- MD (Community Medicine (Colombo)
- DipMedEd (Dundee)
- MMEd (Honours)(Dundee)
- MBBS (Ceylon)(Honours)

Snr. Prof. SR De Alwis Seneviratne
MD (Community Medicine (Colombo), DipMedEd (Dundee), MMEd (Honours)(Dundee), MBBS (Ceylon)(Honours), FCCP(SL)
Senior Professor in Community Medicine
- Qualifications
- Teaching Areas
Teaching Areas
- Epidemiology
- Biostatistics
- Occupational Health
- Research Methods
- Health Systems
- Health Promotion and Prevention
- Allied Health
- Research Interests
Research Interests
- Occupational health and safety
- Medical education
- Environmental health
- Research methods
- Non communicable diseases
- Reproductive health
- Awards & Grants
Awards & Grants
- Presidents’ Research award for scientific Publication for the years, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.
- National Science Foundation Research Award -Commendation Certificate 2010
- Honorary Fellow of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, 2005
- For research and research presentations; National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka Medical Association, College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
- Commonwealth fellowships, and fellowships of the World Health Organization
- Research grants held- From the National Science Foundation, Ministry of Health, World Health Organization
- Involvement with other Organizations
Involvement with other Organizations
- Member of the Network of World Health Organization Collaboration Centres in Occupational Health
- Visiting Lecturer, Master of Science in Community Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo
- Visiting Lecturer, Doctor of Medicine in Community Medicine, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo
- Consultant in Quality Assurance for the UGC, Ministry of Higher Education, Sri Lanka
- Executive & Other Positions
Executive & Other Positions
- Chairperson of the National Health Research Council, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka
- Director WHO Collaborating Centre for Training and Research in Occupational Health. Faculty of Medicine, Colombo
- Publications
Editorial Work
- Member, Editorial Board of the Journal of the National Science Foundation
- Member Editorial Board of the South-East Asia Journal of Public Health, Publication of the World Health Organization South East Asia Regional Office, New Delhi, Delhi
- Member, Editorial Board of the Journal of the College of Community Physiciancs of Sri Lanka
- Industrial Safety Manual 2013, Edited by Seneviratne Rohini de A, Lankatilleke, Kantha, Herath HMSSD and Gunaratne DR. WHO Collaborating Centre for Training and Research in Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. 2013
- Health Problems in Agricultural Workers. In: Occupational Health: An Introduction for Health Care Workers. Edited by HMSSD Herath, Seneviratne R. De A and Kantha Lankatilleke WHO Collaborating Centre for Training and Resdearhc in Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka 2014; p 50-58. ISBN 955 9093 00 2
- Lankathilaka K, Seneviratne De A Rohini, Rajapaksha Lalani C. and Fernando DN Learning Statistics (Volume 1) A handbook for Medical students Prepared for the Community Stream Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. 1997 ISBN 955-9021-08-7
- Rajapakse Lalani C, Lankathilaka K, Seneviratne De Alwis Rohini, Fernando DN, Learning Statistics (Volume II) A handbook for Medical Students Prepared by the Community Stream, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. ISBN 955-9021-08-8
- Rajapakse Lalani C, Lankathilaka K, Seneviratne De Alwis Rohini, Fernando DN Epidemiology: A Handbook of for Medical Student. Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. ISBN 955-9021-08-9
- Jayakody Laal, Seneviratne Rohini De A, Jayasinghe Saroj, Mendis Nalaka, Mendis Lalitha. Student guide to Teaching methods. A publication of the Medical Education Development and Research Centre. Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. August 1997. ISBN 955-9021-04-4
Chapters and Web Documents
- Seneviratne Rohini De A. Global Master Plan for Workers Health and Primary Health Care. In: Occupational Health: An Introductory for Health Care Workers. Edited by HMSSD Herath, Seneviratne R. De A and Kantha Lankatilleke. WHO Collaborating Centre for Training and Research in Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka 2014; p50-58. ISBN 955 9093 00 2
- Seneviratne Rohini De A and Dulani Samaranayake. Health Problems of Agricultural Workers. In: Occupational Health: An Introduction for Health Care Workers. Edited by HMSSD Herath, Seneviratne R. De A and Kantha Lankatilleke WHO Collaborating Centre for Training and Resdearhc in Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka 2014; p 50-58. ISBN 955 9093 00 2
- Herath H.M.S.S.D, Seneviratne R. De A. Dulani Samaranayake. Pesticide Poisoning in Sri Lanka. In: Occupational Health: An Introduction for Health Care Workers. Edited by HMSSD Herath, Seneviratne R. De A and Kantha Lankatilleke. WHO Collaborating Centre for Training and Resdearhc in Occupational Health,Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka 2014; p 50-58. ISBN 955 9093 00 2
- Seneviratne Rohini De A and Amarasinghe Champika. Occupational Disease and Injury Surveillance. In: Industrial Safety Manual 2013, Edited by Seneviratne Rohini de A, Lankatilleke, Kantha, Herath HMSSD and Gunaratne DR. WHO Collaborating Centre for Training and Research in Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. 2013
- Socio-economic, Cultural and Religious Factors Affecting Suicide Prevention in Asia. Lakshmi Vijayakumar, Jane Pirkis, Tran Thanh Huong, Paul Yip, Rohini De A. Seneviratne, Herbert Hendin In: Suicide and Suicide Prevention In Asia. Editors: Herbert Hendin, Michael Philips, Lakshmi Vijayakumar, Jane Pirkis, Hong Wang, Paul Yip, Danuta Wasserman, José Bertolote, Alexandra Fleischmann. Pp 19-30, WHO Geneva 2008.
