- MBBS (Col)
- DCH (Col)
- MD (Paediatrics)
- DPhil (Oxon)

Professor GD Ishani Rodrigo
MBBS (Col), DCH (Col), MD (Paediatrics), MRCPCH (UK), MRCP (UK), DPhil (Oxon)
Professor Paediatrics
- Qualifications
- Research Interests
Research Interests
- Neonatalogy
- Paediatric Nutrition
- Obesity
- Teaching Areas
Teaching Areas
- Paediatrics
- Neonatology
- Publications
Google Scholar Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=Bs_3uRUAAAAJ&view_op=list_works
- What determines nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus?
SJ Peacock, I De Silva, FD Lowy
Trends in microbiology 9 (12), 605-610 530 2001 - The ica Operon and Biofilm Production in Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci Associated with Carriage and Disease in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
GDI De Silva, M Kantzanou, A Justice, RC Massey, AR Wilkinson, NPJ Day, SJ Peacock
Journal of clinical microbiology 40 (2), 382-388 297 2002 - Determinants of Acquisition and Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus in Infancy
Sharon J Peacock, Anita Justice, D Griffiths, GDI De Silva, MN Kantzanou, Derrick Crook, Karen Sleeman, Nicholas PJ Day
Journal of clinical microbiology 41 (12), 5718-5725 276 2003 - Factors determining client satisfaction with hospital-based perinatal care in Sri Lanka
U Senarath, DN Fernando, I Rodrigo
Tropical Medicine & International Health 11 (9), 1442-1451 135 2006 - Comparison of Multilocus Sequence Typing and Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis as Tools for Typing Staphylococcus aureus Isolates in a Microepidemiological …..
Sharon J Peacock, GDI De Silva, A Justice, A Cowland, CE Moore, CG Winearls, NPJ Day
Journal of clinical microbiology 40 (10), 3764-3770 130 2002 - Factors associated with maternal knowledge of newborn care among hospital-delivered mothers in Sri Lanka
U Senarath, DN Fernando, G Vimpani, I Rodrigo
Transactions of the Royal society of tropical medicine and hygiene 101 (8 … 82 2007 - Effect of training for care providers on practice of essential newborn care in hospitals in Sri Lanka
U Senarath, DN Fernando, I Rodrigo
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing 36 (6), 531-541 72 2007 - Genetic population structure of coagulase-negative staphylococci associated with carriage and disease in preterm infants
GDI De Silva, A Justice, AR Wilkinson, J Buttery, M Herbert, NPJ Day, Sharon J Peacock
Clinical infectious diseases 33 (9), 1520-1528 35 2001 - Newborn care practices at home: effect of a hospital-based intervention in Sri Lanka
U Senarath, DN Fernando, I Rodrigo
Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 53 (2), 113-118 26 2007 - Changing patterns of neonatal sepsis
I Rodrigo
Sri Lanka J Child Health 31, 3-8 22 2002 - Obstetric performance perinatal outcome and risk of infection to the newborn in spontaneous and artificial rupture of membranes during labour
TR HR Seneviratne, GDI De Silva, MVC De Silva
Ceylon Medical Journal 43 (1), 11-15 6 1998 - Factors associated with maternal knowledge of newborn care among hospital delivered mothers
U Senath, DN Fernando, G Vimpani, I Rodrigo
Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 101 (8), 823-30 5 2007 - Is it Munchausen syndrome by proxy?
H Perera
5 1980 - Met and unmet needs of children with epilepsy in a paediatric tertiary care setting
H Perera, GDI Rodrigo
Ceylon Medical Journal 49 (1), 11-14 4 2004 - Respiratory distress in the newborn
I Rodrigo
Child Health 33, 82-4 3 2004 - Myocardial Infarction in an infant due to anomalous origin of the left coronary artery
LSP De Silva MVC, De Silva GDI
Ceylon Medical Journal 41 (3), 115-117 2 1996 - Unresolving pneumonia in a child? Look for an aspirated foreign body
GDI De Silva, SP Lamabadusuriya, R Abeywickrema
Ceylon Medical Journal 41 (4), 159 2 1996 - Abuse of paracetamol in childhood fever.
