- MD (Medicine)
- MRCP Endocrinology and Diabetes
- FRCP (London)
- FRCP (Edinburg)
- FCCP (Fellow of Ceylon College of Physicians)

Professor Priyamali Jayasekera
Subject Head – Medicine
- Qualifications
- Teaching Areas
Teaching Areas
- General internal medicine
- Geriatric and Palliative care medicine
- Pharmacotherapy
- Current research Interests
Current research Interests
- COVID 19 and emerging infections
- Acute and Emergency Medicine
- Sepsis, Diabetes mellitus
- Awards & Grants
Awards & Grants
- Best audit award 2024 - Annual Academic Sessions Ceylon College of Physicians Septemeber 2024. A clinical audit to improve the holistic care of patients with diabetes mellitus attending medical clinics at University Hospital Kotelawala Defence University (UHKDU), Perera GADY, Mahabandara MBHYS, Nadeeshani AU, Adikaram NWAMTA, Perera DN, Munasnghe JM, Lamabadusuriya DA, Edirisinghe EMDT, Jayasekera MMPT
- Best publication by a Physician 2023 - Ceylon college of physicians; A prospective cohort study on post COVID syndrome from a tertiary care centre in Sri Lanka" published in Nature Scientific reports, on 20th of September 2023
- General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University; Research excellence award 2022
- Best Paper Award- Oral presentation. 14th International Research Conference of KDU 2021. General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University 2021- Medical Sessions Identification of new strain of SARS CoV-2 variant at University Hospital KDU (UHKDU) Sri Lanka. H Abeygoonawardena, HS Jayasinghearachchi , UTN Senaratne, MMPT Jayasekera, WMID Nakkawita, FN Mubarak, U Kulasekera, P Kawyangana, BGDS Govindapala, AD De Silva.
- Best Paper Award - Prevalence and associated factors of recurrent falls among older people attending medical clinic in four Teaching Hospitals in Sri Lanka: multi-centre study. Oral presentation Annual Academic sessions, Sri Lanka Association of Geriatric Medicine 2023. De Zoysa PDWD, Ratnayake N, Palaghasinghe D, Abegunasekera T, Silva FHDS, Jayasekera MMPT, Mettananda KCD, Lekamwasam S. Winner of the Best abstract of the congress.
- Annual academic sessions Ceylon college of Physicians 2020. Best audit award 2020 Clinical Audit on Recognition and Management of Cerebrovascular Accidents (Stroke) in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Sri Lanka.
- Annual academic sessions Ceylon college of Physicians 2021. Best audit award 2021 Heath System Readiness to Provide Geriatric Friendly Care Services in Outpatient Department (OPD) University Hospital KDU (UHKDU).
- Winner of the Stroke research Ceylon college of physicians annual academic sessions September 2019 “A study of patients presented with strokes to an emergency department (ED) in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka”
- Podium winner -"Nature of admissions to Accident and Emergency department in a tertiary care hospital of Sri Lanka"Early career Research Competition, Internal Medicine, Annual Academic Sessions - American college of Physicians, April 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Ceylon College of Physicians research grant 2017 (3)
1. Hip fractures and outcome in elderly patients in a tertiary care hospital of Sri Lanka
2. Early recognition, assess the aetiology, antibiotic sensitivity and outcome of sepsis in a tertiary care hos-pital of Sri Lanka
3. Thirty day outcome of patients who present with chest pain to the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka.2017
Research Grants
- SLCIM Research grant 2024 - Detecting clinical features, biochemical, haematological parameters and diagnostic biomarkers as diagnostic tool to differentiate the development of dengue fever to dengue haemorrhagic fever.
- KDU Research grant 2022 - Hypoglycemia in people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus in outpatient clinics in Sri Lanka: comparative study in young and older adults
- KDU Research grant 2021 - Project Title: Gastrointestinal parasitic infections among patients in selected hospitals and estate sector in western province; molecular characterization, epidemiology, and potential sources of infections
- NRC Rapid Response Grant Knowledge Attitude and Practices among healthcare workers on treating suspected/PCR positive COVID-19 patients in Sri Lanka. June 2020
- Ceylon College of Physicians research grant 2019 Assess the incidence,outcome,disease pattern, complications of dengue fever and relationship to Dengue haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome of the symptoms, signs and results of investigations in University Hospital KDU(UHKDU)
Other awards
- Best performance at Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University 2019.
- Research Excellence award 2022 General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University
- Research & Publications
Research & Publications
- A prospective cohort study on post COVID syndrome from a tertiary care centre in Sri Lanka. Scientific Reports. 2023 Sep 20;13(1):15569. Jayasekera MMPT, De Silva NL, Edirisinghe EM, Samarawickrama T, Sirimanna SW, Govindapala BG, Senanayake G, Wickramaratne DL, Hettigoda K, Gunawaradana UD, Wijayananda KD.Wijesinghe RANK https://rdcu.be/dmAb4
- Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of Trait emotional intelligence scale-short form (TEIQue-SF) into Sinhala; KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (KJMS) Volume 5. Issue 2 Nov 2023 https://doi.org/10.4038/kjms.v5i2.85; T.H. Solomons, P. Jayasekara, D. Govindapala, T. Hettige
- Hip fractures and outcome in elderly patients in a tertiary care hospital of Sri Lanka. Archives of Osteoporosis. 2023 Dec;18(1):1-8. Jayasekera PT, Fernandopulle RM, Weerasenghe T, de Soysa S, Ranaweera T, Edirisinghe EM. https://rdcu.be/dlv2O
- Severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection among vaccinated individuals: A hospital-based study. Govindapala D, Jayasekara P, Rajramanan R, de Silva N. . Ceylon Medical Journal. 2022;67:143-50.
