- MBBS (Colombo)
- MD (Anaesthesiology)
- FRCA (London)
- CCST (Specialist Training Authority of Royal Colleges, UK)
- Board Certified Consultant Anaesthetist in Sri Lanka
- Consultant Anaesthetist with specialist qualifications in the UK (CCST)

Brig (Prof) PTR Makuloluwa
MBBS (Col) MD (Anaesthesiology) FRCA (Lond)
Professor in Anaesthesia
- Qualifications
- Teaching Areas
Teaching Areas
- Anaesthesia
- Critical Care Medicine & Pain Medicine
- Physiology
- Sports Medicine
- Nursing
- Physiotherapy
- Research Interests
Research Interests
- Anaesthesia
- Holistic assessment of cancer pain
- Disability and quality of life in patients with chronic backache
- Anaesthetic implications and immediate patient outcomes following bilateral hip/ knee replacement surgery
- Patient outcomes following fractured neck of femur
- Outcomes of septic patients admitted to ICU compared with pre-admission status
- PPIE (Patient Public Involvement and Engagement in Research)
- Medical Education and Teaching & Training in a simulated setting
- Mentorship training for nurses
- Sport and Exercise Physiology
- Publications
Peer-reviewed publications
- Makuloluwa PTR, Hakmanaarachchi TS, Perera D, Dissanayake A. Acute Dystonia-Induced Airway Compromise during Emergence from Anaesthesia: Implications of Propofol and Ondansetron Administration to Patients with previous Neuroexcitatory phenomena. Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology: 33(1)(2025). https://doi.org/10.4038/slja.v33i01.9458
- Makuloluwa PTR. Maximizing the impact of health research for improving quality, safety and outcomes of health care services: The way forward. Editorial. SLJMS 2024; 1(1):1-3. https://doi/0000-0002-2530-7821
- Edirisinghe NP, Makuloluwa PTR, Amarasekara T, C S E Goonewardena. Coping with cancer pain: a qualitative study to explore pain perception and self-coping strategies of patients with cancer in Sri Lanka. BMJ Open 2024;14:e085510.https://doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2024-085510
- PTR Makuloluwa, Kavisha P. Dissanayake, MMPT Jayasekera. A Young Female with SARS-CoV-2 Infection Presenting with Concurrent Neurological and Pulmonary Manifestations: A Case Report. Makuloluwa et al. Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology: 31(1): 90-94 (2023); indexed in Web of Science and Scopus. http://doi.org/10.4038/slja.v31i1.9071
- Edirisinghe NP, Makuloluwa PTR, Amarasekara AATD, Perera GLSN, Goonewardena CSE. Development and Validation of a Holistically Based Follow-Up Pain Assessment Diary Leading to Holistic Nursing for Patients with Cancer Pain in Sri Lanka. Journal of Holistic Nursing. 2023;0(0). Sage publications. doi:10.1177/08980101231193942
- Kavisha P. Dissanayake, PTR Makuloluwa. Successful Management of a Postpartum Mother with Severe COVID-19 Associated ARDS Complicated by Life-Threatening Respiratory Events. Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology: 31(2):157 - 161 (2023) ); indexed in Web of Science and Scopus. doi:10.4038/slja.v31i2.9277
- Edirisinghe NP, Makuloluwa PTR, Amarasekara AATD, Goonewardena CSE. Severity, interference, qualities, and correlates of severe pain: Descriptive cross-sectional study on pain experience of cancer patients in Sri Lanka. Chronic Illness. 2023;0(0). Sage publications. doi:10.1177/17423953231221845
- Anjana Jayabandara, Dileni Rodrigo, Shaminda Nadeeshan, Chathuri Wanniarachchi, Prasad Rajathewa, Thamasi Makuloluwa & Dilani Perera. Prevalence of Flatfoot and Its Correlation with Age, Gender and BMI among Undergraduates at the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, General Sir John Kotelawela Defence University. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 9 (2021) 287-291.http://doi.org/10.17265/2328-2150/2021.09.001
- Elaine Hill, Dawne Gurbutt, Thamasi Makuloluwa, Morris Gordon, Rachel Georgiou, Hazel Roddam, Sujatha Seneviratne, Anna Byrom, Kerry Pollard, Kalpani Abhayasinghe & Kenneth Chance-Larsen(2021) Collaborative healthcare education programmes for continuing professional education in low and middle-income countries: A Best Evidence Medical Education (BEME) systematic review. BEME Guide No. 65, Medical Teacher
http://doi.org/10.1080/0142159X.2021.1962832 - Thamasi Makuloluwa, Vasanthi Pinto. Implementing Perioperative Care Pathways; Challenges and Opportunities for the Anaesthetists in Sri Lanka. Makuloluwa et al. Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology: 29(1): 1-2 (2021) Editorial - SLJA
http://doi.org/10.4038/slja.v29i1.8826 - Nirosha Priyadarshani Edirisinghe, Thamasi Rekha Makuloluwa, Thamara Dilhani Amarasekara and Christine Sampatha Evangeline Goonewardena. Evaluating psychometric properties of the Short Form Brief Pain Inventory Sinhala Version (SF BPI-Sin) among Sinhala speaking patients with cancer pain in Sri Lanka. Edirisinghe et al. BMC Psychology (2021) 9:34 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-021-00538-1
- Elaine Hill et al. Developing collaborative healthcare education programs for staff in low & middle-income countries (LMICs): reaching consensus on the most effective approach; Online at Best Evidence Medical and Health professional education (BEME), April 2020.
