Dr. Ranjith Nanda Ellawala

MBBS, FRCS (Glasgow), MS (Sri Lanka)
Senior Lecturer Gr I Surgery
  • Qualifications
  • Qualifications

    • MBBS (Sri Lanka)
    • FRCS (Glasgow)
    • MS (Sri Lanka)
    • Hon. FCSSL –( Honorary Fellow of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka)
    • FACT –(Fellow of the Asian Collaboration in Trauma)
    • FISS – (Fellow of the International Society of Surgeons)
  • Teaching Areas
  • Teaching Areas

    • Trauma care
    • Disaster management
  • Research Interests
  • Research Interests

    • Coagulopathy
    • Abdominal compartment syndrome
    • Damage control surgery
    • Trauma resuscitation
  • Publications
  • Publications

    1. Principal Investigator for the trial ‘CRASH-2’ (Clinical Randomization of Antifibrinolytic in Significant Haemorrhage), which is the biggest randomized trial undertaken in the field of Trauma recruiting 20,000 patients in 40 countries .
    2. "Trauma Quality Improvement in Low and Middle Income Countries of Asia- Pacific Region- A Mixed Method Study, H T Stelfox Manjul Joshipura,W. Chadbunchachi, Ranjith Ellawala, Gerard O'Reilly, Russel L.Gruen : World Journal Of surgery; Published on line on 13 April 2012
    3. Implementation of massive transfusion protocol (MTP) for trauma- leading article published in The Sri Lanka Journal of Surgery August 2015