- An evolutionary prototype of self-care application for type 2 diabetes. 2022 13 th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). Conference paper, Kosala Widnanarachchi, Sajani Mayadunne, Kosala Dissanauke, Vishwa Gunathilake, Chathrangika Kahandawaarchchi, Dharshana Kasthurirathna, Madduma Mudiyanselage Priyamali Thusharika Jayasekera http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICCCNT54827.2022.9984467
- A SARS-CoV-2 variant of C-36 lineage with L452R mutation infects a family in Sri Lanka, but has limited spread - A Case Series, H Abeygoonawardena, H Jayasinghearachchi ,T Senaratne, , P Jayasekera, WMID Nakkawita, FN Mubarak, US Kulasekera, P Kawyangana, BGDS Govindapala, AD De Silva.,2023. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases Vol.13(1):E40 1-9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4038/sljid.v13i1.8512
- A Young Female with SARS-CoV-2 Infection Presenting with Concurrent Neurological and Pulmonary Manifestations: A Case Report. Makuloluwa PT, Dissanayake KP, Jayasekera MM. Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology. 2023 May 2;31(1).http://doi.org/10.4038/slja.v31i1.9071
- Clinical and epidemiological characteristics and outcome of patients with covid-19 in Sri Lanka. Jayasekera MMPT, Herath HMM, Pathirage LPMMK, Wijesnghe WATA, Gunananthan K, Bernard PDJ, Hettiarachchi NM, Dilrukshi KDT, Piyarathne SPMLR, Senevirathne NB, Bhishman S, Jayawardhana GJKAA, Sanjeewa WAHP, Balasooriya P, Prasath T, Senarathna G, Jayasekera K, Sutharshan P, Manilgama SR, Jayasinghe IK, Jayalath WATA, S Pirasath. Asian journal of internal medicine Asian Journal of Internal Medicine. 2022 Jan 31;1(1). DOI: 10.4038/ajim.v1i1.26
- Conference paper, international research congress General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University Professional and social impact of the COID-19 pandemic among physiotherapists working in the state hospitals in the Western province of Sri Lanka. PK Yamasinghe, AHBK Hewage, HNT Gamage, IUU Acharige, SADCS Senevirathne, MMPT Jayasekera 2022;https://irc.kdu.ac.lk/2022/Abstracts_Book_IRC_2022_AHS.pdf.
- Knowledge, Practices and Attitude of Health Care Support Personnel on COVID-19: A Comparative Study Bhutan and Sri Lanka. Asian Journal of Research in Infectious Diseases. Jayasekera P, Dolkar D, Dissanayake T. 8(4): 81-93, 2021; Article no. AJRID.78659 ISSN: 2582-3221
- Presentation to healthcare and the prevalence of frailty among older adults to the outpatient department of a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. Jayasekera MMPT, Hulugalla CDK, Ramawickrama SM, Merusinghe AP, Marasinghe TD, Edirisinghe EMDT. Asian Journal of Internal Medicine. 2023;2(1):15-20. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/ajim.v2i1.64
- Cardiac Arrests and Outcomes at Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Sri Lanka. Jayasekera et al. Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology:30(2):124-127(2022) Jayasekera MMPT, Dasanayake GKG, Bandara PMK, Vithanage WSA
- Neutropaenic enterocolitis due to Methotrexate in a patient with Rheumatoid arthritis-a case report. Jayasena D, Jayasekera MM, Govindapala GD, Munasinghe JM, Samarawickrama T, Senanayake A, Chaturika H, Wijensinghe RA. Asian Journal of Internal Medicine. 2022 Jan 31;1(1).
- Subarachnoid haemorrhage as a late complication of infective endocarditis: a case report. Samarawickrama T, Karunarathna TASL, Govindapala BGDS, Jayasekara MMPT, Sirimanna R, Wijesinghe RANK, et al. Asian Journal of Internal Medicine. 2022;1(2):61-5. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/ajim.v1i2.54
- Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices related to Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) among Healthcare Workers in selected hospitals in Sri Lanka. Jayasekera P, Gamage A, Seneviratne R. Journal of the Postgraduate Institute of Medicine. 2022 Jul 5;9(1).
- A multicentre study on quarantined healthcare workers during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned in a resource limited setting. Govindapala, D., Nakkawita, D., Jayasena, H., Jayasekara, P., Navaratne, V., Abeygoonawardena, H., Kawyangana, P., Gamage, A. and De Silva, A.D., 2022. Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 53(1), pp.26-34. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/jccp.v53i1.7948
- Time to recognition, aetiology, antibiotic sensitivity pattern and outcome of sepsis (sepsis 2 definition) in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan Journal of Infectious Diseases, Jayasekera MMPT, De Costa, N., Gunarathne, W., Senarathne, M. and Malkanthi, K., 2022. 12(1), pp. E14 1-11. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/sljid.v12i1.8432
- Quality of life and physical activities of daily living among stroke survivors; cross-sectional study; nursing open, March 2022, Ellepola LK, Nadeesha KN, Jayawickrama ER, Wijesundara WM, Karunathilaka RD, Jayasekara MMPT. https://doi.org/10.1002/nop2.1188
- Gender Differences in Presentations of ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarctions (STEMI) to the Accident and Emergency department in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Sri Lanka. Jayasekera M.M.P.T, Adikari S, Wijewardhana M.G.D.D, Jayaratne B.B, Edirisinghe E.M.D.T; Sri Lankan Journal of Cardiology, Issue 2, June 2021,23-28
- Urine. Picture quiz. 2020: Jayasekera, P., 2020. Urine.Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 51(2), pp.144-145. DOI:http://doi.org/10.4038/jccp.v51i2.7909
- A GUIDE TO PASS CLINICAL SECTION IN ERPM EXAM; Dr PM Wijewardna, Dr Priyamali Jayasekera, Dr Ranga Perera, Dr Peshala Dangalla; March 2021-ISBN 978-624-203-030-2
- Lepromatous leprosy mimicking systemic lupus erythematosus, Jayasekera MMPT, Govindapala BGDS, Samarawickrama T, Munasinghe TMJ, Karunarathna TASL, Kumarasinghe IHS, Wijesinghe RANK: Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 2021, 52, 49-52
- Alvitigala BW,Azra MAA,Kottahachchi DU, Jayasekera MMPT, Wijesinghe RANK.:A study of asso-ciation between platelet volume indices and ST eleva-tion Myocardial infarction.IJC Heart and Vasculature 21(2018)7-10
- Jaysekera MMPT, Kannangara P, Rajapaksha A, Malawisinghe S, Senevirathna A:A case of persistent and recurrent ventricular fibrillation with successful resuscitation and good neurological outcome. Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine.2018;2:94
- Jayasekera MMPT:Review article - Resistant Hypertension. Kurunagala Medical Journal KMJ;2014
- Jayasekera MMPT:Review article - Sepsis at Emer-gency Department. Kurunegala Medical Journal KMJ;2015
- Jayasekera MMPT:Review article - Migraine-simplified. Kurunegala Medical Journal KMJ;2017
- A Study of the Pattern of Admissions to the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Sri Lanka, Emergency Medicine International, vol. 2020, Article ID 6327293, 12 pages, 2020 - https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/6327293
- Preparing for the unexpected; A reflection on the Hospital Preparedness for COVID-19: Jayasekera, P., Navaratne, V., Govindapala, D., Nakkawita, D. and Gamage, A Journal of the Ceylon College of Physicians, 51(1), pp.68-70. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4038/jccp.v51i1.7893
- A clinical audit to improve the holistic care of patients with diabetes mellitus attending medical clinics at University Hospital Kotelawala Defence University (UHKDU), Perera GADY, Mahabandara MBHYS, Nadeeshani AU, Adikaram NWAMTA, Perera DN, Munasnghe JM, Lamabadusuriya DA, Edirisinghe EMDT, Jayasekera MMPT, presented at the Ceylon College of Physicians Annual Academic Sessions September 2024.