- Wijeyaratne CN, Kumarapeli V, Seneviratne Ruwanthi de A, Antonypillai CN, Seneviratne Rohini de A, GJC Garusinghe, Yapa SC and Balen AH, 2010. Chapter on, ‘Ethnic variations in the expression of polycystic ovary syndrome’ In: Current Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Ed: Adam Balen, Stephen Franks, Roy Homburg and Sean Kehoe. Published by RCOG Press at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, London.
- De Alwis Seneviratne Rohini. Fitness for work. In: Occupational Health – A Handbook for doctors. Ed. Seneviratne SR De A, Herath HMSSD, Fernando DN and Lankatilleke.K.N. 1998. ISBN 955 9021 13 3
- De Alwis Seneviratne Rohini. Investigation of disease outbreak in the workplace. In: Occupational health – a handbook for doctors. Ed. Seneviratne Rohini De Alwis Herath HMSSD, Fernando DN and Lankatilleke K.N. 1998. ISBN 955 9021 13
- Fernando Dulitha and Seneviratne Rohini De A. Introduction In: Manual for Health Workers on Care of the Elderly. Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka
- Seneviratne Rohini De A. Health Problems in Agricultural Workers. In: Occupational Health – an Introductory Course for Health Care Workers. Edited by HMSSD Herath, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka 1990; p 50-58. ISBN 955 9093 00 2
- Herath H.M.S.S.D. and Seneviratne R. De A. Pesticide Poisoning in Sri Lanka. In: Occupational Health – An Introductory Course for Health Care Workers. Edited by HMSSD Herath, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka 1990 ; p 45-56. ISBN 955 9093 00 2.
- Seneviratne Rohini De A (1993) Some Health Effects of Chemical in the Environment. In: Chemist and the Environment Published by Institute of Chemists, Ceylon Vidya Mandiraya, Vidya Mawatha, Colombo 07.
Referred Journal Articles
- Gamage AU, Seneviratne Rde A, Perceived Job stress and presence of hypertension among administrative officers in Sri Lanka. Accepted for publication in Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, July 2015 (pending publication).
- Wijeratne Monica, Seneviratne Rohini, Gunawardena Nalika, Lynch Catherine, Sandoy Ingvild Fossgard, Osbyte Truls. Correlates of Peer Violence Among 13- to 15-Year-Olds in Gampaha District Schools in Sri Lanka: Findings From a Comparison Between Violent and Non-Violent Adolescents. SAGE Open 2014 4: DOI: 10.1177/2158244014550616
- Wijeratne Monica, Seneviratne Rohini, Gunawardena Nalika, Osbyte Truls, Lynch Catherine, Sandoy Ingvild Fossgard. Development of the Sri Lankan Early Teenagers’ Violence Inventory: and instrument to measure violence in schools. BioMed Research International, 2014 Article ID 563143
- Fernando Dulitha, Gunawardena Nalika, Senarath Upul, Weerasinghe Manuj Chrishantha, Senevirathne Rohini De Alwis, Senanayake Hemantha, De Silva Chithramalee. Risk factors for teenage pregnancies in Sri Lanka: perspective of a community based study. Health Science Journal 2013;3:269-84.
- Michael J Murphy, Rohini DA Seneviratne, Lynda Cochrane, Margery H Davis and Gary J Mires. Impact of student choice on academic performance: cross-sectional and longitudinal observations of a student cohort. BMC Med Educ. 2013; 13: 26. Published online 2013 February 19. doi: 10.1186/1472-6920-13-26.
- Perera W L S P, Mwanri Lillian, Seneviratne Rohini de A, Fernando Thushara. Health systems responsiveness & its correlates: evidence from family planning service provision in Sri Lanka. WHO South East Asia Journal of Public Health 2012: 1(4): 457-66.