- Nirosha P. Edirisinghe, Thamasi R. Makuloluwa, Thamara D. Amarasekara, Christine S. E. Goonewardena, Psychometric Properties of Sinhala Version of Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire -2 (SF MPQ-2-Sin) among Patients with Cancer Pain in Sri Lanka. Hindawi, Pain Research and Management, Volume 2019, Article ID 5050979, 6 pages, October 2019
https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/5050979 - Jayaweera K, Craig JM, Zavos HMS, et al. Protocol for establishing a child and adolescent twin register for mental health research and capacity building in Sri Lanka and other low and middle-income countries in South Asia. BMJ Open 2019;9: e029332
- Abhayasinghe, N. Edirisinghe, T. Makuloluwa & E. S. Hill. Clinical Mentoring: Is it important for Nursing Education in Sri Lanka - New Vision Annual Issue (ISSN 2613 - 8735); Graduate Nurses' Foundation of Sri Lanka Vol. 8 Issue I March 2019.
- Edirisinghe NP, Goonewardena CSE, Makuloluwa PTR, Amarasekara AATD; Applications of McGill pain Questionnaire as an Assessment Tool for patients with pain; Literature Review, International Journal of Current Research; Volume 10, Issue 06, Page no. 70116-70121, June 2018.
http://www.journalcra.com/current-issue - Jayaweera, Gihani; Makuloluwa, Thamasi; Perera, Kamal; Amararatne, Jeeva K; Premakumara, Sirimal; Ratnasooriya, Daya, Oral diuretic activity of hot water extract of h-grade quills of cinnamomum zeylanicum blume in rats. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol 10, Issue 10, 2018; ISSN- 0975-1491
- Perera ADP, Ariyasinghe AS, Makuloluwa PTR, Relationship of Competitive Success to the Physique of Sri Lankan Rowers. American Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 3, 61-65c
- P T R Makuloluwa, Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy with Laryngeal Mask Airway: Case Series, SAARC Journal of Anaesthesia, 2008; 1(1): 74-75
Peer-reviewed presentations at conferences published as full papers
- KA Jayabandara, SADK Rodrigo, HKS Nadeeshan, CS Wanniarachchi, RMAPI Rajathewa, ADP Perera, PTR Makuloluwa, Prevalence of Flatfoot and its correlation with Age, Gender and BMI among Undergraduates at the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University. Proceedings of International Research Conference - KDU, September 2018.
- KMD Nadeeshani, WS Kaushalya, ARC Tharindulatha, MDDM Munasinghe, J Nadeeshani, NB Kalpage, PTR Makuloluwa, HMP Herath, Government Bankers lead a Sedentary Life Style with a tendency for Physical Inactivity; Myth or a Fact. Proceedings of International Research Conference - KDU, September 2018.
- V G Archchi, S Wasalathanthiri, T Makuloluwa. Macronutrient adequacy of elite Sri Lankan swimmers. Proceedings of International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches, Faculty of Graduate Studies, USJP (iCMA) August 2014.
- V Ganegama Arachchi, P T R Makuloluwa, S Wasalathanthri, Anthropometric measurements and nutritional adequacy of elite Sri Lankan Volleyball players. International Symposium Proceedings of KDU, August 2013: 190-94.
- PDS Ramani, P T R Makuloluwa, Factors associated with anaemia during pregnancy in a semi-urban area Dehiwela Mount Lavinia: A case-control study. International Symposium Proceedings of KDU, August 2013: pp 185-89.
- P T R Makuloluwa, Association of chronic pain in the neck and lower back with degenerative changes in cervical and lumbar spines in-service personnel: a case series. Outcomes of Symposium, KDU 2011.
Published as Abstracts
- Peiris MKH, Goonewardena CSE, Makuloluwa PTR, Senarathna C, Edirisinghe NP. Translation, Cultural-adaptation and Validation of the Sinhala Version of the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire in Sri Lanka. Poster presented at the International Conference on Medical Sciences (ICM), FMS, USJ, 24 & 25 October 2024. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QBMoQW1EySVs4Dwti2VvkDyn594R4lvW/view?pli=1
- CR Karunathilaka, P Cool, PTR Makuloluwa, S Mendis and U Banagala. Survival Analysis of Fracture Complications Following Dynamic Hip Screw Fixation of Fracture Neck of Femur: A Ten-Year Follow-up Study. Conference paper (Oral), IRC-KDU September 2024
- CR Karunathilaka, P Cool, PTR Makuloluwa, S Mendis and U Banagala. Positioning of Dynamic Hip Screw as a Predictor of Implant-Failure Following Fracture Neck of Femur: A survival analysis for 10 years. Conference paper (Oral), IRC-KDU September 2024
- CR Karunathilaka, P Cool, PTR Makuloluwa, S Mendis and U Banagala. Biological Predictors of DHS Implant Failure in Extracapsular Neck of Femur Fractures; A 10-year Follow-Up Study. Conference paper (Oral), IRC-KDU September 2024
- Edirisinghe, N. P., Makuloluwa, P. T. R., Amarasekara, A. A. T. D., Perera S.N., & Goonewardena, C. S. E. Evaluating the Efficacy of Holistic Aspects-Based Follow-Up Cancer Pain Diaries in Sri Lanka. Poster presented at IASP 2024 World Congress of Pain held in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 6-9 August 2024
- P T R Makuloluwa, L K D C R Karunathilaka, R P J Ramukkana. “A study of risk factors predictive of poor perioperative outcomes following hemiarthroplasty for fracture neck of femur”, presented at the 39th Annual Academic Congress of College of Anaesthesiologists and Intensivists of Sri Lanka held on 21st of January 2023. Published in the E.Proceedings Book (PP 131) ISBN No.: 978-624-6024-02-4.