- Bleeding events among elderly antiplatelet users: Are we overprescribing - DA Lamabadusuriya, PU Jayawardene, TPS Perera, BGDS Govidapala, MMPT Jayasekara, and N Fernando. Oral presentation at 17th International Research Conference (September 26-27, 2024) General Sir John Kotelawala Defecne University.
- Screening and Awareness Of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) In a Selected Population Attending a Tertiary Care Hospital in a Lower Middle-income Country, WMUA Wijerathne, R Sherrif, GASS Jayasundara, SMPE Samarakoon, GC Hashari, D Ediridinghe, and MMPT Jayasekara. Poster presentation at 17th International Research Conference (September 26-27, 2024) General Sir John Kotelawala Defecne University.
- Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Sinhala version of PRISMA-7 frailty scale, Jayasekera MMPT, Solomopns T, Kuruppu KSC, Wijewardena KPS, Edirisinghe EMDT, Wijesinghe RANK, Lekamwasam S, Poster presentation at 10th Asian Conference for Frailty and Sarcopenia (ACFS 2024) Bangkok, Thailand from 10 to 11 October 2024.
- A snapshot of patients with hypertension seeking treatment at secondary and tertiary care hospitals of Sri Lanka; A descriptive study; Mettananda KCD, Perera A, Manilgama SR, Premaratne BAHR, Jayasekara P, Lamabadusuriya D, Matthias AT, Jayasundara K, De Zoysa W, Ranasinghe S, Hettiarachchi NM, Wickramasinghe MKII, De Saram EMTK, Ranasinghe SDAE, Ranawaka RATSH, Herath HMACB, Wickramanayake SC, Oral presentationat at Annual conference of Sri Lanka College of internal Medicine (SIMCON 2024) 7-8 November 2024.
- Effects of hypoglycaemic events during driving among diabetic patients in Sri Lanka; Jayasekera MMPT, Kuruppu KSC, Edirisinghe EMDT, Gunetilleke C, Wijeisnghe RANK, Poster presentation at Annual conference of Sri Lanka College of internal Medicine (SIMCON 2024) 7-8 November 2024.
- Bleeding events among elderly patients on antiplatelet therapy at a teaching hospital in Sri Lanka; Lamabadusuriya DA, Jayawardene PU, Perera TPS, Govindapala BGDS, Fernando N Jayasekara MMPT, Poster presentation at Annual conference of Sri Lanka College of internal Medicine (SIMCON 2024) 7-8 November 2024.
- Effects of hypoglycaemic events during heavy vehicle driving in diabetic patients Jayasekera MMPT, Kuruppu KSC, Edirisinghe EMDT, Gunetilleke C, Wijeisnghe RANK, Poster presentation at Annual conference of Sri Lanka College of internal Medicine (SIMCON 2024) 7-8 November 2024
- A challenging diagnosis of Hansen's disease (leprosy): presenting as pyrexia of unknown origin with type 2 lepra reaction, Jayasekera MMPT, Lamabadusuriya DA, Perera DN, Perera GADY, Adikaram NWAMTA, Munasinghe JM, Thisera D Poster presentation at Annual conference of Sri Lanka College of internal Medicine (SIMCON 2024) 7-8 November 2024
- Prevalence and associated factors of recurrent falls among older people attending medical clinic in four Teaching Hospitals in Sri Lanka: multi-centre study. Oral presentation Annual Academic sessions, Sri Lanka Association of Geriatric Medicine 2023. De Zoysa PDWD, Ratnayake N, Palaghasinghe D, Abegunasekera T, Silva FHDS, Jayasekera MMPT, Mettananda KCD, Lekamwasam S. Winner of the Best abstract of the congress.
- Bioequivalence of Metformin Hydrochloride USP XR 500 mg (Generic, Gamma Interpharm Pvt Ltd,) and the Comparator Glucophage XR 500 mg Oral Tablets (Merck Sante S A S France), in Sri Lankan Healthy Subjects Under Fasting Conditions. Poster presentation 16th International Research Conference (September 7- 8, 2023) Rd Piyathilake, P Jayasekera, J Munasinghe, US Kulasekera, DGP Kawyangana, PM Athauda-arachchi, D Goivndapala, HS Jayasinghearachchi, and R Fernandopulle.
- Microspcopic Identification of Gastrintestinal Parasitc Infections: Incidence among Selected Communities in Western Province and Central Province. Poster presentation 16th International Research Conference (September 7-8, 2023) SP Diyunugala, US Kulasekara, PH Premaratne, W Abewickrema, KO Bandaranayaka, GD Rodrigo and P Jayasekera.