- Wijesinghe PR, Jayakody RL, Seneviratne Rohini de A. Prevalence and predictors of self-medication in a selected urban and rural district of Sri Lanka. WHO South-East Asia Journal of Public Health 2012;1(1):28-41
- Samaranayake DBDL and Seneviratne SR de A. Validity of the Maslach Burnout Inventory – Human Services Survey among Sri Lankan Nursing Officers Psychological Studies DOI 10.1007/s12646-011-0135-5, December 2011
- Wijeyaratne C N, Seneviratne Ruwanthi de A, Dahanayaka S, Kumarapeli V, Palipane E, Kuruppu N, Yapa C, Seneviratne Rohini de A, Balen Adam H. Phenotype and metabolic profile of South Asian women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): results of a large database from a specialist Endocrine Clinic. Human Reproduction 2011; 26(1) 202-213
- Perera WLSP, Seneviratne Rohini, Fernando TEI. Development and validation of an instrument assessing Health System Responsiveness of family planning services in Sri Lanka. WHO South East Asia Journal of Public Health 2011:1:46-52 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/seajph.v1i1.13220
- Kumarapeli V, Seneviratne RdeA, Wijeyaratne C. Health-related quality of life and psychological distress in polycystic ovary syndrome: a hidden facet in South Asian women. BJOG 2010; DOI: 10.1111/j.1471-0528.2010.02799.x.
- Abeysena C, Jayawardena P, Seneviratne RDA. Effect of psychosocial stress on maternal complications during pregnancy: A cohort study International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health December 2010; 2(12): 436-448
- Abeysena C, Jayawardena P, Seneviratne RDA. Effect of psychosocial stress and physical activity on low birth weight: a cohort study. Journal of Obstet. and Gynaecol. Research 2010; 36(2):296-303.
- Ismail AC, Seneviratne RDeA. Adaptation and Validation of a Self-Report Measure to Evaluate Substance Use among Sri Lankan Adolescents’. Substance Use & Misuse 2010; 45 (1-2): 213-223
- Abeysena C, Jayawardena P, Seneviratne RDA. Maternal haemoglobin level at booking visit and its effect on adverse pregnancy outcome. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2010;50:423-427
- Murphy MJ, DeA Seneviratne R, Remers OJ, Davis MH. Student selected components: student-designed modules are associated with closer alignment of planned and learnt outcomes. Med Teach. 2009 Oct;31(10):e489-93. doi: 10.3109/01421590903258688.
- Murphy MJ, DeA Seneviratne R, Remers OJ, Davis MH. ‘Hawks’ and ‘doves’: effect of feedback on grades awarded by supervisors of student selected components. Med Teach. 2009 Oct;31(10):e484-8. doi:10.3109/01421590903258670.
- Abeysena C, Jayawardena P, Seneviratne RDA. Maternal sleep deprivation is a risk factor for small for gestational age: A cohort study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2009; 49: 382–387
- Abeysena C, Jayawardena P, Seneviratne RDA. Risk factors for spontaneous abortion. Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2009; 14(1):20-3.
- Liyanage DTP, Seneviratne RDA. Evaluation of cervical screening coverage in Kalutara district. Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2009; 14(1):33-8.
- Ismail AC, Seneviratne RDA, Newcombe PA, Wanigaratne S. A model of substance abuse risk: adapting to the Sri Lankan context. Evaluation Review Feb 2009; 33(1):83-97
- Abeysena C, Jayawardena P, Seneviratne RDA. Effect of energy expenditure on pregnancy outcome: a cohort study. Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2008;13(2):1-8.
- Ismail AC, Seneviratne RDA. Prevalence and pattern of substance use among secondary school students in the Colombo district. Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2008; 13(2):17-25.
- Kumarapeli V, Seneviratne RDA, Wijeyaratne CN, Yapa RMSC, Dodampahala HS. A simple screening approach for assessing community prevalence and phenotype of polycystic ovary syndrome in a semiurban population in Sri Lanka. American Journal Epidemiology 2008; 168 (3): 321-8
- Katulanda P, Constantine G, Mahesh JG, Sheriff R, Seneviratne RDA, Wijeratne S, Wijesuriya M, McCarthy MI, Adler II and Matthews DR. Prevalence and projections of diabetes and pre-diabetes in adults in Sri Lanka – Sri Lanka Diabetes and Cardiovascular Study. Diabetic Medicine 2008; 25:1062-1069.
- Murphy MJ, Seneviratne Rde A, McAleer SP, Remers OJ, Davis M. Student selected components: do students learn what teachers think they teach? Medical Teacher 2008, 30(9-10);e175-9
- Janakan N and Seneviratne RDA. Factors contributing to medication non compliance of newly diagnosed smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients in the district of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 2008; 20(3):214-22.
- Ferdinando R, Seneviratne R de A. Silva D, Sumathipala A. (2008). Criterion Validity of the CIDI and CES-D. Journal of the Institute of Psychology, Counselling, Psychotherapy and Allied Professions in Sri Lanka. 1: 2 (September 2008): 8-17.
- Seneviratne RDA, McAleer S, Davis M. Evaluation of a Masters programme in medical education. South East Asian Journal of Medical Education 2007; Inaugural issue:10-17.
- Wijesinghe PR, Jayakody RL, Seneviratne RDeA. An assessment of the compliance with good pharmacy practice in an urban and rural district in Sri Lanka. Pharmaco epidemiology and Drug Safety 2007;16(2):197-206.