GD de Silva, MD Gunatilake, SP Lamabadusuriya
The Ceylon Medical Journal 40 (1), 46-47 2 1995 - Demographics and patterns of lung involvement and survival in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and interstitial lung disease in a tertiary care setting of Sri Lanka
A Siribaddana, H Pathirathne, R Palitha, G Rodrigo
Chest 155 (4), 132A 1 2019 - Psychosocial well-being of overweight and obese children attending a specialised clinic for weight related problems in Colombo, Sri Lanka
Rodrigo Ishani Athukorale NS, Athukorale ANC, Babilawattege PS, Wickramasinghe BAM, Ranasinghe TADN, Yoosoof MBF
136th Anniversary International Medical Congress 68 (CMJ Supplement) - 2023 - Weight-related bullying and psychosocial well-being among overweight and obese children attending an obesity clinic in Colombo, Sri Lanka
Yoosoof MBF Athukorale NS, Athukorale ANC, Babilawattege PS, Wickramasinghe BAM, Rodrigo GDI, Ranasinghe TADN
20th Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists 1 (1) - 2023 - Community-based cross-sectional study on undernutrition and its association to household food insecurity during the economic crisis in Sri Lanka
De Silva DGH Vipulaguna DV, Liyanage GHS, Rodrigo I, Sathiadas G, Dalpatadu A, Chathurangana PWP, Ranasinghe JC, Sampath MGU
25th Annual Scientific Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians 2023 - Bully victimisation and psychosocial well-being among overweight and obese children attending an obesity clinic in Colombo, Sri Lanka
RI Athukorale NS, Athukorale ANC, Babilawattege PS, Wickramasinghe BAM
25th Annual Scientific Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians 2023 - Health seeking behaviour and the use of local remedies among a group of children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic
Ishani Rodrigo Nishadi Ranasinghe, Vajira Croos, Erangi de Silva, Navangi de Silva, Niranga M Devanarayana
24th Annual Scientific Congress of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians 2022 - Resilience in a group of children and adolescents during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka
IR Vajira Croos, Nishadi Ranasinghe, Rajitha Wansooriya, Oshadee De Silva
24th Annual Scientific Congress of Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians 2022 - Prevalence of Evidence Based Physiotherapy Interventions for Children with Cerebral Palsy in Colombo District, Sri Lanka: A Cross Sectional Study
THESJ De Silva, T Praveena, GDI Rodrigo, MKTRS Bandara, MABL Athukorala, GDRS Fernando
2021 - Quality of Laboratory Request Forms Received at the Chemical Pathology Laboratory, National Cancer Institute Maharagama
VJK Jayawardena, YA Jayawardena, KUGC Kavindya, KAGSK Kaluarachchi, MKDN Jayasekara, SN Kaluarachchi, SWAU Karunathilake, GDI Rodrigo
2021 - Knowledge and Awareness regarding Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection and vaccination among adolescents aged 14-16 years in selected mixed Government Schools in Kesbewa…
HLC Ushara, HMRR Wijesimghe, V Vysnavy, GGCR Malalagama, MGCH Jayasekara, MN Priyadarshanie, GDI Rodrigo
2020 - Effectiveness of an intervention to improve the safety of home environment in households with children aged 1 to 5 years
GDI Rodrigo RT Gunawardhana, DS WIjesinghe, RMADM Rathnayake, HGH Purnodaya, HDI Yasasilu, D Vidanage
22nd Annual Scientific Congress of Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians 5 2019 - Changing food choosing behaviour in preschool children through a preschool activity
GDI Rodrigo UDSM Abeyrathna, KHP Perera, WVN de Mel, DC Madushan, GWNK Chandrasiri, MN Priyadarshanie