- P T R Makuloluwa, L K D C R Karunathilaka, M I D Perera. “Anaesthetic management of hip fractures undergone hemiarthroplasty: current practice and adherence to updated guidelines of AAGBI (2020)”, presented at the 39th Annual Academic Congress of College of Anaesthesiologists and Intensivists of Sri Lanka held on 21st of January 2023 (Poster). Published in the E.Proceedings Book (PP 139) ISBN No.: 978-624-6024-02-4.
- Edirisinghe, N. P., Makuloluwa, T. R., Amarasekara, T. D., Perera S.N. & Goonewardena, C. S. E. (2023). Holistic Assessment of Cancer Pain: Development and Validation of a Holistically based, Culturally-adapted Follow-up Pain Assessment Diary for Patients with Cancer Pain in Sri Lanka. Presented at the International Research Conference in Health Sciences 2023, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 31st March, Colombo, pp 23-25 (Received Young Innovator's Award - 1st Runner Up)
- Galboda Liyanage TD, Weerasinghe HK, Karunarathne AMDS, Weerawickrama PK, Makuloluwa PTR. The Association between Inflammatory Markers and Outcomes among Covid-19 patients admitted to Intensive Care Units at the University Hospital, KDU, presented at the Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Chemical Pathologists of Sri Lanka (CCPSL) held on 9th June 2023 (Awarded the “Best Free Paper prize” - 3rd place)
- Edirisinghe NP, Makuloluwa PTR, Amarasekara AATD, Goonewardena CSE. (2023). Qualitative Evaluation of Needs and Concerns of Cancer Patients in Sri Lanka, presented (online) at the 1st International Conference in Palliative Care and Family Health Nursing held on 26-27th June 2023, Bangkok, Thailand.
- HK Weerasinghe, TDG Liyanage, PK Weerawickrama, AMDS Karunarathne and PTR Makuloluwa. Correlates of Disease Outcomes in Patients with COVID-19, Admitted to Intensive Care Units of the University Hospital - KDU, extended abstract presented at the IRC - KDU 2023 held on 8th September 2023.
- Galboda Liyanage TD, Weerasinghe HK Karunarathne AMDS, Makuloluwa PTR. Predictive role of Inflammatory markers and generating cut-off values in determining the mortality of COVID-19 patients admitted to Intensive Care Units of University Hospital, KDU presented at the iRuFARS - 2023 held on 10th November 2023.
- Makuloluwa PTR. 2nd International Conference on Pain and 7th ICRA Pain Conference organized by the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists, Critical Care and Pain Physicians on 9th-10th September 2022 on a virtual platform. E. Proceedings Book
Title: “Holistic assessment of cancer pain: points to ponder”. - Edirisinghe NP, Makuloluwa PTR, Amarasekara AATD and Goonewardena CSE. Correlates of Severe Pain: Descriptive Study among Patients with Cancer in Sri Lanka. Presented orally at the SLIIT International Conference on Advancements in Sciences & Humanities (SICASH) held on 11th October 2022 (Proceedings Book. Extended Abstract PP 275 - 279).
- Edirisinghe NP, Makuloluwa PTR, Amarasekara AATD and Goonewardena CSE. Severity, interference, and qualities of cancer-related pain: a descriptive cross-sectional study of lived experiences of cancer patients. Presented online at the 10th Annual Academic Sessions 2022, Faculty of Pain Medicine, College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka on 30th October-22. E. Proceedings Book (PP 57-59)
- Edirisinghe NP, Makuloluwa PTR, Amarasekara AATD and Goonewardena CSE. Coping with cancer pain: a qualitative study to recognize self-coping strategies of cancer patients attending Apeksha Hospital, Sri Lanka. Presented at the International Cancer Conference, 17th SAARC Federation of Oncologists and the Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Oncologists held on 8th to 10th December 2022, Sri Lanka (Proceedings Book PP 34).
- Nirosha Priyadarshani Edirisinghe, Thamasi Rekha Makuloluwa, Thamara Dilhani Amarasekara, Suraj N Perera and Christine Sampatha Evangeline Goonewardena. Development and validation of a holistically-based follow-up pain diary for documenting the self-assessed experience of cancer pain. Presented online at the Pain Annual Meeting of Pain Association of Singapore (PAS), February 2022.
- Inthuja Megalathan, P T R Makuloluwa, and Sriya Herath. Efficacy of Intrathecal Morphine in Post Caesarean Section Pain Relief; A Comparative Descriptive Longitudinal Study. Presented at the 38th Annual Academic Congress of College of Anaesthesiologists and Intensivists of Sri Lanka held on the 21st of January 2022. Book of Proceedings of Annual Academic Congress of College of Anaesthesiologists and Intensivists of Sri Lanka January 2022.
- Thamasi Rekha Makuloluwa, Nirosha Priyadarshani Edirisinghe, Thamara Dilhani Amarasekara and Christine Sampatha Evangeline Goonewardena. Assessment of Psychometric Properties of Translated Sinhala Version of Short Form Brief Pain Inventory (SF BPI-Sin) among Patients with Cancer Pain in Sri Lanka: A Confirmatory Study (Poster ID: 1037679), 2021 IASP Virtual World Congress on Pain.
- Nirosha Priyadarshani Edirisinghe*, Thamasi Rekha Makuloluwa, Thamara Dilhani Amarasekara, Suraj N Perera and Christine Sampatha Evangeline Goonewardena. Developing a follow-up pain assessment diary: Domains to be considered in holistic self-assessment of cancer pain (Poster ID:1037608), 2021 IASP Virtual World Congress on Pain.