- Kumarapeli KADDVL, Dodampahala R, Wijeyaratne CN, Seneviratne RDA. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) : Sri Lankan perspective. Sri Lanka Journal of Obstetricians and Gynecology 2007;29:
- Kumarapeli KADDVL, Seneviratne RDA, Wijeyaratne CN. Validation of WHOQOL-BREF to measure quality of life among women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Journal of College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2006: 11; 1-10.
- Gunawardene NS, Seneviratne SRDeA, Athauda T. Mental health outcome of unilateral amputee soldiers in two districts of Sri Lanka. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 2007; 53: 135-147.
- De Silva NR, Pathmeswaran A, De Silva N, Edirisinghe JS, Kumarasiri PVR, Parameswaran SV, Seneviratne R, Warnakulasooriya N, De Silva HJ. Admissions to medical schools in Sri Lanka: predictive validity of selection criteria. Ceylon Medical Journal 2006;51(1):17-21
- Gunawardene NS, Seneviratne SRDeA, Athauda T. Functional outcome of unilateral amputee soldiers in 2 districts of Sri Lanka. Military Medicine 2006;171(4):283-7
- Wijesinghe PR, Seneviratne RDeA Jayakody RL. Development and validation of a scale to measure the perceived access to medical care. The Journal of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2005; 10:18-29.
- Gunawardena NS, Seneviratne RdeA, T Athauda. Prosthetic outcome of unilateral lower limb amputee soldiers in two districts of Sri Lanka. Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics 2004; 16(4):123-129.
- Gunawardene NS, Seneviratne SRDeA, Athauda T. An approach to validation of a multidimensional tool. The Journal of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2003;8:18-29.
- Seneviratne SRdeA. Editorial – Revalidation of Sri Lanka Doctors The Journal of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 2003: 8; 1-9
- Seneviratne RDeA, Samarasekera, DD, Karunathilake IM. Students’ Perception of Problem-based Learning in the Medical Curriculum of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore. 30 (4), 2001: 379-381.
- Seneviratne RDeA, Fernando D, Herath HMSSD. Distribution of iron supplements through the workplace The Ceylon Journal of Medical Science 1999;42:75-86.
- De Silva GLS and Seneviratne RDeA. Trends and patterns of childhood malignancy in Sri Lanka. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 1997; 2:22-30.
- Fernando TEI, Seneviratne RDeA and Dalpathado KCS. Development of a distance education module for Public Health Midwives. Journal of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka 1997; 2:14-21.
- Seneviratne RDeA.. Health hazards and precautions in occupations where women predominate in: Report of the workshop on Occupational Health and Safety with Special Reference to Women, Document Series No. 61, 01.10.1997. Published by Centre for Women’s Research, Sri Lanka. CENWOR 12 1/1 Ascot Avenue, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka.
- Fernando DN, Seneviratne RDeA. Pattern of Health care use in an elderly population in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Journal of Medical Sciences1997;40:07-12.
- Senevitartne RDeA and Fernando DN. Influences of work on Pregnancy Outcome on Nurses. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics1994;45:35-54.
- Fernando Dulitha N. and Seneviratne RDeA. Physical Health and Functional Ability of an Elderly Population in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Journal of Medical Sciences1993; 9-16 36 (1); 1-8.
- Fernando DN, Seneviratne RDeA. Study of Weight Gain in Pregnancy. Ceylon Journal of Medical Sciences 1989; 28:December, 79-100.
- Jeyaratnam J, Seneviratne RDeA. and Copplestone J.F. Survey of Pesticide Poisoning in Sri Lanka. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 1982;60(4):615-9
Journal Abstracts
- Silva Pde, Silva Dde, Jayasinghe S, Seneviratne RdeA, Abeyratne M, Rajapakse D, Mendis N. Suicidal behaviour among those who attempted suicide and their close relatives/friends. Injury Prevention 2010;16:A60 doi:10.1136/ip.2010.029215.218
- Silva Pde, Silva Dde, Jayasinghe S, Seneviratne RdeAlwis, Abeyratne M, Rajapakse D, Mendis N. Feelings experienced after previous suicide attempt by the individual and the reaction of close relatives or friends to previous attempt. Injury Prevention 2010;16:A59A60 doi:10.1136/ip.2010.029215.216
- Silva Pde, Silva D de, Jayasinghe SB, Seneviratne RdeAlwis Abeyratne M, Rajapakse D, Mendis N. Selected aspects of attempted suicides. Injury Prevention 2010;16:A60 doi:10.1136/ip.2010.029215.217Silva
- Pde, Silva Dde, Jayasinghe S, Seneviratne RdeAlwis, Abeyratne M, Rajapakse D, Mendis N. Changing patterns in attempted suicides: experience from a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka. Injury Prevention 2010; 16:A59 doi:10.1136 /ip.2010.029215.214.