22nd Annual Scientific Congress of Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians 5 2019 - Effectiveness of Interventional Food Based Activity in Preschool on Changing the Food Choosing Behaviour of Preschool Children of Age 2-5 Years in Panadura Urban Council Area
UDSM Abeyrathna, KHP Perera, WVN De Mel, DC Madushan, GWNK Chandrasiri, MN Priyadarshanie, GDI Rodrigo
2019 - Study on factors associated with maternal knowledge and health seeking behavior on neonatal danger signs among mothers attending child welfare clinic in Piliyandala Medical…
KPS Chamara, MD Rupasinghe, MLKD Senanayeke, BGPV Dharmakeerthi, KWSPK Silva, HLGA Shashikala, RDUP Sugathipala, I Rodrigo
4th International Conference on Global Public Health 2019 - 2019 - Maternal Interpretation of weight gain pattern of infants and the psychological impact of growth faltering in a suburban Sri Lankan Population
Ishani Dushmanthi Rodrigo, Chathuni Wijewardena, Kosala Bandara, VC Lakshan, KD Wijesinghe, IN Rathnayeke, Nirmala Priyadarshinie Manathunga
Execellence in Paediatrics 2018, Prague, 83 2018 - Successful Adaptation of "MyPlate" method for improving the quality of mid-day meal of preschoolers in suburban Sri Lanka
Ishani Dushmanthi Rodrigo, Kalani Dias, Gayan Rathnayeke, Roshini Thilakarathne, Esther Shobowale, Lakshani De Silva, Viraj Indika, Vidanage, Dinithi
Execellence in Paediatrics 2018, Prague, 118 2018 - Knowledge, understanding and interpretation of growth patterns in the Child Health Development Record among mothers of infants over 6 months in the Piliyandala MOH area
MDVC Lakshan, RMIN Rathnayake, SCJ Wijewardene, WMKS Bandara, AKDC Wijesinghe, MN Priyadarshini, Rodrigo GDI
131st Anniversary International Medical Congress 63 2018 - Effectiveness of an educational intervention on improving the quality of mid-day meal of preschool children in Piliyandala MOH area
SKK Dias, RMGM Rathnayake, LARW Thilakarathna, SLSM De Silva, IHV Indika, EO Shobowala, D Vidanage, U Senarath, Rodrigo GDI
131st Anniversary International Medical Congress 63 2018 - Maternal Interpretation of growth pattern in the child health development record and the psychological impact of a child being identified as having growth faltering
MDVC Lakshan, RMIN Rathnayake, SCJ Wijewardene, WMKS Bandara, AKDC Wijesinghe, MN Priyadarshini, Rodrigo GDI
21st Annual Scientific Congress, Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians 2018 - The effectiveness of a food plate based method in improving the nutritional value of the mid-day meal offered by mothers to preschool children
SKK Dias, RMGM Rathnayake, LARW Thilakarathna, SLSM De Silva, IHV Indika, EO Shobowala, D Vidanage, U Senarath, Rodrigo GDI
21st Annual Scientific Congress, Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians - 2018 - Knowledge and understanding of the weight for age chart in the Child Health Development Record among mothers of infants over six months of age in Piliyandala MOH area
MDVC Lakshan, RMIN Rathnayake, SCJ Wijewardene, WMKS Bandara, AKDC Wijesinghe, MN Priyadarshini, Rodrigo GDI
11th International Research Conference General Sir John Kotelawala Defence … - 2018 - Current physiotherapy management of infants with torticollis among physiotherapy practitioners in Sri Lanka
RI Dissanayake DMRP, Fontaine ME, Madushani AG, Nishshanka NACL, Perera ADP
International Journal of Advance research (IJAR) 5 (5), 419-422 - 2017 - Study on Maternal knowledge of neonatal dengue signs among mothers attending Child Welfare Clinics in Piliyandala Medical Officer of Health area of Sri Lanka
KPS Chamara, MD Rupasinghe, MLKD Senanayeke, BGPV Dharmakeerthi, KWSPK Silva, HLGA Shashikala, RDUP Sugathipala, I Rodrigo
International Nursing Congress, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Allied … - 2017 - Knowledge, attitudes and practice of evidence based medicine among undergraduate medical students in a military medical school in Sri Lanka