- Jabir S, Jayaweera K, Dissanayake L, Ediriweera I, Weerasinghe N, Jayasinghe K, Abhayasinghe K, Lokugamhewa B, Wijewickrama A, Hewamalage A, Fernando B, Kumarendran B, Liyanage C, Wickramasinghe E., Abeysinghe N., Wijeymuni R., Agampodi S., Makuloluwa T. and Sumathipala. A Lived Experiences of Sri Lankans Hospitalised with COVID-19: A Mixed-Method Study (Poster - MWP-03), National Science Foundation Conference on 27-28 January 2021 BMICH, Colombo.
- Nirosha Priyadarshani Edirisinghe, Thamasi R. Makuloluwa, Thamara D. Amarasekara, Suraj N Perera, Christine S. E. Goonewardena. Study Protocol for Development and Validation of a Holistic Aspects Based Culture-sensitive Sinhala Language Follow-up Pain Assessment Diary for Patients with Cancer pain in Sri Lanka (Poster Abstract ID:823800), IASP World Congress on Pain 2020: Virtual Series on Pain & Expo; Poster Gallery presentation.
- Nirosha Priyadarshani Edirisinghe, Thamasi R. Makuloluwa, Thamara D. Amarasekara, Christine S. E. Goonewardena. Assessment of Psychometric Properties of Translated Sinhala Version of Short Form Brief Pain Inventory (SF BPI-Sin) among Patients with Cancer Pain in Sri Lanka: A Confirmatory Study; (Poster Abstract), IASP World Congress on Pain 2020.
- Edirisinghe NP, Makuloluwa PTR, Amarasekara AATD , Goonewardena CSE. Different qualities of the subjective pain experience among patients with cancer attending Apeksha Hospital, Maharagama. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (iCMA), FGS - USJP, November 2019.
- Edirisinghe NP, Makuloluwa PTR, Amarasekara AATD, Goonawardena Sensory aspects of cancer pain and their association with quality of life of patients with cancer pain: A descriptive cross-sectional study. Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Sciences, IHC-USJP October 2019, PP47
- NP Edirisinghe, PTR Makuloluwa, AATD Amarasekara, CSE Goonewardena, Influence of Demographic and Disease-Specific variables on perceived pain in patients with cancer. 7th Annual Academic Sessions of the FPM, COAISL on 5th October 2019.
- Nirosha P. Edirisinghe, Thamasi R. Makuloluwa, Thamara D. Amarasekara, Christine S. E. Goonewardena Validity and reliability of a Sinhala translated version of Short Form Brief Pain Inventory among patients with cancer pain attending the Pain Clinic, Apeksha Hospital, Sri Lanka. Book of Abstracts of the 1st South East Asia Regional Group Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association (IEA - SEA), September 2019; (Oral presentation/ abstract OP 098, PP 58)
- PTR Makuloluwa, MKH Peiris, RPAN Ariyadasa, WADDT Rathnasekara, NP Edirisinghe. Postoperative Pain Service at the University Hospital, KDU: Review of strengths and weaknesses of analgesic practices with a view to improving quality and safety. Proceedings of the 12th International Research Conference, KDU (IRC-KDU) September 2019.
- PTR Makuloluwa, MKH Peiris, RPAN Ariyadasa, WADD Rathnasekara, NP Edirisinghe. Review of pain intensity outcomes in the 24 hours post-surgery as a reflection of perioperative pain services at the UHKDU: Points to ponder. Proceedings of the 12th International Research Conference, KDU (IRC-KDU), September 2019.
- PTR Makuloluwa, KMD Nadeeshani, SNE Jayatissa, D W G S C Alukumbura, MID Perera, DSM Perera, BP Kudavidanage. Ordering of routine preoperative tests for elective surgery at the University Hospital, KDU (UHKDU): Compliance with National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guideline on Routine Preoperative Tests (Update) 2016 (NG45). Proceedings of the 12th International Research Conference, KDU (IRC-KDU), September 2019.
- KMD Nadeeshani, WS Kaushalya, ARC Tharindulatha, MDDM Munasinghe, NB Kalpage, HMP Herath,PTR Makuloluwa. Prevalence of modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular diseases among government bankers in western province, Sri Lanka, Book of Abstracts of 1st International Conference on Public Health and Well-being (PUBLIC HEALTH-19) April-19 (oral presentation/ abstract) https://www.facebook.com/iConferenceOrganizers/
- NP Edirisinghe, CSE Goonawardena, PTR Makuloluwa, AATD Amarasekara. The Sinhala version of Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire -2 (SF MPQ-2-Sinhala): Outcome of Preliminary Validation Study Among Patients with Cancer Pain in Sri Lanka. Research Symposium 2018, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Ruhuna - 8th Nov-18 (oral presentation/ Abstract OP 07: ISSN:2659 - 2029, Proceedings of 1st Research Symposium of Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, November 2018.
- Edirisinghe NP, Goonewardena CSE, Makuloluwa PTR, Amarasekara AATD. Validation of the Sinhala version of Short Form Brief Pain Inventory (SF -BPI): Preliminary findings among patients with cancer pain attending Apeksha Hospital, Maharagama, Sri Lanka International Conference on Health Sciences 2018, FMS, USJP 7th to 9th October 2018 (Poster/ Abstract PP 5: Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Sciences 2018 - FMS, USJ.
- KMD Nadeeshani, WS Kaushalya, ARC Tharindulatha, MDDM Munasinghe, J Nadeeshani, NB Kalpage,HMP Herath, PTR Makuloluwa. Government Bankers lead a Sedentary Life Style with a tendency for Physical Inactivity: Myth or a Fact. Proceedings of 11th International Research Conference - KDU September 2018 (oral presentation).