    1. The author of the short paper titled “Salvage of the Traumatized Spleen.” Presented at the SAARC Surgical Conference held in Kandy, Sri Lanka in September 1996.
    2. Co author of the paper titled “The Scrotal Pouch Operation for Undecended Testis in Children” presented by Dr. G.K. Karunaratna,Consultant Paediatric Surgeon at the Annual Peadiatric Association in 1982 in Colombo
    3. Main author of the paper titled “Early Results of Subfascial Endoscopic Perforator Surgery for Venous Ulcers” presented at the Annual Scientific Conference in August 2004 in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
    4. The Nurses' perspective- Strengthening disaster preparedness and emergency medicine systems in developing countries through nurse participation. LM Hilmi (AmeriCares Foundation, Sri Lanka), RB Bristow, A Jasinghe, E Kottegoda Vithana, S Kuah, R Ellawala, P de Zoysa. Presented at WADEM - 16th World Congress on Disaster & Emergency medicine in May 2009 in Victoria, Canada. in 2009
    5. “Analysis of War related Injuries in Sri Lanka”, R N Ellawala, H L D S Ariyaratna, W K L I Weeratunga, May 2010, Presented at 4th Anniversary Congress of Trauma Secretariat congress of 10th South East Asia Regional Scientific meeting of The International Epidemiological Association
    6. Co- author of a paper titled “Improving care of the injured in the Asia-Pacific region”- R.L. Gruen ,M. Joshipura ,H.T. Stelfox, W.Chadbunchachai R. Ellawala , T.S. Nguyen , G. O'Reilly - presented at ISW 2011 in Yokohama on 1st of September 2011
    7. Poster presentation at 118th Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Medical Association. ‘Place of subfascial endoscopic perforator vein surgery (SEPS) in the treatment of chronic venous ulceration: preliminary results in Sri Lanka’. RN Ellawala, R Kirihene, K Gunasekara
    8. Evaluation of pilot Injury surveillance system in Sri Lanka. Samarakkody D,Dharmaratna S, Ellawala R. - poster for SAFETY 2012 World Conference in October 2012, Wellington, New Zealand.
    9. Seminar on War Surgery conducted by ICRC; held in Colombo on 14th & 15th June 2002. Presentation was titled, “War -Related Abdominal Injuries, How We Managed at Anuradhapura”
    10. Monthly College Lecture titled “Management of Colonic Injuries” in October 2002.
    11. Guest speaker at the Annual Conference of College of Anesthesia in January 2004 in Colombo. The title was “The new trends in abdominal injuries”
    12. "Damage Control Surgery" on 17th July 2004 for Anesthesiology Trainees.
    13. Victims of RTA - in media seminar for UN Global Road Safety Week - in Colombo in April 2007
    14. Speech titled ‘Road Traffic Accidents in Sri Lanka; Who cares?’ in May 2007 at the British council, Colombo on an invitation by British Scholars Association of Sri Lanka.
    15. Delivered a Plenary lecture on “Physiological basis of Management of Major Abdominal Injuries” at the Annual; conference of the College of surgeons of Sri Lanka in July 2007 in Colombo.
    16. “Trauma Training” speech delivered at a workshop “Review of the work of Trauma Secretariat” in June 2007 at Hikkaduwa.
    17. Lectures for the School Children Road safety-in 2007, Royal College ,Colombo, St.Peters College, Colombo
    18. Presented the “Action Plan of Trauma System Development Committee for the next two years” in Evidence Based Management- a forum of the Ministry of Heath in Colombo in August 2007.
    19. Invited speaker at the 1st Annual Scientific Congress of Sri Lankan Society of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine- held in Kandy from 14th -17th November 2007.
    20. The First National Conference of the Trauma Secretariat- 30th January 2008 at Hotel Galadari, Colombo. A speech was delivered on “Training in Trauma Care in Sri Lanka”
    21. Convener of the Seminar on ‘Injury’ at the 121st Annual Congress of Sri Lanka Medical Association held in Colombo. Lecture titled' Blast Injuries- an ubiquitous phenomenon' on 22nd March 2008
    22. “Taking a small step forward a road to disaster management” speech delivered at First Consultative Meeting of Disaster Management Unit of MOH held at Habarana from 4th till 6th April 2008, preparing the National Frame work for the Medical Response to Disasters.
    23. Guest speaker of Liver Surgery Symposium held on 30th July 2008 at Colombo South Teaching Hospital, organized by the University of Sri Jayawardanapura and CSSL.
    24. Guest speaker at Trauma Seminar- Annual Conference of The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka- 30th August 2008 on “How I manage major Truncal haemorrhage”
    25. Guest lecture on “Current Issues in Major Trauma” delivered at The Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Society of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine in November 2008
    26. “Primary Trauma Care in Sri Lanka” speech delivered at Regional Primary Trauma Care conference December 2008 held in Colombo
    27. Guest speaker at The 25th Silver Jubilee Academic Conference held from 30th January 2009 in Colombo. The speech was on" Chest Injuries; When to drain “When to Open?"
