kingdom for postgraduate training in Forensic Medicine, October 1979 – September 1981
- WHO Fellowship on ‘Medical Education’ tenable in Singapore for 3 months, 1989
- WHO Fellowship on ‘Management of Poisoning’ tenable in The Philippines for 10 days, 2004
- Sri Lanka Jaycees “Outstanding Young Persons Award for Social Medicine,” 1987.
- Lion’s “Most Outstanding Citizen’s Award for Medicine and Health Care,” 1998.
- President’s Award for Excellence in Research, 1999, 2002 and 2015.
- Award of Excellence “For the Efforts in Prevention of Drug Abuse and Support to NGOs in Sri Lanka,” presented at the 20th International Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for the Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse (IFNGO) held in Colombo, 2003.
- Apex award of the Organization of Professional Associations for “Health and Medical Service“ 2016
- Publications
Publications in Journals and Papers Presented at Scientific Meetings
- “Acute Poisoning” Ceylon Medical Journal 1977; 22: 90-93.
- “Some epidemiological aspects of poisoning” (with Professor N. Kodagoda). Proceedings of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, December 1977, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- “Attempted homicide with arsenic” Clinical Toxicology 1979;14: 575-577.
- “Examination and reporting of victims of assault to Police and Courts in Sri Lanka” (with Professor H.V.J. Fernando). Tenth Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences, Oxford, England, September 1984. Journal of Forensic Science Society, 1984;24: 397.
- “Sudden natural death – comparative analysis of Pathology in Sri Lanka and England”. Proceedings of the 98th Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 1985, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- “Gluten sensitive enteropathy in a patient with dermatitis herpetiformis” (with D.G. Harendra de Silva, Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna, Galle and W. Chularatne, Consultant Dermatologist, Teaching Hospital, Galle). Ceylon Medical Journal 1985; 30: 183-185.
- “Social and medico-legal aspects of restrictive laws on termination of pregnancy in Sri Lanka”. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1986 – 87;13: 110-112.
- “An unusual case of fatal accidental paraquat poisoning” (with D.G. Harendra de Silva and T.S.D. Amarasena, Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna). Forensic Science International, 1990; 44: 23-26.
- “Respiratory failure from severe organophosphate toxicity due to absorption through the skin” (with J.B. Peiris and Kusum de Abrew, Institute of Neurology, General Hospital, Colombo). Forensic Science International 1988;36: 251-253.
- “Sudden unexpected death due to familial hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy”. Forensic Science International 1990;46:285-288.
- “A National Poisons Information Service for Sri Lanka”. Veterinary and Human Toxicology 1987; 29 (suppl.2): 2-3.
- “Non-accidental injury to children – report of a fatal case in Sri Lanka” (with Professor Priyani Soysa and Professor J.C. Nanayakkara). Ceylon Medical Journal 1986; 31: 193-196.
- “Medical certification of cause of death in the General Hospital, Colombo”. Ceylon Medical Journal 1990; 35: 71-74.
- “Alopecia totalis due to arsenic poisoning” (with Dr. C.N. Wijeyaratna, Dr. S.R. Jayatilleke, Dr. M.H.R. Sheriff and Professor K. Dharmadasa). Proceedings of the Centenary Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 1987, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- “An unusual type of traffic fatality in passengers in private buses” (with Dr. Sydney Premathiratne). Proceedings of the Centenary Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 1987, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- “The first kidney transplantation in Sri Lanka” (with Dr. Rezvi Sheriff et al.). Ceylon Medical Journal 1987; 32:15-34.
- “Plant poisoning in Sri Lanka”. In: “Progress in Venom and Toxin Research” Editors: P.Gopalakrishnakone and C.K.Tan, National University of Singapore, November 1987: 624-627.
- “Poisoning – emerging trends in Sri Lanka”. Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association of Community Medicine, 14th February 1988.
- “Poisoning in Sri Lanka”. Editorial. Ceylon Medical Journal 1988; 33: 39-41.