- Silva Pde, Silva Dde, Jayasinghe S, Seneviratne RdeAlwis, Abeyratne M, Rajapakse D, Mendis N. Interventions to prevent suicides in Sri Lanka: a randomised control trial Injury Prevention 2010; 16:A59 doi:10.1136/ ip.2010.029215.215
- DR Matthews, P Katulanda, GR Constantine, M Wijesuriya, MI McCarthy, RD Seneviratne, MHR Sheriff. Prevalence of diabetes mellitus, pre-diabetes and the underlying risk factors in Sri Lanka-Sri Lanka Diabetes and Cardiovascular Study, Diabetologia Volume 50 S164-S164 2007
- Prasad Katulanda, Godwin R. Constantine, Rezvi Sheriff, Mark I. Mccarthy, Rohini d. A Seneviratne, David R. Matthews. Prevalence of Diabetes, Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG) and Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) in Sri Lanka – Sri Lanka Diabetes and Cardiovascular Study, Year: Diabetes 2007, American Diabetes Association, Abstract Number: 0951-P
Technical Reports
- Innovative Approaches in Asia to Identifying Those at Risk for Suicide. Paul Yip, Yoon-Young Nam, Tran Thanh Huong, Armin Schmidtke, Herbert Hendin, Rohini De A. Seneviratne, Jane Pirkis. In: Suicide and Suicide Prevention Asia. Editors: Herbert Hendin, Michael Philips, Lakshmi Vijayakumar, Jane Pirkis, Hong Wang, Paul Yip, Danuta Wasserman, José Bertolote, Alexandra Fleischmann. Pp 63-68, WHO Geneva 2008.
- Socio-economic, Cultural and Religious Factors Affecting Suicide Prevention in Asia. Lakshmi Vijayakumar, Jane Pirkis, Tran Thanh Huong, Paul Yip, Rohini De A. Seneviratne, Herbert Hendin In: Suicide and Suicide Prevention In Asia. Editors: Herbert Hendin, Michael Philips, Lakshmi Vijayakumar, Jane Pirkis, Hong Wang, Paul Yip, Danuta Wasserman, José Bertolote, Alexandra Fleischmann. Pp 19-30, WHO Geneva 2008.
- Seneviratne R. Ageing and Health in Sri Lanka. In: Ageing Population in Sri Lanka – Issues and Future Prospects. Published by the UNFPA and Population Association of Sri Lanka 2004. ISBN955-8375-01-2
Conference Papers
- Seneviratne R, Lankatileke K. Samaranayake D. Institutional achievements in terms of ISO certification and receipt of excellence awards after a diploma in occupational health and safety(OHS). Abstract published in 31st International Congress in Occupational Health, 31-5th June 2015, Seoul, South Korea
- Seneviratne R, Lankatileke K. Samaranayake D. Effect of a diploma in occupational health and safety(OHS) on knowledge transfer Abstract published in 31st International Congress in Occupational Health, 31-5th June 2015, Seoul, South Korea
- Seneviratne R, Lankatileke K. Samaranayake D. Career progress after a diploma in occupational health and safety. Abstract published in 31st International Congress in Occupational Health, 31-5th June 2015, Seoul, South Korea
- Seneviratne R, Lankatileke K. Samaranayake D.Workplace health and safety practices following a diploma programme. Abstract published in 31st International Congress in Occupational Health, 31-5th June 2015, Seoul, South Korea
- Liyanapathirana A, Seneviraten RdeA. Prevalence of coronary heart disease (CHD) and selected risk factors of CHD among people aged 30-64 years in the district of Gampaha, page 158. Oral presentation at Sri Lanka Medical Association 128th Anniversary International Medical Congress, 6-8th July 2015, Galadari Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Liyanapathirana A, Seneviratne RdeA. Perceived access and health system responsiveness related to ambulatory health services for coronary heart diseases (CHD) and selected factors for CHD among people aged 30-64 years in the district of Gampaha, page 159. Oral presentation at Sri Lanka Medical Association 128th Anniversary International Medical Congress, 6-8th July 2015, Galadari Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Gamage AU, De A Seneviratne R. Prevalence and patterns of occupational stress among administrative officers attached to Public administration offices in Sri Lanka. International Congress for Occupational Health and Work Organization and Psychosocial Factors, 17-19th September 2014.
- Gamage AU, Hanna F S, De A Seneviratne R. Adaptation and Validation of Effort-Rewards-Imbalance model among Administrators: Evidence from Sri Lanka. International Congress for Occupational Health and Work Organization and Psychosocial Factors, 17-19th September 2014
- De-Alwis Seneviratne R. Climatic factors and dysentery in Sri Lanka. 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Public Health (APCPH), 21-22 November 2013, Nha Trang, Vietnam, Pages 97-98.
- De-Alwis Seneviratne R. Climatic factors and dengue fever in Sri Lanka. 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Public Health (APCPH), 21-22 November 2013, Nha Trang, Vietnam, Page 45.
- De-Alwis Seneviratne and Gamage A. Adaptation and validation of Effort-Reward-Imbalance model among administrators: Evidence from Sri Lanka. 45th Annual Academic Sessions of the International Conference of Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), 24-27th October 2013, Wuhan, China, page 368.
