- MPhil in Clinical Psychology (Col.,)
- BA, Psychology (Pdn.,)
- Registered Clinical Psychologist ( SLMC-23)

Ms. T Solomons
BA (Psychology), MPhil (Clinical Psychology)
Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology
- Qualifications
- Teaching Areas
Teaching Areas
- Adult clinical psychology
- Child clinical psychology
- Research Interests
Research Interests
- Psychosis
- Explanatory models of illness
- Mindfulness based interventions
- Effect of psychological factors on cancer prognosis
- Publications
Research Work
- “The level of social functioning of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia: Impact of the type of antipsychotic medication, number of hospital admissions and the physician's rating of the level of compliance to treatment”. (In partial fulfillment of requirements for the Mphil in clnical psychology degree)
- “The impact of the social support system on cancer prognosis” (In partial fulfillment of requirements for the B.A psychology degree)
- Psychological aspects of Cancer
- Explanatory models of cancer, cardiovascular disease and Chronic Kidney disease.
- Mindfulness based interventions in improving wellbeing
Research Publications
- PERMA profiler: adaptation to Sinhala. T.H. Solomons, S. Katriarachchi, J. Galante, D. Waas. KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (KJMS) Volume 6. Issue 1 July 2024, Vol.06 , Issue 01 , 170- 176.
- A Different Perspective from Sri Lanka on Employment Among Patients Diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Solomons, T.H , Mandy , L , Suveendran , T. Colombo Journal of Psychology and Counselling (CJPC), Volume 01. Issue 1, January 2024, 1-8
- Religion and culture-related explanatory models of cancer and their association with wellbeing: a survey-based study in Sri Lanka. TH Solomons, S Malaviarachchi, J Balawardane, S Manjuka, IT Wijesekara, TH Hettige. Journal of management, Social Sciences and Humanities , 2023 , Vol.04 , Issue 02 , 85-96.
- Plenary speaker for the mini - research symposium of the faculty of nursing, University of Colombo - 2nd December 2019. Abstract - “Psychological Wellbeing for Better health Care”
- “Impact of social media on mental health: A review of cases” - Full paper published in proceedings of the 3rd Global public health conference - 2020, Bangalore, India - ISSN 2613-8417 online.
- “Abuse related memories in mental illnesses” - The 4th Global public health conference 2021 (virtual) - 25th -26th February 2021. Full paper published in the proceedings under the title “Recovered memories of abuse in mental illnesses” - Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2020, pp. 18-22 - ISSN 2613-8417 online
- “Impact of microcredit facilities on mental health: A review based on focus group discussion” -The 4th International conference on the future of women (Virtual) - 25th -26th February 2021.
- “Current Issues pertaining to gender-based violence in Sri Lanka” - The 7th World Conference on Women's Studies (WCWS) - 20-22nd May 2021 Full paper published in the proceedings - Vol. 6, Issue. 1, 2021, pp. 44-56 - ISSN 2424-6743 online
- “Explanatory models of cancer among Sri Lankans: An interim analysis" - Solomons T. H, Sachini Malaviarachchi, Jayantha Balawardane, and S. Manjuka - 14th International research conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU) - Full paper has been published in the conference proceedings.
- “Why psychiatrists and psychologists of Sri Lanka should agree soon?”- 21st FERCAP (The Forum for Ethical Review Committees in the Asian and Western Pacific Region) online international annual conference , Held from December 8-11, 2021, Hosted by the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada
- “Is Anorexia Nervosa increasing in Sri Lanka?” - The 8th World Conference on Women's Studies (WCWS) - 12th -14th May 2022. ( Virtual Conference)
- “A different perspective from Sri Lanka on employment among patients diagnosed with schizophrenia”- Solomons, Tina, Mandy, Lionel, Suveendran, T. - The 08th International conference on public health 2022, held on the 28th - 29th July , 2022 on virtual platform.
- “Social functioning of patients with schizophrenia in Sri Lanka” Solomons, Tina, Mandy, Lionel, Suveendran, T.- The 08th International conference on public health 2022 , held on the 28th - 29th July , 2022 on virtual platform. Full paper published in the Proceeding of the International Conference on Public Health, Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2022, pp. 119-126 -ISSN 2424 - 6735 online - DOI: https://doi.org/10.17501/24246735.2022.7112
- “Integrating mindfulness based techniques into Cognitive behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Obsessive-compulsive Disorder (OCD): A case description” - Solomons, Tina , Fernando , Fernando , NFJ , De Silva KDY - KDU 15th International research conference - 2022 - Extended abstract has been accepted for publication.
- “Eating behaviours and attitudes towards eating among allied health undergraduates of Sri Lanka” - GAMCI Abeykoon , VGP Madushanki , RMNM Rathnayake , WMSW Weerasinghe , RDAAN Ranamuka , KGG Priyangika , and T H Solomons - Proceedings of the scientific sessions of the nutrition society of Sri Lanka , 2020
- “Parenting-related stress in mothers of toddlers (1-3 years) at Piliyandala MOH area.” HCC Sewwandika , SJ de Silva , BMKS Rathnayake , DMKU Dissanayake , LNL Kulasena , KGG Priyangika and TH Solomons. International research conference of KDU - 2020
- “Assessment of eating habits among undergraduates of Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka”. VGP Madushanki ,GAMCI Abeykoon , RMNM Rathnayake ,WMSW Weerashinge , KGG Priyangika and TH Solomons - 12th International Research Conference of KDU - 2019
- “Adaptation of the Social Functioning Scale (SFS) for patients with schizophrenia in to Sinhala”. Solomons T H, Mandy Land Suveendran T. The 6th Global health conference (GLOBEHEAL 2023). 23rd to 24th February 2023, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Cross cultural adaptation of the Big Five inventory (BFI) for personality assessment in to Sinhala. Solomons T. H, P. Jayasekarab, D. Govindapalac, and I. T. Wijesekara. 9th International Conference on Public Health, 3rd to 4th August , 2023 , Malaysia / Virtual hybrid conference.