- KA Jayabandara, SADK Rodrigo, HKS Nadeeshan, CS Wanniarachchi, RMAPI Rajathewa, ADP Perera, PTR Makuloluwa. Prevalence of Flatfoot and its correlation with Age, Gender and BMI among Undergraduates at the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University. Proceedings of International Research Conference - KDU 2018, September 2018 (oral presentation).
- KMD Nadeeshani, WS Kaushalya, ARC Tharindulatha, MDDM Munasinghe, J Nadeeshani, NB Kalpage, HMP Herath, PTR Makuloluwa. Knowledge, Awareness, and Attitude towards Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Diseases among selected Government Bankers in Western Province, Sri Lanka. Abstract Book of International Nursing Congress, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, April-18 (oral presentation).
- Jayaweera GU, Makuloluwa PTR, Perera TRK, Amararathne KRJK, Premakumara GAS, Ratnasooriya WD, Oral Diuretic activity of water extract of H-Grade Quills of Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume in rats. International Research Conference - KDU, 2016. Abstract Book; PP. 189
- HarishchandraK, DhananjayaW.J, Dinusha K.H.T, IllukthanneI.A.T.M, Makuloluwa PTR, Edirisinghe N. Post-Surgical Pain Relief: Is it optimal or more to be done- Proceedings of 9th International Research Conference, KDU, Sri Lanka 2016.
- Cancer Pain: bother, evaluation and relief. Makuloluwa P.T.R; Annual Academic Sessions, Galle Medical Association, 2016. Abstract Book.
- Perera ADP, Ariyasinghe A, Makuloluwa PTR. Association between anthropometric characteristics and performance among professional rowers in the Sri Lankan Army; Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA) 128th Anniversary International Medical Congress, 2015. Abstract Book; PP. 244.
- Perera ADP, Ariyasinghe A, Makuloluwa PTR. Association between health-related physical fitness characteristics and performance among professional rowers in the Sri Lankan Army; MR International Journal of Applied Health Sciences. Abstract Book; PP-37.
- VG Archchi, S Wasalathanthiri, T Makuloluwa. Macronutrient adequacy of elite Sri Lankan swimmers. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches (iCMA) 2014.
- Ganegama Arachchi, V; Makuloluwa, PTR; Wasalathanthri, S, Anthropometric measurements and nutritional adequacy of elite Sri Lankan volleyball players. Proceedings of International Research Conference - KDU 2013.
- V Ganegama Archchi, S Wasalathanthiri, T Makuloluwa. Anthropometric measurements and nutritional adequacy of elite Sri Lankan swimmers; Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA) Annual Sessions - 2012.
- PTR, Makuloluwa, Association of Chronic pain in the neck and lower back with degenerative changes in cervical and lumbar spines in-service personnel; Case Series. Annual Symposium - KDU 2011.
- V Ganegama Archchi, S Wasalathanthiri, T Makuloluwa. The effect of 4 months of guided training on physiological and physical characteristics of national volleyball players in Sri Lanka. Physiological Society of Sri Lanka - Annual Sessions
- Ganegama Arachchi V, Wasalathanthri S, Makuloluwa PTR, Do achievements at international sports events match the capabilities of our sports personnel- Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMA) Annual Sessions - 2011.
- P T R Makuloluwa, The efficacy of gabapentin and amitriptyline in the control of pain of lumbar radiculopathy; a retrospective analysis of a case series, Abstract Book of 9th Congress of SAARC Association of Anaesthesiologists August 2011.
- P T R Makuloluwa, A personal perspective in the management of neuropathic pain in war-injured, International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) September 2010, Montreal.
Other Publications
- Member of the Editorial Board, Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology (SLJA), January 2021 to date. https://slja.sljol.info/jms
- Editor of Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology (SLJA) (2020). https://slja.sljol.info/jms
- Prof P T R Makuloluwa, Co-author of Updated Interim Guidelines on Management of COVID-19 Critically ill patients, developed by the College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka, published by the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka (2021)
- Prof P T R Makuloluwa, Co-author of “KNOW YOUR OXYGEN”, an updated version of Quick guide to Oxygen therapy in COVID 19, developed by the College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka, published by the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka (2021)
- Prof P T R Makuloluwa, Co-author of National Interim Guidelines on Management of Critically ill patients with COVID-19 developed by the College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka, published by the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka (2020)
- Prof P T R Makuloluwa, Author of Student Guide, Certificate Course in Pain Medicine for Nursing Officers, conducted by the Ministry of Health and College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka (2019); Revised in 2020.
- Prof P T R Makuloluwa, Editor of News Letter, Faculty of Medicine, Kotelawala Defence University (2017/2018/ 2019)
- P T R Makuloluwa, Co-Editor of Program Book of Plenary Lectures & Abstracts of KDU-Mayo Clinic: International Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplant Medicine and Oncology Conference, February 2018.
- P T R Makuloluwa, Editor of Student Log Book, Diploma in Operation Theatre Technology (2014)
- P T R Makuloluwa, Editor of Student Manual, Diploma in Operation Theatre Technology (OTT) program at the KDU (2011), revised (2014).
- P T R Makuloluwa, Editor of Student Hand Book of Pre-Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, KDU (2011).
- National Guidelines on Anaesthetic Care, published by the Health Sector Development Project (HSDP), Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka (2007). Dr. P T R Makuloluwa, Co-Authored the Chapters on “Preoperative preparation and postoperative care of patients” and “Perioperative fluid and electrolyte management”. ISBN No. 978-955-9093-32-9.