- Clinical and haematological predictors of dengue haemorrhagic fever Jayasekera MMPT, Edirisinghe EMDT, Govindapala BGDS, Samarawickrama T, Munasinghe TMJ, Aravinda LP, Dasanayake MCU, Wijesinghe RANK, Sheriff MHR , Poster presentation, SIMCON 23, Annual Academic Sessions of Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine - November 2023
- A case of relapsing chronic melioidosis Lamabadusuriya DA, Chandrasiri BAAL, Jayasekera MMPT, Govindapala BGDS, Poster presentation, SIMCON 23, Annual Academic Sessions of Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine, November 2023
- Cross cultural adaptation of the Big Five Inventory (BFI)for personalityassesment in to Sinhala. Solomons TH, Jayasekera P, Govindapala D, The 9th international conference on public health 2023 (ICOPH 2023)
- An unusual case of osmotic demyelination syndrome in a patient with colonic pseudo-obstruction, Lamabadusuriya DA, Pathirana PBG, Jayasekera MMPT, Govindapala BGDS, Poster presentation, SIMCON 23, Annual Academic Sessions of Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine, November 2023
- Dengue haemorrhagic fever complicated with severe hepatitis: a case report Govindapala BGDS, Chandrasiri BAAL, Samaraweera YSU, Jayasekara MMPT, Lamabadusuriya DA , Poster presentation, SIMCON 23, Annual Academic Sessions of Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine, November 2023
- Prevalence of hypoglycaemia among patients with diabetes who drive and ride, Oral presentation, Annual Academic Sessions of Ceylon College of Physicians, September 2023
- Hypoglycaemia in people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus in outpatient clinics in Sri Lanka, Oral presentation, ESICON December 2023, Hyderabad India, Jayasekera MMPT, Senaratne UTN, Lamabadusuriya DA, Mattiyas AT, Herath HMM, De Zoysa PDWD, Pathirage M, Sujanitha V, Umakanth M, Sathischandra H, Jayasekera WMPR, Senaratne WGG, Jayasinghe K , Karunaratne WGSG, Sudarshan P, Rajaratnam N, Wickramaratne WMDD, Ratnayake B, Rasnayake L, Liyanage R, Pushpakumara J, Wanigarathne T, Siriwardhane PDP, Kumara KGYU, Kuruppu KSC, Wijesinghe RANK
- Hypoglycaemia in people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus in outpatient clinics in Sri Lanka: comparative study in young and older adults, Oral presentation, ESICON December 2023, Hyderabad India, Jayasekera MMPT, Senaratne UTN, Lamabadusuriya DA, Mattiyas AT, Herath HMM, De Zoysa PDWD, Pathirage M, Sujanitha V, Umakanth M, Sathischandra H, Jayasekera WMPR, Senaratne WGG, Jayasinghe K , Karunaratne WGSG, Sudarshan P, Rajaratnam N, Wickramaratne WMDD,Ratnayake B, Rasnayake L, Liyanage R, Pushpakumara J, Wanigarathne T, Siriwardhane PDP, Kumara KGYU, Kuruppu KSC, Wijesinghe RANK
- Clinical and haematologial predictors of dengue haemorrhagic fever(DHF), Jayasekera MMPT, Edirisinghe EMDT, Govindapala BGDS, Samarawickrama T, Munasinghe TMJ, Aravinda LP, Dasanayake MCU, Wijesinghe RANK, Sheriff MHR , oral presentation, ECIM24, Annual Academic Sessions of European congress of Internal Medicine - March 2024, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Prevalence of hypoglycaemia among patients with diabetes who drive and ride, Jayasekera MMPT, Senaratne UTN, Lamabadusuriya DA, Mattiyas AT, Herath HMM, De Zoysa PDWD, Pathirage M, Sujanitha V, Umakanth M, Sathischandra H, Jayasekera WMPR, Senaratne WGG, Jayasinghe K , Karunaratne WGSG, Sudarshan P, Rajaratnam N, Wickramaratne WMDD,Ratnayake B, Rasnayake L, Liyanage R, Pushpakumara J, Wanigarathne T, Siriwardhane PDP, Kumara KGYU, Kuruppu KSC, Wijesinghe RANK Posterl presentation, ECIM24, Annual Academic Sessions of European congress of Internal Medicine - March 2024, Istanbul, Turkey
- A young man with headache: unravelling a mystery, Priyamali Jayasekera, Kohombakadawala IMGWM, Fernando A, Gooneratne K, Poster presentation, ECIM24, Annual Academic Sessions of European congress of Internal Medicine - March 2024, Istanbul, Turkey.
- An uncommon case of high anion gap metabolic acidosis due to chronic paracetamol use. Dilusha Lamabadusuriya, Dilshan Perera, Janake Munasinghe, Dumitha Govindapala, Priyamali Jayasekera. Poster presentation, ECIM24, Annual Academic Sessions of European congress of Internal Medicine - March 2024, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Celebrating Joy in Internal Medicine- Team 22 SLCIM. Ganaka Senaratne, Dilusha Lamabadusuriya, Roshan Liyanage, Priyamali Jayasekera, Oral presentation, ECIM24, Annual Academic Sessions of European congress of Internal Medicine - March 2024, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Factors associated with uncontrolled blood pressure among hypertensive patients at tertiary care hospitals: a nationally representative study (HPTSL): analysis of anthropometry and compliance to blood pressure control measures. A.T Matthias, MMPT Jayasekera, V. Sujanitha, I K Jayasinghe, W M D D Wickramaratne, R P Bandusiri , L D Dias, P Mayurathan5, PDWD De Zoysa , WGSG Karunarathna, Shamini Prathapan, Presented at the ESC-APSC in Dubai 2024.
- A clinical audit to improve the holistic care of patients with diabetes mellitus attending medical clinics at University Hospital Kotelawala Defence University (UHKDU), Perera GADY, Mahabandara MBHYS, Nadeeshani AU, Adikaram NWAMTA, Perera DN, Munasnghe JM, Lamabadusuriya DA, Edirisinghe EMDT, Jayasekera MMPT, presented at the Ceylon College of Physicians Annual Academic Sessions Septemeber 2024.
- Evaluation of presentation and frailty among older adults at Outpatient Department (OPD) of University Hospital Kotelawala Defence University (UHKDU). Oral presentation, Annual academic sessions Geriatric society of Sri Lanka March 2022. Jayasekera MMPT, Hulugalle CDK, Ramawickrama SM, Merusinghe AP, Marasinghe TD, Edirisinghe EMDT.