- International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ): Adaptation to Sinhalese.Tina Solomons, S. Katriarachchi, J. Galante3, D. Waas .9th International Conference on Public Health, 3rd to 4th August , 2023 , Malaysia / Virtual hybrid conference.
- Concerns about appearance in geriatric populations in Sri Lanka. Solomons T. H, Sachini Malaviarachchi.9th International Conference on Public Health, 3rd to 4th August , 2023 , Malaysia / Virtual hybrid conference.
- Religion and culture-related beliefs regarding cancer in a convenient sample of adults. Solomons T. H, Sachini Malaviarachchi, Jayantha Balawardane, and S. Manjuka. Clinical Oncology Wormald Fund Competition 2023 , 12th to 13th October 2023 , in London , United Kingdom (UK)
- Translation and cross cultural adaptation of trait emotional intelligence scale-short form (TEIQUE-SF) into Sinhala. T.H. Solomons, P. Jayasekara, D. Govindapala, T. Hettige. KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (KJMS) Volume 5. Issue 2, November 2023, 142-147.
- Religion and culture-related explanatory models of cancer and their association with wellbeing: a survey-based study in Sri Lanka. TH Solomons, S Malaviarachchi, J Balawardane, S Manjuka, IT Wijesekara, TH Hettige. Journal of management, Social Sciences and Humanities , 2023 , Vol.04 , Issue 02 , 85-96.
- Is Anorexia Nervosa increasing in Sri Lanka - The 8th World Conference on Women's Studies (WCWS) - 12th -14th May 2022. ( Virtual Conference)
- Incorporating Clinical Psychology into Health Services - 21st FERCAP (The Forum for Ethical Review Committees in the Asian and Western Pacific Region) online international annual conference , Held from December 8-11, 2021, Hosted by the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing Universitas Gadjah Mada
- Explanatory models of cancer among Sri Lankans: An interim analysis - Solomons T. H, Sachini Malaviarachchi , Jayantha Balawardane, and S. Manjuka - 14th International research conference , General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU) - Full paper has been published in the conference proceedings.
- “Current Issues pertaining to gender-based violence in Sri Lanka” - The 7th World Conference on Women's Studies (WCWS) - 20-22nd May 2021. Full paper published in the proceedings - Vol. 6, Issue. 1, 2021, pp. 44-56 - ISSN 2424-6743 online
- “Impact of microcredit facilities on mental health: A review based on focus group discussion” -The 4th International conference on the future of women (Virtual) - 25th -26th February 2021
- “Abuse-related memories in mental illnesses” - The 4th Global public health conference 2021 (virtual) - 25th -26th February 2021.a) Full paper published in the proceedings under the title “Recovered memories of abuse in mental illnesses” - Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2020, pp. 18-22 - ISSN 2613-8417
- Impact of social media on mental health : A review of cases - 3rd Global public health conference - from 13th - 14th February 2020, Bangalore , India.
- Social functioning of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and the impact of the type of antipsychotic medication, Level of adherence and the no of hospital admissions -Solomons, Tina, Mandy, Lionel, Suveendran, T. (Annual research Symposium 2012, University of Colombo) http://archive.cmb.ac.lk:8080/research/handle/70130/3904
- Practicing CBT in Sri Lanka - International Research Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (IRCHSS) 2016, University of Sri Jayawardenepura.
- Culture specific mental Imagery in the treatment of Anxiety - Extended abstract presented and published in the Open University Research Symposium (OURS) 2017 under the theme of Health Sciences
- Economic Factors That Affect Unequal Gender Participation And Gender Based Violence - 5th World Conference on Women's Studies - 2019, Bangkok, Thailand
- Invited speaker for the symposium on “Ensuring women's health and rights for sustainable development” conducted by UNFPA at the 1st South East Asia regional group meeting of the international epidemiological association and the 24th annual academic sessions of the college of community physicians of Sri Lanka - 2019 - 19th - 21st of September at the Cinnamon Grand Colombo.
- Abstract - Psychosocial support and mental health aspect in SRH and GBVa. Economic Factors That Affect Unequal Gender Participation And Gender Based Violence - 5th World Conference on Women's Studies - 2019, Bangkok, Thailand
Other publications
- Compilation / writing of the course book for the on-going English course for the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya.
- Unit Author - PLU3309 - Itroduction to counselling Psychology course of the Bsc (Hons) In Psychology degree programme of the Open university of Sri Lanka.
- Specific chapters authored
- Sri Lankan context of counselling
- Introduction to ethics in Counselling - 1
- Introduction to ethics in counselling - 2
- Transference and counter transference
- Future directions of counselling profession
- Chapter on Psychosis in the abnormal psychology module.
- Articles on common issues on national newspapers “Dinamina” and Sunday Observer
- Involvement with other Organizations
Involvement with other Organizations
Consultant to the UNFPA for the development of a TOT manual for primary health care workers for the ministry of health.
Visiting lecturer
- University of Sri Jayawardenepura
- Rajarata university of Sri Lanka
- Wayamba University of Sri Lanka
- Open University of Sri Lanka
- University of Peradeniya
- Sri Lanka Foundation