- “Effects of agro-chemicals on human body”. In “Use of Pesticides and Health Hazards in the Plantation Sector”, Published by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Colombo, 1988. ISBN 955-607-000-1
- “Medico-legal aspects of kidney transplantation”. The Law Commission Bulletin 1988; 9: 23-27.
- “Preventable acute organophosphate poisoning deaths”. Ceylon Medical Journal 1989; 34: 139-142.
- “A prospective study of acute poisoning at the Lady Ridgeway Hospital for Children” (with Dr. G.N. Lucas, Consultant Paediatrician Lady Ridgeway Hospital, Colombo). Proceedings of the 102nd Anniversary Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, 1989, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- “The first year of the National Poisons Information Centre of Sri Lanka”. Proceedings of the 102nd Anniversary Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, 1989, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- “The Poison Centre of Colombo”. Journal de Toxicologie Clinique et Experimentale, 1989; 9: 144-146.
- “Suicide by electrocution” (with S. Liyanage). Medicine, Science and the Law 1990; 30: 219-220.
- “National Poisons Information Centre in a Developing Asian Country – The First Years Experience”. Human and Experimental Toxicology 1990; 9: 161-163.
- “Setting Up a Poisons Information Service – Experience in Asia.” Proceedings of the First Malaysian/Asian International Meeting and Workshop on Prevention and Management of Poisoning by Toxic Substances, 1989.
- “Health Status of Tea Pluckers in Sri Lanka”, (Sir Marcus Fernando Oration of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, 1990). Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 1995; 28: 100-108.
- “Poisoning with Plants and Mushrooms in Sri Lanka: A Retrospective Hospital Based Study.” Veterinary & Human Toxicology, 1990; 32: 578 – 581.
- “Contraception, pregnancy loss and child survival in the plantation sector.” Proceedings of the Seminar on “Family planning research and emerging issues for the nineties”, 15th-17th June 1990, Colombo.
- “Preliminary observations on faunal succession (Cyclorrhapa) of animal and human corpses in Sri Lanka” (with S. Liyanage et al.). Annual Sessions of the Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka, 1991.
- “Acute Poisoning: A Major Health Concern in Sri Lanka” (with Prof. Dulitha Fernando). Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 1991; 5: 297-301.
- “Accidental disc battery ingestion.” Ceylon Medical Journal 1992; 37: 53-54.
- “The role of the medical expert in medical negligence cases.” Proceedings of LAWASIA ’93 12th-16th September 1993, Colombo.
- “Plants used for suicidal purposes”. Proceedings of Symposium on “Plant Poisons”, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, UK. 24th February 1994.
- “Estimation of time elapsed since death of a corpse using entomological methods – I. Succession of the species of sarcosaprophagous flies on carcasses in different areas of Sri Lanka” (with S. Liyanage, N. Kodagoda and W.A. Samarawickrama). Proceedings of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. 51st Annual Sessions, November 1995.
- “Estimation of time elapsed since death of a corpse using entomological methods – II. Duration of the immature stages of Ch. rufifacies and Ch. megacephala and the application of the data to estimate the time of death of 6 human cases” (with S. Liyanage, N. Kodagoda and W.A. Samarawickrama). Proceedings of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. 51st Annual Sessions, November 1995.
- “Childhood Poisoning in Sri Lanka” (with Prof. Dulitha Fernando). Indian Journal of Paediatrics, 1997; 64: 17-19.
- “Application of Entomology in Forensic Science in Sri Lanka” (with S. Liyanage, N. Kodagoda and W.A. Samarawickrama). Proceedings of the 14th Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Science, Dublin, 1997. Accepted for publication in Forensic Science International.
- “Olinda Keliya- a fatal kids’ game” (with Dr. S. Wijeratna et al). Proceedings of the Scientific Sessions of the Ceylon College of Paediatricians, July, 1997.
- “Poison Control Centre in Sri Lanka: Highlights and Experiences” In: Essentials of Clinical Toxicology. Ed: Prof. S.B. Lall. Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. 1998: 275 – 279.