- Post-COVID syndrome - A single centre study in a tertiary care centre in Sri Lanka. Poster presentation, Annual academic sessions Ceylon College of Physicians September 2022.Jayasekera MMPT, Sirimanna SWRDC, De Silva NL, Govindapala BGDS, Senanayake G1, Wickramaratne DLN, Hettigoda K, Samarawickrama T, Wijesinghe RANK, Gunawardhana UDIB, Wijayananda KDPB, Ediridinghe EMDT.
- Time to recognition, Management, aetiology and outcome of sepsis in a university hospital KDU- A clinical audit. Oral presentation at Annual academic sessions Ceylon college of physicians. Jayasekera MMPT, Wanasekera TU,Mihiran DJD,Ranathunga HKDDN, Edirsinghe EMDT.
- Post-COVID fatigue and quality of life and cognitive dysfunction - A single centre study. Oral presentation, SIMCON 22, Annual Academic Sessions of Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine. November 2022. Jayasekera MMPT, Sirimanna SWRDC, Ediridinghe EMDT,De Silva NL, Govindapala BGDS, Senanayake G, Wickramaratne DLN, Hettigoda K, Samarawickrama T, Gunawardana UDIB, Wijayananda KDPB,Wijesinghe RANK
- Post COVID cardiac dysfunction- A single centre study. Oral Presentation, Annual academic sessions, Sri Lanka Heart Association. November 2022. Jayasekera MMPT, Sirimanna SWRDC, Ediridinghe EMDT,De Silva NL, Govindapala BGDS, Senanayake G, Wickramaratne DLN, Hettigoda K, Samarawickrama T, Gunawardana UDIB, Wija-yananda KDPB,Wijesinghe RANK
- Professional and social impact of the COIVD-19 pandemic among physiotherapists working tin the state hospital in the Western province of Sri Lanka. Oral presentation, International research congress General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University 2022;https://irc.kdu.ac.lk/2022/Abstracts_Book_IRC_2022_AHS.pdf. PK Yamasinghe,AHBK Hewage, HNT Gamage, IUU Acharige, SADCS Senevirathne, MMPT Jayasekera
- A SARS-CoV-2 variant of C-36 lineage with L452R mutation infects a family in Sri Lanka, but has limited spread - A Case Series, Oral presentation, International Research Congress KDU 2021, H Abeygoonawardena, H Jayasinghearachchi ,T Senaratne, , P Jayasekera, WMID Nakkawita, FN Mubarak, US Kulasekera, P Kawyangana, BGDS Govindapala, AD De Silva.
- Clinical audit on in-patient diabetes care in a University Medical Unit. Nipun Lakshitha de Silva, Ruchira Sirimanna, Aravinda Loku Prathapasinghe, Kanishka Ariyarathna, Priyamali Jayasekera, Dumitha Govindapala. Poster presentation, annual academic sessions Ceylon college of Physicians 2022.
- Severity and predictors of severe COVID-19 among individuals who received at least single dose of a vaccine again SARS - COV2. D S Govindapala, MMPT Jayasekara, Rajmohan, NL de Silva. Oral presentation, annual academic sessions Ceylon college of Physicians 2022.
- Prevalence and associated factors of recurrent falls among older people attending medical clinic in four Teaching Hospitals in Sri Lanka: multi-centre study. Oral presentation Annual Academic sessions, Sri Lanka Association of Geriatric Medicine 2023. De Zoysa PDWD, Ratnayake N, Palaghasinghe D, Abegunasekera T, Silva FHDS, Jayasekera MMPT, Mettananda KCD, Lekamwasam S. Winner of the Best abstract of the congress.
- Bioequivalence of Metformin Hydrochloride USP XR 500 mg (Generic, Gamma Interpharm Pvt Ltd,) and the Comparator Glucophage XR 500 mg Oral Tablets (Merck Sante S A S France), in Sri Lankan Healthy Subjects Under Fasting Conditions. Poster presentation 16th International Research Conference (September 7-8, 2023) Rd Piyathilake, P Jayasekera, J Munasinghe, US Kulasekera, DGP Kawyangana, PM Athauda-arachchi, D Goivndapala, HS Jayasinghearachchi, and R Fernandopulle.
- Microspcopic Identification of Gastrintestinal Parasitc Infections: Incidence among Selected Communities in Western Province and Central Province. Poster presentation 16th International Research Conference (September 7-8, 2023) SP Diyunugala, US Kulasekara, PH Premaratne, W Abewickrema, KO Bandaranayaka, GD Rodrigo and P Jayasekera.
- Jayasekera MMPT, Somasiri DADH, Ahtukorala DIDDAD, Sunil Chandra NP,:A study on the bio-burden of doctors and other health care workers hands, stethoscopes and other medical devices in a Sri Lankan set up - Potential risk of nosocomial infections. - Department of microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya. Free paper presentation, Annual academic sessions, Sri Lanka College of Microbiologists 2003.
- Jayasekera MMPT, Eshak N :An audit -Transient Loss of Consciousness at Accident and Emergency department Royal Bournemouth Hospital NHS, United Kingdom. 2010. Presented at Emergency department clinical meeting 2011: Royal Bournemouth Hospital, United Kingdom.
- Jayasena WMAS, Jayasekera MMPT, Kandangamuwa KWCUK, Yapa PD:Development of a Medico legal Unit by renovation and expanding the existing structure with limited budget and space. Free paper, College of Forensic Pathologists of Sri Lanka, 14th Annual academic sessions. 2016.