- De-Alwis Seneviratne R, Pathmeswaran A, Lankatileke K, Palihawadana P, Karunanayake P. Climatic factors and occurrence of dysentery in Sri Lanka. 45th Annual Academic Sessions of the International Conference of Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), 24-27th October 2013, Wuhan, China, Page 375.
- De-Alwis Seneviratne and Gamage A. Salt consumption estimated by 24 hour urinary sodium excretion among senior officials and managerial assistants of government administration officers in Sri Lanka. 45th Annual Academic Sessions of the International Conference of Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), 24-27th October 2013, Wuhan, China page 370
- De-Alwis Seneviratne R. Climatic factors and occurrence of dengue fever in Sri Lanka. 45th Annual Academic Sessions of the International Conference of Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), 24-27th October 2013, Wuhan, China, page 366
- De-Alwis Seneviratne R, Lankatileke K, Wijesekara N. Experience of provision of basic occupational health care in non formal workplace though Primary Health Care (PHC). 45th Annual Academic Sessions of the International Conference of Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), 24-27th October 2013, Wuhan, China, page 363.
- Wijeratne M, Seneviratne RDeA, Gunawardene N. Psychosocial environment of schools in relation to peer violence among schooling adolescents in Gampaha District. Oral presentation at International Conference of Public Health Innovations: Sharing evidence based innovations and best practices to meet the public health challenges, National Institute of Health Sciences 2-4th May 2013. Published in the book of abstracts Pages 51-2
- Samaranayake. D, Seneviratne RDA. Does burnout influence nursing performance? A study among Sri Lankan nursing officers. Oral presentation at the 44th International Conference of the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall, 13-18 October 2012, Colombo, Pages 34-5 of Abstract Book
- Wijeratne M, Seneviratne RDA, Gunawardene N. Interpersonal violence among schooling adolescent peers in a district of Sri Lanka. Poster presentation at the 44th International Conference of the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall, 13-18 October 2012, Colombo, Page 152 of Abstract Book
- Devarajan R, Kodituwakku R, Gamage R, Seneviratne R. Patient satisfaction in the outpatient department of the National Hospital of Sri Lanka. Poster presentation at the 44th International Conference of the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall, 13-18 October 2012, Colombo, Page 333 of Programme Book.
- Perera WLSP, Seneviratne RDA. Expectations of people and health systems responsiveness: is government family planning services in Sri Lanka meeting clients expectations? 42nd Annual Academic Sessions of the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), on Strengthening Public Health Institutes to address non communicable diseases and Emerging health challenges. 23-26th November 2010, Bali, Indonesia
- Wijemuni NC, Seneviratne RDA. Ergonomic tool development to assess neck and upper limb musculoskeletal disorders among female garment workers in a free trade zone Sri Lanka 42nd Annual Academic Sessions of the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH) on Strengthening Public Health Institutes to address non communicable diseases and Emerging health challenges. 23-26th November 2010, Bali, Indonesia
- Kumarapeli V, Seneviratne R de A, Wijeyaratne C N: The need for screening, early diagnosis and multidisciplinary care of POCS in the South Asian setting: 7th Annual Meeting of Androgen Excess and PCOS Society, Washington, DC, USA, June 2009 (printed in programme and abstracts).
- Kumarapeli V, Seneviratne R de A, Wijeyaratne C N: Prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors and impact on quality of life among community based young women with PCOS: evidence for early screening and referral in South Asia: first international Asia Pacific meeting on PCOS, Hong Kong, January 2009 (printed in programme and abstracts).
- Suraweera SAIK, Seneviratne RDA, Herath HMSSD. Prevalence and correlates of occupational stress among middles level managers in domestic commercial bank sin the Colombo district. 14th annual academic sessions of the College of Community physicians of Sri Lanka, 9-12th September 2009 (printed in programme and abstracts).