- “Medico-legal Aspects of The Thai Air Bus Crash near Kathmandu, Nepal” (with Prof. Peter Vanezis). The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 1998; 19 (2): 169 – 173.
- “Toluene di-isocyanate exposure in a glove manufacturing plant” (with Dr. S.H. Siribaddana and Dr. Anula Wijesundera). Clinical Toxicology. 1998; 361(1&2): 95-98.
- “Homicidal poisoning with Glibenclamide” Medicine, Science and the Law, 1999; 39: 354-358.
- “Chronic occupational poisoning”. In Occupational Health: A Handbook for Doctors. Published by the Department of Community Medicine, University of Colombo, 1998; 80 – 84.
- “Prevention of non-communicable diseases – challenges in the next century” (Presidential address of the Ceylon College of Physicians 1998). Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians 1999; 32: 9-18
- “A study of forensically important Sarcosaprophagous fly species recovered from human corpses in Sri Lanka” (with J.A.S. Liyanage and W.A. Samarawikrema). Proceedings of the International Association of Forensic Sciences Meeting, 22 – 28 August 1999, Los Angeles, USA.
- “Poisoning: Dissemination of life saving information – Activities and Experience Over a Decade” (Murugesar Sinnatamby Oration of the Sri Lanka Medical Association 1998).
- “National Poisons Information Centre in Sri Lanka – Experience of the First Ten Years”, Proceedings of the “20th International Congress of European Association of Poisons Centres and Clinical Toxicologists”, 2 – 5 May 2000, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- “Torture, Disappearances and Death in Custody in the Civil War Situation in Sri Lanka”. Proceedings of the 7th Indo-Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia. 16 – 21 September 2001.
- “Deficiencies in the English Coroner System, as practised in a Former British Colony”. Proceedings of the 7th Indo-Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia. 16 – 21 September 2001.
- “Medical Negligence – The Sri Lankan Scene”, E.M. Wijerama Endowment Lecture of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, 16th November 2001, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- “Human Rights, Torture and Death in Custody in Sri Lanka”. Medico-Legal Society Oration, 9th August 2002.
- “The National Poisons Information Centre in Sri Lanka: The First Ten years”. Clinical Toxicology, 2002; 40(5): 551-555
- “Pesticide poisoning in the developing world – a minimum pesticides list” (with M. Eddleston et al). The Lancet, 2002; 360: 1163-1167.
- “Landmark Case of Medical Negligence in Sri Lanka”, Ceylon Medical Journal, 2002.
- “Pesticide Exposure in Sri Lanka”, In: “Silent Invaders – Pesticides, Livelihoods and Women’s Health” Edited by Miriam Jacobs and Barbara Dinham. Published by Zed Books, London, UK, 2002
- “Toxicological analysis of body fluids and samples in Sri Lanka”, Proceedings of the 116th Anniversary Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, 2003, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- “A Study of the Investigation of Death (Coroner System) in Sri Lanka”, Medicine, Science and the Law, 2003; 43(3) 236-240.
- “Poisoning in Sri Lanka – The Past, Present and the Future”. Presidential address, Sri Lanka Medical Association, January 2004.
- “Unsuspected Meningoencephalitis in a Case of Assault by Blunt Force Trauma.” (with Marjorie Black, David Graham and David Kean) The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology. 2003; 24(4): 356
- “Development and implementation of a web-based Poison Information Service PIS)”, (with Dr. S. P. Premaratna and Dr. D. S. Gunaratna). Proceedings of the 117th Anniversary Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, 2004 Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- “Human rights, torture and deaths in custody in Sri Lanka”; In “50 Years of Excellence – Ranjith Abeysuriya P.C.” Ed: Thanuja Rodrigo. Published by Rasa Publication, Colombo, Sri Lanka 2005.
- “A study of victims of Road Traffic Accidents Admitted to the National Hospital of Sri Lanka” (with Ravi Nanayakkara). Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences, Hong Kong. 21-26 August 2005.