    28. Guest Lecture at Academic Sessions of Galle Medical Association and Sri Lanka Society of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care July 2009 on' The fate of a Bleeder: from Damage Control Resuscitation to Damage Control Surgery.'
    29. Delivered a plenary lecture on ‘The Neglected Compartment- Abdomen, What do we know?’ on 15th November 2009 at the Annual Conference of the Sri Lanka Society of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine in Colombo
    30. “Past, present and future of Trauma Secretariat achievement and challenges” 23rd May 2010- Trauma Secretariat 4th Anniversary Congress, Colombo, Sri Lanka
    31. Lectured on ‘Abdominal Compartment Syndrome and Abdominal pressure measurement’ in Critical Care for Nurses- precongress workshop on 7th August 2010- Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka.
    32. ‘Tranexamic Acid in Trauma- a major breakthrough’ in Bleeding Symposium- Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka-August 2010
    33. Presentation titled ‘Abdominal compartment Syndrome; Introduction and Overview’ in Symposium on Abdominal compartment Syndrome on 14th August 2010 - Annual Academic Sessions of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka.
    34. Invited for guest lecture on ‘Abdominal Compartment Syndrome’ for the Clinical Society of Colombo South Teaching Hospital on 10th February 2011.
    35. Invited as a resource person to deliver a lecture on Abdominal Compartment Syndrome at the UPDATE in CRITICAL CARE held on 3rd April 2011 in Kandy; organized by the Faculty of Critical Care Medicine of the College of Anesthesiologists
    36. “Trauma- Changing concepts… marching from A B C D E to M A R C H” at Trauma Symposium- 70th Annual Academic Sessions of Galle Medical Association 23rd September 2011
    37. “Bleeding following Trauma ”Surgeon's role - 29th September 2011 at Blood Bank Auditorium organized by The College of Transfusion Medicine.
    38. Abdominal Compartment Syndrome- Critical Care Workshop - 12th November 2011 at NHSL-Neurosurgery Auditorium.
    39. Media Conference; The road Traffic Accident Victim Remembrance day-16 November 2011 in Colombo; Topic was “Hospital burden of Road Accidents”
    40. The Massive Transfusion Protocol for trauma was introduced to the Colombo South Teaching Hospital on the 26th of January 2012. This is the first massive transfusion protocol ever to be introduced in Sri Lanka.
    41. Multiple Casualty Management - Medical Response for the MSc in Community Medicine Course- 5th March 2012 at PGIM
    42. Invited speaker at 125th Anniversary SLMA International Medical Congress on Preliminary Trauma Care for the Seminar on "Reducing Mortality and Morbidity from Road Traffic Accidents" on 5th July 2012 at BMICH, Colombo
    43. Invited as a resource person for the “Adult Trauma and Life saving”program organized by the Ruhunu Clinical Society held on 22nd August 2012 at Matara general hospital. Delivers 2 lectures on Initial Resuscitation & Hospital Management of Multiple Casualty Incident". Discussion on Case Scenarios.
    44. “Strengthening the Trauma quality Improvement program in Sri Lanka” -Child Injury prevention workshop arranged by the WHO Geneva- 18th to 20th September 2012 in Colombo.
    45. Lecture on “Operation or Watchful waiting for Abdominal Compartment Syndrome” in Trauma and Critical Care symposium 6th October 2012 organized by the Critical Care Faculty of the College of Anaesthesiologists.
    46. “Massive haemorrage following Trauma; What should we do?”, VIIIth Annual Congress of SAATM-South Asian Association of Transfusion Medicine- Colombo 8th December 2012
    47. Trauma Quality Improvement Program of WHO, How Can We Adopt it to Reduce Child Injury Mortality in Sri Lanka? Speech at the Child Injury prevention seminar at the Annual conference of the Sri lankan College of Community Physicians, 24th September 2013 at SLFI
    48. Invited for participation and Lecture on  “Disaster management - What will happen in the hospital” ( in Sinhalese).Disaster management stake holders meeting of Colombo South Teaching Hospital on 3rd December 2013
    49. Inauguration speech" Why we are here?" and “Tranexamic Acid and Factor VII” at 1st National Symposium on Critical Bleeding ,on 2nd August 2014 at the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka
    50. “Role of the Professional Colleges in the Care of Emergencies” at Round Table Conference - National Accident & Emergency Policy- Sri Lanka, jointly organized by the Colleges of Surgeons , Anesthesiologists and Physicians.
    51. Annual Academic Sessions -of The College of surgeons of Sri Lanka -21st August 2014- Resource person for the trauma symposium - Case Scenarios in Trauma.
    52. Annual Academic Sessions -of The College of surgeons of Sri Lanka - 21st August 2015- Resource person for the trauma symposium - Rapid Fire Questions on Trauma - on 21st August 2015
    53. Annual Scientific Sessions 2015 of Faculty of Critical care Medicine; College of Anesthesiologists and Intensivists of Sri Lanka- Resource person- conducted a case scenario on 5th September 2015 at NHSL