- Suraweera I, De A Seneviratne R, Herath HMMSD. Prevalence and correlates of occupational stress in middle level managers of domestic commercial banks in a district of Sri-Lanka. 41st Annual Academic Sessions of the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), 3-6th December 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
- Suraweera I, De A Seneviratne R, Herath HMMSD. Reliability and the validity of the Sinhalese version of the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) – A study in banking employees in commercial banks in a district of Sri Lanka 41st Annual Academic Sessions of the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), 3-6th December 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
- Suraweera I, De A Seneviratne R, Herath HMMSD. Prevalence of occupational stress in selected categories of employees in domestic commercial banks in a district of Sri-Lanka at 41st Annual Academic Sessions of the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), 3-6th December 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
- Suraweera I, De A Seneviratne R, Herath HMMSD. Correlates of occupational stress among operational staff employees in domestic commercial banks in a district of Sri-Lanka, 41st Annual Academic Sessions of the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), 3-6th December 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
- Samaranayake DBDL, Seneviratne SRDeA. Prevalence and patterns of burnout among nursing officers working in government teaching hospitals in Colombo. 41st Annual Academic Sessions of the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), 3-6th December 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
- Samaranayake DBDL, Seneviratne SRDeA. Work life correlates of burnout among nursing officers working in government teaching hospitals in Colombo, 41st Annual Academic Sessions of the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), 3-6th December 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
- Gunawardena N, Seneviratne RDA, Fernando D, Senarath U, Lankathilake K, Arambepola C, Weliange S, Wijewickrama A Community-based environment health promotion intervention: a learning experience of medial undergraduates in Sri Lanka, 41st Annual Academic Sessions of the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), 3-6th December 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Senarath U, Seneviratne RDA, Fernando D, Gunawardena N, Weerasinghe C, Samaranayake D, Perera D. Promoting environmental health in suburban communities through waste management intervention by Sri Lankan Medical Undergraduates, 41st Annual Academic Sessions of the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), 3-6th December 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
- Lankathilake K, Seneviratne RDA Occupational Health Services: Is primary health care a viable plan? 41st Annual Academic Sessions of the Asia Pacific Academic Consortium of Public Health (APACPH), 3-6th December 2009, Taipei, Taiwan
- Suraweera SAIK, Seneviratne RDA, Herath HMSSD. Prevalence of Occupational Stress in Selected Categories of Employees in Domestic Commercial Banks in a District of Sri Lanka. International Conference on Psychosocial Factors at Work. 30 November 2009-3rd December 2009 Bangkok, Thailand
- Suraweera SAIK, Seneviratne RDA, Herath HMSSD, Prevalence and Correlates of Occupational Stress Among Operational Staff in Domestic Commercial Banks in a District of Sri Lanka. International Conference on Psychosocial Factors at Work. 30 November 2009-3rd December 2009 Bangkok, Thailand
- Suraweera SAIK, Seneviratne RDA, Herath HMSSD. A Study of Prevalence and Correlates of Occupational Stress in Middle Level Managers of Domestic Commercial Banks in a District of Sri Lanka. International Conference on Psychosocial Factors at Work. 30 November 2009-3rd December 2009 Bangkok, Thailand
- Ismail AC, Seneviratne RDA. Prevalence of self-reported lifetime substance use among adolescents attending schools. 13th annual academic sessions of the College of Community physicians of Sri Lanka, September 2008 (printed in programme and abstracts). Page 33
- Ismail AC, Seneviratne RDA. Adaptation and validation of a self-report measure to evaluate substance use among Sri Lankan schooling adolescents. 13th annual academic sessions of the College of Community physicians of Sri Lanka, September 2008 (printed in programme and abstracts). Page 46
- Kumarapeli VL, Seneviratne R, Wijeyaratne CN, Dodampahala HS Health seeking behaviour of Sri Lankan women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), 121st Annual Scientific Sessions Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 16th, 19th–22nd 2008 Cinnamon Grand Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Katulanda P, Constantine G, Sheriff R, McCarthy MI, Seneviratne R, Matthews DR. Wijesuriya M, Matthews DR. Prevalence of diabetes mellitus, pre-diabetes and the underlying risk factors in Sri Lanka – Sri Lanka Diabetes and Cardiovascular Study. Presented as an abstract at the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, 43rd meeting 2007, Amsterdam.
- Kumarapeli KADDVL, Seneviratne RDA, Wijeyaratne CN. Quality of life & psychological well being of Sri Lankan women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). 12th annual academic sessions of the College of Community physicians of Sri Lanka, September 2007 (printed in programme and abstracts).
- Janakan N and Seneviratne RDA. Factors contributing to delay in diagnosing and initiating treatment for new cases of smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis after seeking medical attention. Awarded the third price at the 12th annual academic sessions of the College of Community physicians of Sri Lanka, September 2007. (printed in programme and abstracts).
- Kumarapeli KADDVL, Seneviratne RDA, Wijeyaratne CN. Health seeking behaviour of Sri Lankan women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). 12th annual academic sessions of the College of Community physicians of Sri Lanka, September 2007. (printed in programme and abstracts).
- Kumarapeli KADDVL, Wijeyaratne CN, Dodampahala R, Seneviratne RDA.
- Clinical and metabolic correlates of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in a semi-urban community in Sri Lanka. 40th annual scientific sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, November 2007
- Kumarapeli KADDVL, Wijeyaratne CN, Dodampahala R, Seneviratne RDA. Prevalence of poly cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) among women of reproductive age in the district of Gampaha, Sri Lanka at the 39th annual scientific sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, October 2006 .
- Kumarapeli KADDVL, Seneviratne RDA, Wijeyaratne CN. Prevalence of Reproductive Endocrine Disorders among women of reproductive age in the district of Gampaha, Sri Lanka at the 11th annual academic sessions of the College of Community physicians of Sri Lanka held in October 2006.
- Abeysena C, Jayawardena P, Seneviratne R. Energy Expenditure and Pregnancy Outcome. 118th Anniversary Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association. March 23- 26, 2005. Programme and Abstracts – page 23.
- Abeysena C, Jayawardena P, Seneviratne RdeA. Risk Factors of Preterm Births. Annual Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka. October 29-30, 2004. Programme and Abstracts – page 11.