- “Torture in Custody and Kill on the Road”. Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences, Hong Kong. 21-26 August 2005
- “Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Sri Lanka” Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka, Colombo. 25th February 2006.
- “The impact of pesticide regulations on suicide in Sri Lanka”. (With Prof. David Gunnell et al) International Journal of Epidemiology. 2007 36(6):1235-42.
- “Methods and sequelae of torture: a study in Sri Lanka” (with P de Zoysa) Torture. 2007;17(1):53-6.
- “Acute paracetamol poisoning – A new epidemic in Sri Lanka”. 6th Annual Congress of Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology, Bangkok, Thailand. 12-14 December 2007.
- “Pesticide Poisoning in Sri Lanka” (With A.D. Weerasuriya) 6th Annual Congress of Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology, Bangkok, Thailand. 12-14 December 2007.
- “Poisoning – A Modern Epidemic in Sri Lanka”. Centenary Colonel Henry Steele Olcott Memorial Oration of the Old Boys Association of Ananda College, Colombo. November 2008.
- “The effectiveness of an educational intervention on behaviour change among health care providers on gastrointestinal decontamination practices of patients with acute ingestion of poison.” (With W.D.A.S. de Silva and S. Shahmy) “7th Congress of the Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology”, Chandigarh, India. 8-10 December 2008.
- “The National Poisons Information Centre, Sri Lanka – Twenty Years of Service” “7th Congress of the Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology”, Chandigarh, India. 8-10 December 2008.
- “Sudden infant death syndrome/unexplained infant deaths in Sri Lanka”. (With Dr. N. Abeyasinghe) The Medicine Science and the Law. 2008;48(4): 325-8.
- “Improvement in survival after paraquat ingestion following introduction of a new formulation in Sri Lanka.” (with Wilks MF, Ariyananda PL, Eddleston M, Berry DJ, Tomenson JA, Buckley NA, Jayamanne S, Gunnell D, and Dawson A.) PLoS Med. 2008 Feb;5 (2):e49.
- “Homicide of six family members using multiple methods in Sri Lanka.” (With Dr. N Abeysinghe and Dr. S. Niranjan) Journal of Forensic Medicine and Legal Medicine. 2009;16(8):486-8.
- “The Poison Pen: Bedside Diagnosis of Urinary Diquat” (With Rais Vohra et al) Journal of Medical Toxicology. 2010; 6(1): 35–36.
- “A study of suicides reported to the Coroner in Colombo, Sri Lanka.” (With M. Hewagama et al). Medicine Science and the Law 2010;50:25-28.
- “Time trends and factors influencing survival following paraquat ingestion in Sri Lanka” (with Martin Wilks et al). Presented at the 12th International Congress of Toxicology “IUTOX 2010”. Barcelona, Spain. 19-23 July 2010.
- “A national DNA database for Sri Lanka” Sri Lanka Journal of Forensic Medicine, Science & Law 2010;1:10-14.
- “Formulation changes and time trends in outcome following paraquat ingestion in Sri Lanka” (with Martin Wilks et al) Clinical Toxicology 2011;49:21-28.
- “Management of paraquat eye injury” (with Dr. Shiranthi Perera) 10th Congress of the Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology”, Penang, Malaysia. 10-14 November 2011 and Ceylon Medical Journal 2012;57:114 (Supplement 1 Sri Lanka Medical Association 125th International Medical Congress)
- “Homicidal paraquat poisoning” 10th Congress of the Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology”, Penang, Malaysia. 10-14 November 2011 and Ceylon Medical Journal 2012;57:113 (Supplement 1 Sri Lanka Medical Association 125th International Medical Congress)
- “Asian perspective on medical documentation and challenges ahead in the field of forensic investigation alongside with access to justice of victims of torture” Conference on ‘Forensic Evidence in the Fight Against Torture (FEAT)’ Manila, Philippines. 22-26 November 2011.