- P T R Makuloluwa, Editor of the handbook, on Current Anaesthetic Practice, published parallel to workshops conducted by the College of Anaesthesiologists and Intensivists of Sri Lanka. Authored the chapters on “Perioperative management of suspected anaphylaxis, Universal precautions to prevent transmission of blood-borne diseases and Patient positioning in the perioperative period: associated risks and their prevention” (2001).
- Lecture notes in Physiology for Anaesthetists published by the College of Anaesthesiologists of Sri Lanka. Dr. P T R Makuloluwa, Authored the chapters on the Regulation of respiration, Ventilation & perfusion ratios and Body Fluids, and their homeostatic regulatory mechanisms in Health & in the Disease States.
- Presentations
- Speaker at the symposium on “Pain Medicine”, 40th ‘Annual Academic Congress 2024’, College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka held from 19th to 21st January’24. Title: “Assessment of Cancer Pain; Points to Ponder”
- Resource person at the post-congress workshop on “Navigate with precision; Mastering Ultrasound-guided Nerve Blocks” held on 24th January’24 at National Trauma Auditorium, NHSL
- Guest Speaker at the 2nd International Conference on Pain and 7th ICRA Pain Conference organized by the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists, Critical Care and Pain Physicians on 9th-10th September 2022 on a virtual platform.
Title: "Holistic assessment of cancer pain: points to ponder". - Guest Speaker at the 10th Annual Pain Sessions of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka, held via zoom platform on 29th & 30th October-22.
Title: “Holistic assessment of cancer pain” - “Simultaneous Bilateral Total Knee Arthroplasty under Regional Analgesia: Anaesthetic Implications and Personal Perspectives”; Guest Speaker at 3rd International Conference of Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists, Critical Care and Pain Physicians (BSACCPP) held on 23rd & 24th December 2021 on a virtual platform.
- “COVID - 19 Management"; Panelist at “Discussion on COVID - 19 Management” organized by the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka on 11th August 2021 via zoom platform.
- “Current Status of Anaesthesiology in Sri Lanka and what does the Future Look Like”.
- Guest Speaker at “ICA Academics Annual Day 2021” organized by the Indian College of Anaesthesiologists on 14th July 2021 via zoom platform.
- “Establishing Acute Pain Services in LMICs: Sri Lankan Perspectives”. Guest Speaker at 1st International E-Conference on PAIN-2020 organized by the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists from 14th to 16th November-20 (webinar presentation).
- “Assess the person, not just the pain”; Bio-psycho-social model-based holistic approach to pain assessment. Guest Speaker at Joint initiation by the Sri Lanka Orthopaedic Association (SLOA) and Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOA), 11th August 2019, Hotel Hilton, Colombo.
- "Opioids in pain management: Controversies"; Guest Speaker at the 7th Annual Academic Sessions 2019, Faculty of Pain Medicine, College of Anaesthesiologists and Intensivists of Sri Lanka October 2019.
- “Case Discussion; Chronic pain: backache and neuropathic pain conditions”; Guest Speaker at Pre-Congress Session at the 7th Annual Academic Sessions, Faculty of Pain Medicine, College of Anaesthesiologists and Intensivists of Sri Lanka October 2019.
- “Chronic Post-Surgical Pain (CPSP): new developments”; Guest Speaker at the Annual Academic Sessions of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, College of Anaesthesiologists of Sri Lanka October 2018, Jaffna.
- “Pain Education in Sri Lanka: Role of Nurses and Physiotherapists”; Guest Speaker at the Joint Annual Academic Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Study of Pain (SLASP) and Faculty of Pain Medicine, College of Anaesthesiologists of Sri Lanka July 2018, Peradeniya.
- “Acid/ Base and Electrolyte Biochemistry”: Guest Speaker at the Pre-Congress Symposium on Basic Sciences, KDU-Mayo Clinic, USA: International Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplant Medicine and Oncology Conference, February 2018.
- “Pain Education in Developing Countries”: Guest Speaker at the 8thSouth Asian Regional Pain Society (SARPS) Congress on Pain 2018, 24th & 25th February 2018, conducted by the Bangladesh Society for Study of Pain (BSSP).
- “Pain relief in the postsurgical patient, head injury and in neuropathic pain”; Resource Person at the Clinical Case Discussion, 5th Annual Academic Sessions, Faculty of Pain Medicine, 11th November 2017, Neurotrauma Auditorium, NHSL.
- “Surgery: A Cause of Acute and Chronic Pain”; Resource Person at the Mini-Workshop on “Pain Medicine” for MD (Anaesthesia) trainees on 18th July 2017 at the Neurotrauma Conference Hall, NHSL.
- “Surgery: A cause of acute and chronic postsurgical pain”; Guest Speaker at the CME Monthly Forum, Faculty of Medicine, KDU on 16th March 2017.
- “Neuropathic Pain: What is new and current practice”; Guest Speaker at the Symposium on Pain Medicine: “Improving Outcome in the SAARC Region”, 22nd February 2017, Auditorium, LRH.
- “An Overview: Holistic approach to pain management”, Guest Speaker at the Symposium on Pain for the Nursing Officers, Faculty of Pain Medicine, College of Anaesthesiologists and Intensivists of Sri Lanka, November 2016.
- “Breaking the Barriers: ward guide and more”, Guest Speaker at the Symposium on Pain for the Nursing Officers, Faculty of Pain Medicine, College of Anaesthesiologists and Intensivists of Sri Lanka November 2016.
- “Cancer Pain: bother, evaluation and relief ”; Guest Speaker at the Symposium on “Another look at Cancer: Points To Ponder”; Annual Academic Sessions, Galle Medical Association, October 2016.
- “Management of Chronic Pancreatitis - Multidisciplinary Approach”; Guest Speaker at the Ceylon College of Physicians - Specialty Update Series - Update on Gastroenterology & Hepatology, March, 2016.