    54. First South East Asian Primary Trauma Care Summit Meeting held in January 2007 in Lahore, Pakistan. Presentation titled “Primary Trauma Care in Sri Lanka. Have we done well?”
    55. Presentation on Current “Trauma System development In Sri Lanka”. in Trauma & Emergency Care Services (TECS) meeting held on 28th and 29th of September 2006 at WHO HQ in Geneva.
    56. "Progress of Trauma Care in Sri Lanka" , TECS meeting - June 2007-Centre for Disease Control, Atlanta, USA
    57. 6th Global forum on Road Accidents - South Asia. Video Conference held on 10th December 2007 at the Distant Learning Centre in Colombo. Represented Sri Lanka in this forum which involved the World Bank HQ in Washington, Afghanistan, Karachchi, Lahore, India, and Sri Lanka.
    58. “Trauma Secretariat in Sri Lanka. Where we are today!” 2008 November- WHO Geneva- TECS meeting
    59. “Pelvic Injury management” lectured at Mumbai Emergency Management Exercise MEMEx. in November 2008.
    60. Presentation on ‘Reducing Mortality in Trauma Victims in Sri Lanka’ in October 2009 at Rio de Janeiro- at the 1st WHO Trauma Check list meeting
    61. Invited guest at ASICON 2010, The annual conference of the Association of Surgeons of India held in ASICON CITY, New Delhi from 17th December 2010.Delivered a plenary titled “Trauma; Lessons I learned from the mistakes bygone” on 18th December.
    62. SAARC Surgical Society - Conference 2011 November 24th to 26th in Lahore, Pakistan. Invited Guest as the Vice President SAARC Surgical Society; Member of the organizing committee of the conference and invited Speaker. Delivered a lecture titled “Resuscitation of an injured; What do we need to know?”
    63. Bleeding after Trauma" two lectures delivered in Xiamen and in Quanzhou, China in March 2012. Lectures were delivered in English and translated to Chinese by a translator.
    64. Trauma System in Sri Lanka - speech delivered at Trauma System and Quality Improvement Workshop - Sungai Buloh Hospital, Selangor, Malaysia 2012.
    65. Trauma Care in Sri Lanka, Progress made - Symposium on Trauma and Injury Prevention. -Asia Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health 44th Conference 13th -18th October 2012, Colombo.
    66. Three guest lectures at 5th Annual Conference of Indian Society for Trauma and Acute Care- November 2012, New Delhi at Jai Prakash Nayaran Apex Trauma Centre.
    67. Trauma Resuscitation, What is changing? The Concept of damage Control Resuscitation,
    68. Trauma Quality Improvement: The WHO Initiative
    69. Common Mistakes in Diagnosis and management of major Trauma
    70. Lecture titled “What Can we do for Traumatic Bleeding” delivered at Han Dan Central hospital on 8th of May and at Feng Feng Hospital, Han Dan on 9th of May 2013.
    71. “Trauma Quality Improvement- WHO Initiative”- speech at “International collaboration in Surgery” , 38th Annual Scientific Congress of The Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand on 20th July 2013
    72. Invited guest speaker at 7th Annual Conference of Indian Society for Trauma and Acute Care-27th to 30th November 2014, New Delhi at Jai Prakash Nayaran Apex Trauma Centre. Speech titled “How I performed Trauma Laparotomy”