- “Statement on Hooding” (with members of the International Forensic Expert Group) Torture. 2011;21(3):186-9
- “Statement on access to relevant medical and other health records and relevant legal records for forensic medical evaluations of alleged torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” (with members of the International Forensic Expert Group) Torture. 2012;22:30-48 (Supplementum 1 “Forensic Evidence Against Torture”)
- “Paraquat poisoning in Sri Lanka” Academic Sessions of the Ceylon College of Physicians. 14th September 2012. Colombo, Sri Lanka
- “Successful pregnancy outcome after deliberate ingestion of paraquat” 11th Congress of the Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology”, Hong Kong. 26 November -1 December 2012. Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2012;19:459
- “The Concept of Grievous Hurt in the Penal Code of Sri Lanka” The Inaugural Professor H.V.J. Fernando Memorial Oration at the 11th Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, Colombo on 23 February
2013. - “Hazardous Pesticides in Agriculture and its Impact on Human Health” Chemistry in Sri Lanka 2013;30:27-31
- “Comparative Chemical Analysis of Composition of Edible Oils, Particularly Coconut oil, Available in Sri Lankan Market” (with L.M.K. Thilekeratne and others) Chemistry in Sri Lanka 2013;30(2):30
- “Policymaking ‘under the radar’: a case study of pesticide regulation to prevent intentional poisoning in Sri Lanka” (With Melissa Pearson et al). Health Policy Plan. 2015 Feb; 30(1): 56–67. Published online 2013 Dec 20. doi: 10.1093
- “Expert medical evidence in criminal cases” Hulftsdorp Law Journal. 2014;1:121-131
- “Taking Stock – What is known about suicide in Sri Lanka” (with Melissa Pearson et al). Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention. 2014;3:1-12
- “Suicide in Sri Lanka 1975–2012: age, period and cohort analysis of police and hospital data” (with Duleeka W Knipe et al) BMC Public Health 2014;14:839
- “Traumatic neurological deaths” International Congress of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2014 and 48th Malaysia-Singapore Congress of Medicine Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 26-28 August 2014. In: Malaysian Journal of Pathology. 2014;36:32 (Supplement A)
- A Feasibility Study on Using Voice Recordings to Detect Alcohol Intoxication in Sri Lanka Male Population”. Annual Research Symposium, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, November 2014
- “Lead toxicity among traffic wardens: a high risk group exposed to atmospheric lead, is it still a cause for concern?” (with Sebastiampillai et al) J Occup Med Toxicol. 2015 :10;1-4
- Letter to the editor. (On Chronic Kidney Disease of Undetermined Origin) Environ Health Prev Med. 2015;20(2):151.
- “Professor H.V.J. Fernando – A Tribute” Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka 2015;2(2):95-97
- ““Statement on Virginity Testing” (with Independent Forensic Expert Group) TORTURE – Journal on Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and Prevention of Torture. 2015:25;62-68
- “Accidental methyl salicylate poisoning in two adults” (with Seneviratne MP et al) Ceylon Med J. 2015:60(2);65.
- “Survival of a patient after self-injection of paraquat and surgical excision of the injection site.” Ceylon Med J. 2015:60(2):66
- “Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in a Patient with Organophosphate Poisoning” (with Rajeeva Pieris) Heart Surg Forum. 2015:30;18(4):167-170
- “Murders at the Vicarage – the First Double Murder with Anti-Diabetic Drugs in the World” Annual Scientific Sessions of the Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka, 2015, Colombo.
- “Towards optimizing the process of “Death Investigation” in Sri Lanka: Knowledge of Coroners, Police Officers and Lawyers on Death Investigation” (with Dr. Amal Vadysinghe et al) Annual Scientific Sessions of the Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka, 2015, Colombo.
- “Investigation of a Military Air Craft accident” (with Dr. N.D.N.A Mendis et al) Annual Scientific Sessions of the Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka, 2015, Colombo.
- “Concept Paper on Gender Identity as a Human Right: The Lack of Medico-Legal Policy on the Transgender Community in Sri Lanka” (with K. Ariyarathne) Annual Scientific Sessions of the Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka, 2015, Colombo.