- “Assessment of Acute Pain: An Update”; Guest Speaker at the Annual Academic Sessions of the Faculty of Pain Medicine, College of Anaesthesiologists and Intensivists of Sri Lanka November 2015.
- “Interactive Session on Case Scenarios”; Guest Speaker at the Faculty of Critical Care Medicine, College of Anaesthesiologists and Intensivists of Sri Lanka, Annual Academic Sessions, 05th September 2015 - NHSL.
- “Interventional Procedures in the Management of Low Backache”; Guest Speaker at the 9th Congress of SAARCAA Association of Anaesthesiologists - India 2011.
- “A Personal perspective in the management of neuropathic pain in the war-injured”; Guest Speaker at the Scientific Sessions, College of Anaesthesiologists of Sri Lanka 2010.
- “The efficacy of gabapentin and amitriptyline in the control of pain in lumbar radiculopathy”; Guest Speaker at the Scientific Sessions / College of Anaesthesiologists of Sri Lanka 2009.
- Awards & Grants
Awards & Grants
- “Certificate of Recognition” awarded by the KDU for significant contribution to Research in the years 2019, 2020 & 2021.
- KDU Research Grant - 2021, awarded in October 2021 (Principal applicant)
Title of Study: Digitalization of Chronic Pain Services in Sri Lanka: the role of an Electronic Pain App (EPA) for pain assessment, record keeping, and management
Co-investigators are Prof P T R Makuloluwa (KDU), Prof CSE Gunawardena (USJP), Prof R B Marasinghe (USJP), and Ms. Nirosha Edirisinghe (USJP). - Young Innovator's Award - 1st Runner-Up was awarded to Dr. N. P. Edirisinghe, a PhD student of mine, for ‘developing and validating the Holistically based, Culturally-adapted Follow-up Pain Assessment Diary for Patients with Cancer Pain in Sri Lanka’, presented at the International Research Conference in Health Sciences 2023, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 31st March, Colombo, co-authored by Edirisinghe, N. P., Makuloluwa, T. R., Amarasekara, T. D., Perera S.N. & Goonewardena, C. S. E.
- “Best Free Paper” prize - 3rd place was awarded for the abstract, “Association between Inflammatory Markers and Outcomes among Covid-19 patients admitted to Intensive Care Units at the University Hospital, KDU”, presented at the Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Chemical Pathologists of Sri Lanka (CCPSL) held on 9th June 2023, co-authored by Galboda Liyanage TD, Weerasinghe HK, Karunarathne AMDS, Weerawickrama PK, Makuloluwa PTR.
- PhD Gold Medal was awarded to Ms. Nirosha Priyadarshani Edirisinghe, a PhD student of mine (co-supervisor), at the Convocation of USJP held on 08th October 2023 for Research Excellence achieving the highest international and national research publications, patents, and research awards within the stipulated time.
- Rathnasabapathy Sashidaran Prize for the best free paper
Awarded at the 38th Annual Academic Congress of College of Anaesthesiologists and Intensivists of Sri Lanka held on the 21st of January 2022. Title of research paper: Efficacy of Intrathecal Morphine in Post Caesarean Section Pain Relief; A Comparative Descriptive Longitudinal Study, co-authored by Dr. Inthuja Megalathan, Prof P T R Makuloluwa, and Dr. Sriya Herath - KDU Research Grant - 2021, awarded in October 2021 (Principal applicant)
Title of Study: Digitalization of Chronic Pain Services in Sri Lanka: the role of an Electronic Pain App (EPA) for pain assessment, record keeping, and management Co-investigators are Prof P T R Makuloluwa (KDU), Prof CSE Gunawardena (USJP), Prof R B Marasinghe (USJP), and Ms. Nirosha Edirisinghe (USJP). - National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant awarded to upgrade MPhil study to Ph.D., registered with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, USJP (2020) (Co-applicant)
Title of study: Holistic assessment of cancer pain: Development and Validation of a follow-up pain assessment diary among patients with cancer pain.
Co-investigators are Prof CSE Gunawardena (USJP), Ms. NP Edirisinghe, Prof PTR Makuloluwa, Dr. AATD Amarasekara, Dr. Suraj N Perera. - QR Global Challenges Research Fund, UK (GCRF) (QR), December 2018 (Co-applicant)
Title of study: Supervising pre-registrant nursing students in clinical settings in Sri Lanka: current practices and perceived needs of Nurse Tutors, Practice Nurses, Nurse Academics, and student nurses: A Feasibility Study for developing a clinical mentorship training program for nurse tutors, practice nurses and nurse academics in Sri Lanka. - SPARKS & STRIDES, Lancashire Research Institute For Global Health & Wellbeing (LIFE), University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), UK, May 2018 (Co-applicant)
Title of study: To establish collaborative educational research between academic and practice colleagues in the UK and Sri Lanka in order to develop and pilot a leadership education program for qualified, registered Sri Lankan nurses. - Medical Research Council (MRC), UK for South Asian Early Development and Research Capacity Building (SEARCH); Pump Priming Project (Co-applicant & Member of PPIE module) - December 2017
Title of study: To establish a register of infant, child, and adolescent twins and mothers pregnant with twins in the Colombo and Vavuniya districts of Sri Lanka. This register will be utilized for research and capacity building on the aetiology of mental illness in Sri Lanka and the Low and Middle-Income Countries in South Asia. - Cancer Research Center, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (Grant- 002/2017) (Co-applicant)
Title of study: Cancer pain management done at home and their associated factors; needs and perceptions of patients with cancer pain and caring practices of family caregivers attending Apeksha hospital, Maharagama, Sri Lanka. - International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) grant to participate in the 13th World Congress in Pain - Montreal 2010
- Research Supervision
Research Supervision
- MPhil study registered with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, USJ (January 2022) Thesis: Disability and quality of life of patients with chronic low back pain in selected pain management units of government hospitals in Sri Lanka; currently in progress
- PhD study registered with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, KDU (November 2021) Thesis: Elderly patients with Dynamic Hip Screw (DHS) fixation following extracapsular fracture neck of femur (FNF): assessment of functional outcomes and biological risk predictors of implant failure 10 years after the surgery; currently in progress
- PhD study registered with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, USJ. Title of study: Holistic assessment of cancer pain: Development and validation of a follow-up pain assessment diary among patients with cancer pain PhD was awarded in 2023 (backdated to 16.03.2022).