- Ekanayaka G, Manilgama SR, Jayasekera MMPT,:Evaluation of competency in Disaster Management among medical officers of Teaching Hospital Kurunegala. Poster presentation, Annual academic sessions Kurunegala clinical society 2016
- Chamara P, Hasaranga KLJ, Kottahechchi DU, Jayasekera MMPT, Wijesinghe RANK: A Study of the association of RDW (Red cell Distribution Width) and CAD (Coronary artery diseases) at Teaching Hospital Kurunegala. 2017. Presented at annual international research conference - Kotelawala Defence University
- Alvitigala BW,Azra MAA,Kottahachchi DU, Jayasekera MMPT, Wijesinghe RANK.:A study of association between platelet volume indices and ST elevation myocardial infarction. Poster presentation - Sri Lanka Medical Association Annual Academic sessions 2018,-Publication:IJC Heart and Vasculature
- Jayasekera MMPT, Dasanayake GKG,Bandara PMK Vithanage WSA: Cardiac arrest and outcome at Accident and Emergency Unit Teaching Hospital Kurunagala 2016-2017 - Poster presentation - Annual academic sessions SLSIM Nov 2018
- Jayasekera MMPT, De Costa N.D.P, Senarathne M.P.J, Gunarathne W.M.M.K.B,Malkanthi K.M.S:Outcome of a sepsis in a tertiary care hospital 2016-2017 - Awarded research grant by Ceylon College of Physicians 2017Poster presentation -Innovation in Medicine 500 years: Annual conference Royal College of physicians London- June 2018
- AMSB Adikari, Jayasekera MMPT, Wijewardhana MGDD, Jayarathna BB - Study on symptom analysis of STEMI (ST elevation Myocardial Infarction) on presentation to Accident and Emergency Department, Teaching hospital Kurunegala -2017-2018
- Jayasekera MMPT, Wijesinghe RANK, Govindapala BGDS, Samarawickrama T, Munasinghe TMJ, - Establishment of the Dengue registry in University hospital Kotelawala defence university (UHKDU) - Ongoing
- Jayasekera MMPT, Wijesinghe RANK, Govindapala BGDS, Samarawickrama T, Munasinghe TMJ, Aravinda LP, Dasanayake MCU, Edirisinghe EMDT - Assess the incidence,outcome,disease pattern, complications of dengue fever and relationship to Dengue haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome of the symptoms, signs and results of investigations in University Hospital KDU(UHKDU)
- Knowledge Attitude and Practices among healthcare workers on treating suspected/PCR positive COVID-19 patients in Sri Lanka. June 2020. Jayasekara MMPT, Gamage AG, Seneviratne R P
- Clinical and Epidemiological Characteristics and Outcome of Patients with COVID-19 in Sri Lanka- An Observational Study - Jayasekara MMPT et al (Pre print)
- A Clinical Audit on Recognition and Management of Cerebrovascular Accidents (Stroke) in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Sri Lanka- Jayasekera MMPT, Edirisinghe EMDT, Ekanayake EJC, Fernando P Oral presentation, Ceylon College of Physicians Annual Academic Sessions 2018.
- Jayasekera MMPT, Dasanayake GKG, Bandara P.M.K., Jayawardhena DANL, Malkanthi KMS :Nature of admission to accident and emergency department in a tertiary care hospital of Sri Lanka. Free paper presentation at Annual academic session, Kurunegala clinical society 2017. Poster presentation in National research forum 2017, Sri Lanka, Poster presentation-Annual academic sessions Sri Lankan society of internal medicine 2017, Poster presentation - Annual academic sessions Ceylon College of Physicians 2018 Podium winner - Early career Research Competition, Internal Medicine, Annual Academic Sessions - American college of Physicians, April 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA. Poster presentation - Innovation in Medicine 500 years, Annual conference Royal college of Physicians London- June 2018
- Jayasekera MMPT, Kannangara P, Rajapaksha A, Malawisinghe S, Senevirathna A: A case of persistent and recurrent ventricular fibrillation with successful resuscitation and good neurological outcome. Poster presentation (short listed), American college of Physicians, Annual Academic sessions 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA. Publication Journal of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine.2018;2:94
- Jayasekera MMPT, Sakalasooriya RAAD,Nawarathna TND: Assess the Knowledge of basic life support (BLS) among health care assistants(HCA)- Pre and Post course. Poster presentation: Annual Academic sessions Ceylon college of Physicians 2018
- Jayasekera MMPT, Dasanayake GKG, Bandara P.M.K., Jayawardhena DANL, Malkanthi KMS :A study of the patients presenting with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) to an Emergency department (ED) in Tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. Poster presentation Innovation in Medicine 500 years: Royal college of Physicians London- June 2018, Poster presentation Annual academic sessions Ceylon College of physicians 2018.
- Jayasekera MMPT, Sakalasooriya RAAD,Nawarathna TND: Assess the Knowledge of Advanced Life support (ALS) among nursing students - pre and post course - Poster presentation Nov 2018 SLSIM - Annual academic sessions
- A Clinical Audit on Recognition and Management of Cerebrovascular Accidents (Stroke) in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Sri Lanka. Jayasekera MMPT, Edirisinghe EMDT, Ekanayake EJC, Fernando P. Poster presentation at Annual academic sessions Ceylon college of Physicians 2 020. Best audit award 2020 20. STUDY OF THE DIFFERENCE OF PLATELET INDICES IN DENGUE FEVER AND DENGUE HAEMORRHAGIC FEVER Jayasekera MMPT, Edirisinghe EMDT, Wijesinghe RANK, Govindapala BGDS, Samarawickrama T, Munasinghe TMJ, Aravinda LP, Dasanayake MCU, Sheriff MHR Poster presentation at Annual academic sessions Ceylon college of Physicians 2020.
- Contribution of treatment with paracetamol to the liver injury in Dengue fever: Jayasekera MMPT, Edirisinghe EMDT, Wijesinghe RANK, Govindapala BGDS, Samarawickrama T, Munasinghe TMJ, Aravinda LP, Dasanayake MCU, Sheriff MHR; Poster presentation at Annual academic sessions Sri Lanka college of Physicians 2020.
- Knowledge on covid-19 among health care workers in selected hospitals in Sri Lanka. Jayasekera MMPT, Gamage AU, Senivirathna R. Poster presentation at Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health 2020-APACPH 2020.
- Clinical and epidemiological characteristics and outcome of patients with covid-19 in Sri Lanka. Jayasekera MMPT, Herath HMM, Pathirage LPMMK, Wijesnghe WATA, Gunananthan K, Bernard PDJ, Hettiarachchi NM, Dilrukshi KDT, Piyarathne SPMLR, Senevirathne NB, Bhishman S, Jayawardhana GJKAA, Sanjeewa WAHP, Balasooriya P, Prasath T, Senarathna G, Jayasekera K, Sutharshan P, Manilgama SR, Jayasinghe IK, Jayalath WATA, S Pirasath. Poster presentation at Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health 2020-APACPH 2020.