GDI Rodrigo, M Gamage
14th Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference 2017, Singapore - 2017 - Mother's knowledge regarding prevention and management of febrile seizures in children at Dehiwala MOH area, Sri Lanka
SS Weerasekara, SASK Dissanayeke, D Thilanka KN, Induroshi, WTS, Vidanage, GDI Rodrigo
10th International Research Conference General Sir John Kotelawala Defence … - 2017 - Abnormal serum biochemistry in the second trimester - indicator of bad pregnancy outcome
W Wijesinghe, GDI Rodrigo, W Wijesekara, WN Rodrigo
Joint International Conference of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics … - 2015 - PRE-NATAL DIAGNOSIS OF THALASSAEMIA BY AMNIOCENTESIS: KANDY THALASSAEMIA CENTRE, SRI LANKA
KK Nanayakkara, G Rodrigo, CD Nanayakkara
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 119, S434-S434 - 2012 - Prediction of an adverse pregnancy outcome by maternal serum biochemistry
GDI Rodrigo, WN Rodrigo, R Wijeweera, H Ellepola
25th International Congress of Paediatrics, Athens, Greece - 2007 - Value of nasal bone assessment in the first trimester among high risk pregnant women for prediction of Down Syndrome
GDI Rodrigo, WN Rodrigo, R Wijeweera, H Ellepola
25th International Congress of Paediatrics, Athens, Greece - 2007 - Can breast milk alone adequately support weight gain in very low birth weight preterm infants?
I Rodrigo, C Sampath, U Senarath
12th Asia Pacific Congress of Paediatrics; 2nd Asia Pacific congress of … - 2007 - Factors determining client satisfaction with hospital based perinatal care in a district of Sri Lanka
U Senerath, D Fernando, I Rodrigo
4th Annual Academic Sessions of the Perinatal Society of Sri Lanka - 2006 - Pregnancy outcomes in women with abnormal serum biochemistry markers in the second trimester
GDI Rodrigo, WN Rodrigo, R Nallaperuma
13th International Conference on Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy;2006,Kyoto,Japan - 2006 - Changing pattern of referrals at the first referral fetal medicine clinic in Sri Lanka over a 5 year period,2000-2005
GDI Rodrigo, WN Rodrigo, L Perera
13th International Conference on Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy;2006,Kyoto,Japan - 2006 - Trends in utilization of diagnostic services at the referral fetal medicine centre in Sri lanka over a 5 year period 200-2005
WN Rodrigo, R GDI, N Mahanama, N Vithanage
2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, Guangzhou, China - 2006 - Abnormal serum biochemistry in the second trimester - a marker of bad pregnancy outcome
GDI Rodrigo, WN Rodrigo, N Mahanama, N Vithanage
2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, Guangzhou, China - 2006 - Clinical evaluation of Single Shot Fast Spin Echo (SSFSE) with fat saturation fetal MRI as an adjunct and effective diagnostic tool for diagnosis of fetal anomalies
RM Vadapalli, SH Hettiarachchi, WN Rodrigo, A Padmanabha, GDI Rodrigo
2nd Asia Pacific Congress in Maternal Fetal Medicine, Guangzhou, China - 2006 - Knowledge about folic acid in pregnancy among postnatal mothers in two teaching hospitals
S Kudagammana, I Rodrigo, L Jayasena
Annual Sessions of Kandy Society of Medicine - 2005 - Knowledge, attitudes and practices of umbilical cord care among health care workers
J Marasinghe, I Rodrigo
38th Annual Scientific sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians … - 2005 - Knowledge about folic acid during pregnancy among health care workers in two teaching hospitals of Sri Lanka
ST Kudagammana, I Rodrigo