- PhD study registered with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, KDU (November 2021) Thesis: Elderly patients with Dynamic Hip Screw (DHS) fixation following extracapsular fracture neck of femur (FNF): assessment of functional outcomes and biological risk predictors of implant failure 10 years after the surgery; currently in progress.
- MPhil study registered with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, USJ (January 2022) Thesis: Disability and quality of life of patients with chronic low back pain in selected pain management units of government hospitals in Sri Lanka; currently in progress
- MPhil study registered with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, USJP (January 2022) Thesis: Disability and quality of life of patients with chronic low back pain in selected pain management units of government hospitals in Sri Lanka.
- D. study registered with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, KDU (November 2021) Thesis: Patients with Dynamic Hip Screw (DHS) fixation following extracapsular fracture neck of femur (FNF): assessment of functional outcomes and biological risk predictors of implant failure 10 years after the surgery.
- MPhil study upgraded to Ph.D., Faculty of Graduate Studies, USJP (July 2019) Thesis: Holistic assessment of cancer pain: Development and validation of a follow-up pain assessment diary among patients with cancer pain.
- MPhil study registered with the Faculty of Graduate Studies, USJP (July 2017 to July 2019) Thesis: Cancer pain management done at home and their associated factors; needs and perceptions of patients with cancer pain and caring practices of family caregivers attending Apeksha hospital, Maharagama, Sri Lanka.
- MSc in Sports Science & Exercise (2015) Awarded to Ms. ADP Perera by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya Dissertation: Physical Fitness Characteristics and Performance among Professional Rowers in the Sri Lanka Army
- MPhil in Sports Medicine (2011) Awarded to V Ganegama Archchi Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayawardhenapura Research Thesis: Performance of National & International level sports personnel and its association with physical and physiological characteristics and nutritional aspects.
- Involvement with other Organizations
Involvement with other Organizations
- Editor - Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology (SLJA) from January 2025
- Council Member, College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka (2024/2025)
- Co-Editor – Sri Lanka Journal of Medical Sciences (SLJMS), jointly published by the Faculty of Medicine & Allied Health Sciences, KDU from December 2023.
- Member – Board of Study on Medical & Biological Sciences, FGS, KDU
- Associate Editor & Office Bearer, SAAAC AA Journal and Executive Committee
- Council Member, College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka (2023)
- Member of the Editorial Board - Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology (SLJA) from March-21 to date
- Member - Board of Study on Medical & Biological Sciences, FGS, KDU
- Associate Editor & Office Bearer, SAAAC AA Journal and Executive Committee
- Co-Editor - Sri Lankan Journal of Medical Sciences (SLJMS), a Combined Journal of FOM and FAHS, KDU (appointed in November 2023)
- Council Member, College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka (January 2022 to date)
- President, College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka (January 2021 to January 2022)
- Convener, Sri Lanka Medical Association - Intercollegiate Committee (SMIC) (January to December 2021)
- Member of the Editorial Board - Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology (SLJA) from March-21 to date
- Editor - Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology (SLJA) (2020)
- Vice-President, College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka (January 2019 to January 2021)
- Executive Committee Member - South Asian Regional Pain Society (SARPS) Federation of IASP (International Association for the Study of Pain) (2020 to date)
- Member - Board of Study on Medical & Biological Sciences, FGS, KDU (2020 to date)
- Member - Sub-Committee of Committee on Safety & Quality of Practice (SQP) of World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) (2020/2021)
- Chairperson - Equipment Coordination Committee - University Hospital - KDU, Sri Lanka (2016 to 2020)
- Sri Lankan Representative of SARPS (South Asian Regional Pain Society) 2019
- Member - Task Group of University Hospital, KDU (2019 to 2020)
- Member - Hospital Management Committee, UHKDU (2019 to 2020)
- Council Member, College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka (January 2016/ January 2018)
- Head, Faculty of Pain Medicine, College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka (January 2016/ January 2018)
- Representative, Faculty of Medicine, KDU - Career Guidance Unit - KDU (2018)
- Head- Department of Anaesthesia, Critical Care Medicine & Pain Medicine, University Hospital, KDU (2017 to 2020).
- Chairperson, Medical Board of KDU (2017 to 2019)
- Member - Faculty of Pain Medicine, College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka (from 2010 to date)
- Council Member - College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka in 2016/ 2017/ 2019/ 2020/ 2021/ 2022
- Life Member of the College of Anaesthesiologists & Intensivists of Sri Lanka (COAISL)
- Life Member of the Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA)
- Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists in the United Kingdom
- Member of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) from 2010 to date
- Council Member of the SLASP (Sri Lankan Association for the Study of Pain), Sri Lankan Chapter (from 2016 to date)
- Member of the Forum of Sri Lankan Medical Educationists (FOSME), MEDARC