- SARS-COV-2 specific IgM and IgG response among quarantined health care workers following exposure to COVID-19 confirmed co-workers in a University Hospital, Sri Lanka. Govindapala DS, Nakkawita WMID, Senaratne UTN, Jayasena DH, Jayasekara MMPT, Navaratne PBV, Abeygoonawardhena H, Gamage P, De Silva AD. -Accepted for Poster presentation at Conference on -COVID-19: Impact, Mitigation, Opportunities and Building Resilience- by NSF.
- Associated Factors for Activities of Daily Living Among Stroke Patients in Selected Tertiary Care Hospitals in SriLanka. Ellepola LKMEWSMU, Nadeesha KN, Jayawickrama ERAI, Wijesundara WMAI, Karunathilaka RDN, Jayasekera MMPT. Poster Presentation, Sri Lanka Medical Association Annual congress 2021.
- Knowledge of the Disease and Practices Related to Use of Inhalers in Elderly Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Patients Attending Chest Clinics. Akalanka KKL, Gurung P, Hamdhoon S, Fonseka WMCS, Gurusinghe WGGAN, Gurusinghe WGGAB, Harrsan M, Jayasekera MMPT. Poster Presentation, International Research Congress KDU 2021.
- Adaptability Of Effective Mechanism with Organizational and Social Factors in Order to Maintain Body Mass Index (BMI) In Sri Lanka Naval Personnel. Karunarathne NKBCL, Abeyratne MDVJ, Jayasekera MMPT. Poster Presentation, Sri Lanka Medical Association Annual congress 2021.
Abstract Presentations at scientific meetings
- Jayasekera MMPT, De Costa N.D.P, Senarathne M.P.J, Gunarathne W.M.M.K.B,Malkanthi K.M.S: Outcome of a sepsis in a tertiary care hospital 2016-2017 Poster presentation -Innovation in Medicine 500 years: Annual conference Royal College of physicians London- June 2018, Oral presentation, Ceylon College of Physicians Annual Academic Sessions 2018.
- Jayasekera MMPT, Dasanayake GKG, Bandara P.M.K., Jayawardhena DANL, Malkanthi KMS :Nature of admission to accident and emergency department in a tertiary care hospital of Sri Lanka. Free paper presentation at Annual academic session, Kurunegala clinical society 2017. Poster presentation in National research forum 2017, Sri Lanka, Poster presentation-Annual academic sessions Sri Lankan society of internal medicine 2017, Poster presentation - Annual academic sessions Ceylon College of Physicians 2018 Poster presentation - Innovation in Medicine 500 years, Annual conference Royal college of Physicians London- June 2018
- Kannangara P, Rajapaksha A, Malawisinghe S, Senevirathna A: A case of persistent and recurrent ventricular fibrillation with successful resuscitation and good neurological outcome. Poster presentation (short listed), American college of Physicians, Annual Academic sessions 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA
- Jayasekera MMPT, Sakalasooriya RAAD,Nawarathna TND: Assess the Knowledge of basic life support (BLS) among health care assistants(HCA)- Pre and Post course Poster presentation: Annual Academic sessions Ceylon college of Physicians 2018
- Jayasekera MMPT, Dasanayake GKG, Bandara P.M.K., Jayawardhena DANL, Malkanthi KMS :A study of the patients presenting with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) to an Emergency department (ED) in Tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. Poster presentation Innovation in Medicine 500 years: Royal college of Physicians London- June 2018, Poster presentation Annual academic sessions Ceylon College of physicians 2018.
- Jayasekera MMPT,,Sakalasooriya RAAD,Nawarathna TND: Assess the Knowledge of Advanced Life support (ALS) among nursing students - pre and post course - Poster presentation Nov 2018 SLSIM - Annual academic sessions
- Jayasekera MMPT, Wijesinghe RANK, Nawarathna TND, Wanniarachchi WKMNU, Navarathne MB - Thirty day outcome of patients who present with chest pain to the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka - Poster presentation Annual academic sessions Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine Nov 2019
- Jayasekera MMPT, De Silva D - A case series of peripartum fever -a clinicians experience - Poster presentation - Annual Academic sessions Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine Nov 2019
- Jayasekera MMPT, Fernandopulle RMS, Weerasinghe T, de Soysa, Ranaweera T - Hip fractures and outcome in elderly patients in a tertiary care hospital of Sri Lanka - Oral presentation- Annual academic Sessions Sri Lanka medical association 2019.
- Jayasekera MMPT, Dasanayake GKG, Bandara P.M.K., Jayawardhena DANL, Malkanthi KMSA- Study of patients presented with stroke to an emergency department (ED) in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka - Poster presentation in annual academic sessions Ceylon college of physicians September 2019 - winner in stroke research
- Jayasekara MMPT, Adikari AMSB, Wijewardhana MGDD, Jayarathna BB. Gender Differences in pr-sentation of SR Segment Elevation MyocardialInfarction (STEMI) to the Accident and Emergency Department in a Tertiary Care Hospital Of a Developing Country. - Poster presentation at SLMA Annual Academic Sessions 2020
- Karunathilaka KWMN,Karunajeewa KGSH, Kulasinghe IRRP, Dollar D, Linage SD, Jayasekara MMPT - Soft drink consumption practices, awareness of ill effects, sugar content of soft drinks and the factors influencing soft drink consumption amongst Students in the Kotelawala Defence University - Poster presentation at SLMA Annual Academic Sessions 2020
Oral Presentation
- A pattern of geriatric medical conditions presenting to Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Sri Lanka. Jayasekera MMPT, Dasanayake GKG, Bandara PMK, Jayawardhena DANL, Malkanthi KMS.- Oral presentation of annual academic sessions Sri Lanka Association of Geriatrics March 2021.
- Incidence rate and characteristics of ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in young and older adults presented to an Emergency Department (ED) in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Sri Lanka. Jayasekera MMPT, Dasanayake, GKG, Bandara PMK, Jayawardhena DANL, Malkanthi KMS. Oral presentation of annual academic sessions Sri Lanka Association of Geriatrics March 2021.