7th Annual Scientific Sessions of Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians - 2004 - Morbidity and Mortality of preterm of infants admitted to a Special Care Baby Unit, De Soysa Hospital, Colombo
GDI De Silva, MVC De Silva
Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians - 1997 - An audit of deaths occurring at the University Neonatal Unit, De Soysa Hospital for Women, Colombo
GDI De Silva, MVC De Silva
Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Paediatricians - 1997 - Keeping tract of antibiotic sensitivity of micro-organisms causing sepsis
GDI De Silva, J Perera, HR Seneviratne
Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists International Congress - 1997 - Leukocyte infiltration of the placenta and membranes following membrane rupture
HR Seneviratne, GDI De Silva, MVC De Silva, T Rudra
31st Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Paediatric Association - 1996 - Lethal fetal hydrops secondary to a chest wall and axillary haemangioma
MVC De Silva, GDI De Silva
Ceylon Journal of Child Health 25 (1), 39-40 - 1996 - Morbidity and mortality of premature infants admitted to a special care baby unit at the De Soysa Hospital for Women (DSHW), Colombo
MVC De Silva, GDI De Silva, SP Lamabadusuriya
Ceylon Journal of Child Health 25 (1), 30-33 - 1996 - Narcopsy examination of neonatal deaths
Journal of Ruhuna Clinical Society 3 (1), 7-10 - 1996 - Morbidity and Mortality of preterm infants admitted to a Special Care Baby Unit, De Soysa Hospital, Colombo
GDI De Silva, MVC De Silva, JC Nanayakkara, SP Lamabadusuriya
30th Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Paediatric Association - 1995 - Usefulness of Perinatal Autopsy in evaluating Perinatal Deaths
GDI De Silva, MVC De Silva, SP Lamabadusuriya
30th Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Paediatric Association - 1995 - Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy
GDI De Silva, H Perera, SP Lamabadusuriya
30th Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Paediatric Association - 1995 - The influence of induction of labour on perinatal mortality
HR Seneviratne, GDI De Silva, MVC De Silva, T Rudra
15th Asia Oceania Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Bali, Indonesia - 1995 - Abuse of Paracetamol in childhood fever
SPL GDI De Silva, MDAS Gunathilake
Ceylon Medical Journal 40 (1), 46-47 - 1995 - Chronic Paracetamol Poisoning
GDI De Silva, M Goonethilake, SP Lamabadusuriya
29th Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Paediatric Association - 1994 - Thalassaemia - The diagnostic dustbin
DDS De Silva, GDI De Silva, MP Senanyeke, SP Lamabadusuriya
28th Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Paediatric Association - 1993
- What determines nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus?
- Awards & Grants
Awards & Grants
- Mahapola Higher Education Scholarship awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education
- Commonwealth Academic Scholarship awarded by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, Association of Commonwealth Universities (October 1998 - September 2001) University of Oxford
- Dr Stella de Silva Reserch Grant 2022
- KDU Research Grant 2020 and 2021
- Chalmer's Gold Medal for Anatomy
- Dr. Vitialingam Gold Medal for Physiology
- 2nd MBBS Scholarship
- Bibile Memorial Prize for Pharmacology
- Mylopulle Medal for Pharmacology
- Rajasuriya Medal for Clinical Medicine and Paediatrics
- Sir Andrew Caldecott Gold Medal for Final MBBS
- Joseph Nalliah Arumugam Memorial Scholarship
- Sri Lanka Paediatrics Association Gold Medal for Diploma in Child Health
- Prof. Priyani Soysa Gold Medal for MD Paediatrics
- Involvement with other Organizations
Involvement with other Organizations
- Life member SLMA
- Life member SLCP
- Life member PNSL