- “Investigating of a Scene of Crime” JSA (Judicial Service Association) Law Journal. 2015 Volume III 227-231.
- “Rare impaling injury to the neck” (with P. Appuhamy and J. Perera) Medico-Legal Journal of Sri Lanka. 2015;3:29-32
- “Aetiology of Chronic Kidney Disease of undetermined origin in Sri Lanka – Facts and Fiction” Proceedings of the 129th Anniversary Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, 24 – 27 July 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- “Drug Abuse in Sri Lanka – The Past, Present and Its Future” 19th Deshamanya Professor Nandadasa Kodagoda Memorial Oration. 2nd August 2016.
- “Assassination of Lalith Athulathmudali – Who Did It?” Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka, 2016.
- “Psilocin in chocolates – Detection for the first time in Sri Lanka” Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the Medico-Legal Society of Sri Lanka, 2016.
- “Reforming Existing Laws of Death Investigation in Sri Lanka” (with Yasantha Kodagoda) “12th Indo-Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences”, Bali, Indonesia. 17-23 September 2016.
- “Drug Abuse in a Developing Asian Country” 12th Indo-Pacific Congress on Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, Bali, Indonesia. 17-23 September 2016.
- “National Poisons Information Centre in Sri Lanka” Developing EM – An Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Conference with a Conscience. Colombo, Sri Lanka. 5-8 December 2016.
- “Forensic age estimation in anti-piracy trials in Seychelles: Experiences and challenges faced.” (with Gunawardena SA and others) Forensic Sci Int. 2017;270
- “Epidemiology and Clinical Profile of Gloriosa Superba Poisoning in Sri Lanka” (with R.M.M.K. Namal Rathnayaka et al) American Journal of Toxicology 2017:2;1-7
- “The Revered Medical Evidence that Convicted Reverend Mathew Peiris” (With Radhi de Silva) Junior Bar Law Journal 2017;7:183-187
- “Pathophysiology of Drug Addiction” International Congress of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2018. 28-30 June. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- “The role of substance abuse in inmates’ deaths” ” International Congress of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2018. 28-30 June. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- “Multiple Drug Abuse Life-time Pattern in a Complex Bio-fluid (With A.D.Y.K. Athauda and others) Ceylon Medical Journal 2018;63:80 (Supplement 1 Sri Lanka Medical Association 131st International Medical Congress)
- “Suicide in elderly in Sri Lanka” Ceylon Medical Journal 2018;63:79 (Supplement 1 Sri Lanka Medical Association 131st International Medical Congress)
- “Do common Arishta preparations manufactured in Sri Lanka contain anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS), stimulants or ethanol?” (With Pigera S and others) Ceylon Medical Journal 2018;63:114 (Supplement 1 Sri Lanka Medical Association 131st International Medical Congress)
- “Toxicoepidemiology of poisoning in hospitals in Sri Lanka: A 10-year data analysis” 51st Annual Academic Sessions of the Ceylon College of Physicians. 14th September 2018. Colombo, Sri Lanka
- “Homicidal Poisoning of a Family by Carbofuran” 17th Academic Sessions of the College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, Colombo on 14 December 2018.
Books Published:
- “Bibliography of Publications in Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences Relating to Sri Lanka 1811-1984” August 1986. Published by the Natural Resources, Energy & Science Authority of Sri Lanka. ISBN 955-9047-00-0.
- “Management of Pesticide Poisoning” October 1988, Published by the Pesticides Association in Sri Lanka. ISBN 955-9047-00-0.
- “First-Aid and Treatment for Poisoning” September 1988. Published by Mackwoods-Winthrop Ltd. ISBN 955-9053-00-0.
- “Management of Acute Poisoning” Published by the National Poisons Information Centre. Sponsored by the World Health Organization. 1991. ISBN 955-9126-00-8.