    Other Publications

    1. WHO publication titled ‘Guidelines for Trauma Quality Improvement Programmes’. I am one of the contributors of this book which was published in 2009
    2. WHO publication titles; CARING FOR THEINJURED GLOBALLY: SUCCESS STORIES AND LESSONS LEARNED.I contributed to this publication of Trauma and Emergency Care committee of WHO in Geneva (as a member).
    3. Contributed for “Initial Trauma Care Guide” a pocketbook prepared and distributed to all the hospitals in Sri Lanka by the Trauma Secretariat in Sri Lanka
    4. Sri Lanka Health Sector Development project (HSDP) National Guide lines for trauma ISBN 978-955-9093-31-2
      • Guideline for Trauma resuscitation
      • Guideline for Head injury
      • Guideline for Spinal Injury
      • Guideline for Penetrating Neck Injury
      • Guideline for Chest Injury
      • Guideline for Abdominal Trauma
    5. Manual of ATRIMS course - Advanced Trauma Resuscitation & Initial Management for Surgeons - Trauma course developed by The College of surgeons of Sri Lanka
    6. Compiled and edited the abstract book of 1st National Symposium on Critical Bleeding held on 2nd August 2014.(One of the 4 editors)
  • Awards & Grants
  • Awards & Grants

    • Award of Excellence for the outstanding contribution to Trauma care for Sri Lanka and worldwide by the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka at the Sri Lanka Surgical Congress SLSC 2024 ( 11th September 2024) in Kandy.
    • Fellowship of the International Society of Surgery (ISS/SIC) - FISS  was awarded at the 50th International Surgical Week (ISW) 2024 held in Kula Lumpur on 25th August 2024
    • Fellowship of the Asian Collaboration of Trauma; awarded in March 2021
    • Gold Honor by Primary Trauma Care Foundation, UK. This award recognizes that the individual has organised at least 4 PTC Course cascades and has trained at least 10 instructors.
    • Award of Excellence in Health Emergency Management in Sri Lanka- 7th December 2015-12-09; awarded by University of Peradeniya in collaboration with WHO & Ministry of Health
    • National Research Council of Sri Lanka Merit Award for the publication in 2012 -"Trauma Quality Improvement in Low and Middle Income Countries of Asia- Pacific Region- A Mixed Method Study, World Journal Of surgery; April 2012
    • Honorary Fellow of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka 2011
  • Involvement with other Organizations
  • Involvement with other Organizations

    1. Honorary Fellow of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka- 2011
    2. Chairman of Subcommittee Trauma and Disaster Management, The College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka.
    3. Member of the Trauma Subcommittee of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka
    4. Member of the Trauma System Development Committee (TSDC), presently assisting the Ministry of Health to improve Trauma care in Sri Lanka since 2006 to date
    5. Chairman Training subcommittee of TSDC.
    6. Member of Protocol and Guideline subcommittee of TSDC
    7. Member of Pre Hospital Care subcommittee of TSDC
    8. Member of the Trauma Protocol Committee for the Health sector Development Project carried out the by Ministry of Health and World Bank from 2006.
    9. Council Member of Sri Lanka Critical Care and Emergency medicine since 2008 to date.
    10. Chairman NTMC committee of Sri Lanka-appointed by College of Surgeons Sri Lanka in February 2008 and appointed as one of the representative for the International Association for Trauma and Surgical Intensive Care and International Surgical Society.
    11. Director of the National Trauma Management Course (NTMC) committee of Sri Lanka since 2009 and the Director of the course.
    12. Member of the General Surgical Specialty Board of the Post Graduate Institute.
    13. Life member of the Sri Lanka Medical Association
    14. Life member of Sri Lanka Medical Council Library
    15. Member of the Working group on Prevention and Management of Injuries established under the Additional Secretary of Health.
    16. Member of the team attached to Ministry of Health developing Guidelines of Emergency care for the Primary Care Units of Sri Lanka.
    17. Management of Injuries established under the Additional Secretary of Health.
    18. Member of the Technical Task Force of Disaster Management committee of the Ministry of Health.
    19. Member of the Board of Study in Multidisciplinary study courses- Postgraduate Institute of Sri Lanka from August 2012
    20. Member of the Board of Study of Health Sector Disaster Preparedness at PGIM from August 2012,2013,2014 and 2015
    21. Member of the Accident and Emergency Working Group of Ministry of health from January 2013, representative of the College of Surgeons of Sri Lanka
    22. Member of the National Committee for Injury Prevention (NCPI) from March 2013/ 2015
    23. Chair Education Committee Disaster Management Unit MOH - 2015
    24. National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol - member of the expert committee on the economic impact of tobacco and alcohol.


    25. Member of the International Society of Surgery (ISS).

    26. Member of the International Association of Trauma Surgery & Intensive Care (IATSIC).

    27. Member of the World Society of Abdominal Compartment Syndrome (WSACS)

    28. Member of Trauma & Emergency Care Committee (TECS) at WHO HQ in Geneva -  representing  Sri Lanka and The College of surgeons. The committee is involved in improving Trauma Care    globally especially in middle and lower income countries.

    29. Global chair in NTMC of IATSIC

    30. Member of the Scientific committee of SAFETY 2016 to be held in September 2016 in Finland.