- Clinical Audit - Oral presentation, Annual academic sessions Ceylon college of Physicians 2021. Best audit award 2021 Heath System Adjustment to Provide Geriatric Friendly Care Services in Outpatient Department (OPD) University Hospital KDU (UHKDU). Jayasekera MMPT, Hulugalle CDK, Ramawickrama SM, Merusinghe AP, Marasinghe TD, Edirisinghe EMDT
- Factors Related for Quality of Life Among Stroke Patients in Selected Tertiary Care Hospitals in Sri Lanka. Ellepola LKMEWSMU, Nadeesha KN, Jayawickrama ERAI, Wijesundara WMAI, Karunathilaka RDN, Jayasekera MMPT. Oral Presentation, International Research Congress KDU 2021.
- Knowledge on COVID19 among Health Care Support Personnel in a tertiary care hospital in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Dissanayake TS, Dolkar D, and Aarish M, Jayasekera MMPT. Oral Presentation, International Research Conference KDU 2021.
- Attitude on COVID-19 among Heath Care Workers in selected hospitals in Sri Lanka. Jayasekera MMPT, Gamage AU, De A Seneviratne R. Oral Presentation, International Research Conference KDU 2021.
Other Publications
- Jayasekera MMPT, ManilgamaSR,:Understanding the truth of High Blood Pressure - co-author 2017 ISBN978-955-7476-03-2
- Jayasekera MMPT, Manilgama SR:-adhika rudhira peedanaya niwaradiwa handunagani-mu-(Understanding the truth of High Blood Pressure- Sinhala translation) - 2017 ISBN978-955-7476-00-1
- Jayasekera MMPT: - Diyawadiyawa niwaradiwa handunaganimu-(Understanding the truth of Diabetes - Sinhala translation)- 2017 ISBN978-955-7476-01-8
- Ward procedures in Internal Medicine; Text book, For medical students and interns; May 2023 - ISBN 978-624-203-234-4
- Picture tests in clinical medicine for undergraduates (MBBS) & postgraduates (MD/MRCP): Text book, Dr Priyamali Jayasekera; May 2023-ISBN-978-624-203-206-1
- Cholesterol niwaradiwa handunaganimu-(Understanding the truth of cholesterol -Sinhala)-e booklet in Sinhala, Thushara Mathias, Priyamali Jayasekera,Pavithra Ratnayake, Sandali Silva. ISBN 978-624-203-118-7 ;2023 Samudra publication.
- SLCIM Viva in Medical Emergencies for MD, Nov 2022, Contributes as an author Samudra book publication. ISBN:978-624-203-165-1
- SLCIM Pass Test Series, Short cases for MD/MRCP, Nov 2022, Contributed as an Author; Samudra book publications: ISBN: 978-624-203-164-4
- SLCIM Pass Test Series, Picture Test for MD/MRCP, Nov 2022, Kanishaka Disanayake, Priyamlai Jayasekera, Thushara Matthias, Shashi Karunartna, Thilak Jayalath(Editorial board) and contributed as an author; Publisher: Samudra Book Publications, Edition: 1st;ISBN : 978-624-203-163-7
- Govindapala DS, Nipun De Silva, Thisara Samarawickrama, Priyamali Jayasekara, Namal Wijesinghe. A middle-aged woman with shortness of breath: A rare Cause of dyspnoea. The official newsletter of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, Volume12, is-sue 06, June 2019
- Involvement with other Organizations
Involvement with other Organizations
- Council member Ceylon college of Physicians 2021
- Council member- Sri Lankan Society of Internal Medicine 2016,2017, 2019 to date
- Honorary Treasurer - Sri Lankan Society of Internal Medicine 2018
- Life Member of Ceylon College of Physicians
- Life Member of Endocrine society of Sri Lanka
- Life Member of Sri Lankan Society of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine
- Life member of Geriatric society of Sri Lanka
- Member of American College of Physicians
- Collegiate member of Royal College of Physicians London.
- Fellow of Royal College of Edinburg
- Life Member of Sri Lanka Medical Association
- Life member and founder member Sri Lankan Society of Internal Medicine
- Member and Chairperson-Academic-Clinical Society Kurunegala - 2015
- Member and Chairperson-Social activities-Clinical society Kurunegala -2016
- Honorary Treasurer -Clinical society Kurunegala - 2017
- Member of Institutional ethical committee Teaching Hospital Kurunegala 2016- March 2018
- Member of Institutional ethical committee General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University 2019
- Editorial board member - Journal of Ceylon college of Physicians - January 2019 to date
- Council Member - Sri Lankan Association of Geriatric Medicine 2020
- Council Member - Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine 2020
Other activities
- Organiser Senior Registrar forum Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine 2022,2023
- Organiser Public forum Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine 2022
- Organiser PCSIM (Point of Care Sonography in Internal Medicine) Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine 2021,2022,2023
- Organiser ReSIM (Respiratory Support in Internal Medicine) Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine 2023
Organizer Young physician's forum - Ceylon Collage of Physicians 2021
Chairperson Abstract review committee - International Research Conference KDU 2021
Contribution to National work
Lead in preparation of lipid guidelines in Sri Lanka, collaboration with World Health Organisation, NCD unit Ministry of Health and Ceylon college of physicians.
- Memberships & Professional Qualification
Memberships & Professional Qualification
- Honorary Treasurer - Sri Lanka College of Internal Medicine 2021 to date,
- Council member - Sri Lankan Association of Geriatric Medicine 2021
- Conference Co-chair - Annual academic sessions Sri Lankan Association of Geriatric Medicine SLAGM March 2021
- Council member - Ceylon College of Physicians 2021
- Member of medical board General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University since 2019
Conference co-chair Annual academic sessions Sri Lanka Association of Geriatric Medicine SLAGM 2022
Conference co-chair Annual academic sessions Sri Lanka Association of Geriatric Medicine SLAGM 2023
Student Counsellor - Faculty of Medicine, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University 2020 to date
Drug evaluation subcommittee member for the Ministry of Health/ADB [2022- 2023] to date
Chair - Ethical Review Committee - Ethical Review Committee General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University January 2022 to date
- Head - Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine KDU March 2024 to date
- Head - Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine KDU December 2022 to date
- Head - Department of Executive Heath Care, University hospital KDU 2020 to date
- Head - Department of Geriatric medicine, University hospital KDU 2020 to date
- Head - Department of Respiratory medicine, University Hospital KDU 2020 to date
- Member- Housing committee University Hospital KDU since 2019 to date
- Member - Hospital management board -University Hospital KDU since May 2022