- “Pesticide Poisoning in Sri Lanka – Review of Eighties and the Outlook for Nineties” (with Prof. Dulitha Fernando) Published by the National Poisons Information Centre. 1995. ISBN No. 955-9126-01-6.
- “Principles of Medical Negligence” (with Dr. L.C. de Silva). Published by the Institute of Health Studies, 1996, ISBN 955-9495-00-3.
- “Management of Poisoning”. Published by the National Poisons Information Centre. Sponsored by the World Health Organization. 1998, ISBN 955-8083-011
- “Impunity in Sri Lanka”, (with D.S.W. Munasinghe). Published by the Family Rehabilitation Centre, Colombo. 1999, ISBN 955-8267-00-7
- “Medico-Legal Aspects of Torture”. Published by the Family Rehabilitation Centre, Colombo. 2001, ISBN 955-8267-02-3
- “Inquest” (in Sinhala) Published by Vijitha Yapa Publishers. Colombo. 2002, ISBN 955-80-95-24-9
- “First-aid and Prevention of Poisoning” with Dr Shantha de Silva (in Sinhala). Published by the National Poisons Information Centre, Colombo. Sponsored by the World Health Organization. 2002, ISBN 955-9126-02-4
- “Medical aspects of torture as seen in Sri Lanka” Published by the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, Copenhagen, Denmark. 2004. ISBN 87-88882-85-3
- “Management of Poisoning” Second Revised and Updated Edition. Published by the National Poisons Information Centre, Colombo. Sponsored by the World Health Organization. 2002. ISBN 955-8083-02-3
- “A Murder in Ceylon – The Sathasivam Case” Published by Vijitha Yapa Publishers, 2006. ISBN 955-1266-20-X
- “Banned Chemicals in Sri Lanka” with Dr Shantha de Siva. Published by the National Poisons Information Centre. 2007 ISBN 955-9126-03-2
- “Sri Lanka, LTTE and the British Parliament” Published by Vijitha Yapa Publishers. 2007. ISBN 978-955-1266-86-8
- “Management of Poisoning.” (Third Revised and Updated Edition) Published by the National Poisons Information Centre. Sponsored by the World Health Organization. 2007. ISBN 955-8083-01-1
- “20 Years of Life Saving Information: National Poisons Information Centre” Published by the Medical Defence Organisation (Private) Limited, Colombo. 2008
- “Trends of Firearm Injuries in Sri Lanka” Published by the Medical Defence Organisation (Private) Limited. 2010 ISBN 978-955-0417-00-1
- “Poisoning – A Modern Epidemic in Sri Lanka” the Olcott Memorial Oration 2008. Published by the Medical Defence Organisation (Private) Limited, Colombo. 2008. ISBN978-955-0417-01-8
- “Management of Poisoning.” (Fourth Revised and Updated Edition) Published by the Medical Defence Organisation (Private) Limited. 2011. ISBN 955-8083-01-1
- “Sathasivam of Ceylon – the batting genius” Published by Vijitha Yapa Publishers. 2012. ISBN 978-955-665-175-1
- “Murders at the Vicarage – the Mathew Peiris Case” Published by Vijitha Yapa Publishers 2015. ISBN 978-955-665-259-8
- “Death of a Lawyer in Police Custody – The Wijedasa Liyanarachchi Case” Published by Institute of Health Studies. 2015. ISBN978-955-9495-01-7
- “Lalith Athulathmudali Assassination – The Whole Truth” Published by Vijitha Yapa Publishers 2017.
- “Trends, Patterns and Prevalence of Injecting Drug Users (IDUs) in Sri Lanka” (with B. Senanayake and T. Darshana). Published by the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board 2018. ISBN 978-955-9137-41-2
- “Management of Poisoning” Fifth Revised and Updated Edition. Published by the Ministry of Health. 2018
- “The Fifty Two Day Saga – Political Crisis in Sri Lanka”
Edited Publications:
- “Pesticides in Sri Lanka” 1989, Published by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Colombo. ISBN 955-6057-001-X