- Abeysena C, Jayawardena P, Seneviratne RdeA. Risk Factors of Delivering a Small for Gestational Age Infant, 37th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists ‘Achieving Excellence in Standards of Reproductive Health – A Woman’s Right’. Programme and Abstract – pages 29 -30.
- De Silva D, Peiris E, De Silva P, Jayasekera S, Seneviratne R, Jayasinghe S, Mendis N. Characteristics of deliberate self-harm (DSH) admitted to National Hospital Colombo. 116th Anniversary Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association. 26-29 March 2003. Programme and Abstract Book pages 67-68.
- Seneviratne RdeA, Karunathilake I, Ponnamperuma G, Samarasekera, D. New entrant students’ perception of the Colombo Medical Faculty educational environment. Abstracts of the International Conference on Curriculum Change in Medical Schools. 30 June – 3 July 2002, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka, p 16-7.
- Seneviratne RdeA, Karunathilake I, Ponnamperuma G, Samarasekera, D. Perception of graduates about the behavioural sciences stream. Abstracts of the International Conference on Curriculum Change in Medical Schools. 30 June – 3 July 2002, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka, p 30.
- Seneviratne RdeA, Dharmasiri M, Ponnamperuma G, Karunathilake I, Chandrathilaka MN, Bulathsinghala RGPC. ffectiveness of an English-for- Medicine course for new entrants in Colombo Medical Faculty. Abstracts of the International Conference on Curriculum Change in Medical Schools. 30 June – 3 July 2002, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka, p 10.
- Galappatthy P, Abdulla AA, Goonesekera DT, Hanwella R, Fernando SSD, Seneviratne RdeA, Goonaratna CdeFW. The impact of behavioural science input relevant to clinical work during professorial clinical rotations: perceptions of final year medical students of the University of Colombo. Abstracts of the International Conference on Curriculum Change in Medical Schools. 30 June – 3 July 2002, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka, p 32.
- Gunathunga MW, Fernando JLIN, Fernando DN, Rajapaksa LC, Seneviratne Rde A. An evaluation of the family attachment programme of the undergraduate curriculum, Faculty of Medicine Colombo. Abstracts of the International Conference on Curriculum Change in Medical Schools. 30 June – 3 July 2002, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka, p 34.
- de Silva H, Wickramasinghe B, Egodage C, Randeniya C, Seneviratne RdeA. Problems faced by medical students who failed to perform adequately at the first continuous assessment. Abstracts of the International Conference on Curriculum Change in Medical Schools. 30 June – 3 July 2002, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo, Sri Lanka, p 50.
- De Silva D, Seneviratne RdeA, Abeysinghe N. Gender differentials in deliberate self harm. International Conference on Mental Health and Psychiatry 4- 7 April 2002 Taj Samudra, Sri Lanka, Abstract Book p 71-72.
- Seneviratne RdeA, Karunathilake IM, Ponnamperuma GG, Samarasekera, DD. The new curriculum of the Colombo Medical Faculty: views and perceptions of the first batch of graduates. Sri Lanka Medical Association 115th Anniversary Academy Session, 21 – 24th March 2002. Programme and abstracts p 69.
- Jayasinghe S, Abeysinghe N, Seneviratne RdeA, De Silva D, Mendis N. Procedures and facilities available in medical and surgical wards with intern medical officers. Sri Lanka Medical Association 115th Anniversary Academy Session, 21 to 24th March 2002. Programme and abstracts p 47.
- Jayasinghe S, Abeysinghe N, Seneviratne RdeA, De Silva D, Mendis N. Case-mix of in-patients in state sector hospitals: A cross sectional study. Sri Lanka Medical Association 115th Anniversary Academy Session, 21 to 24th March 2002. Programme and abstracts p 72.
- Jayasinghe S, Abeysinghe N, Seneviratne RdeA, De Silva D, Mendis N. Case-mix of out-patients in state sector hospitals: A cross sectional study. Sri Lanka Medical Association 115th Anniversary Academy Session, 21 to 24th March 2002. Programme and abstracts p 72-3.
- De Silva D, Seneviratne RdeA, Abeysinghe N. Gender differentials in deliberate self harm. Sri Lanka Medical Association 115th Anniversary Academy Session, 21 to 24th March 2002. Programme and abstracts p 39.
- Seneviratna R De A, Samarasekera, DD, Karunathilake IM, Ponnamperuma GG, International Conference on Challenges of Primary Care-Oriented Health Systems: Innovations by Educational Institutions, Health Professions and Health Services October 20,25, 2001 Londrina Parana Brazil. Needs Assessment for Staff Development in the Colombo Medical Faculty p 95.
- Abrew K De, Ariyaratnam A, Seneviratne R, International Conference on Challenges of Primary Care-Oriented Health Systems: Innovations by Educational Institutions, Health Professions and Health Services October 20,25, 2001 Londrina Parana Brazil. Evaluation of the Neurology Module in the Curriculum of Colombo Medical Faculty, Sri Lanka p 102.
- De Silva D, Seneviratne RDeA. XXI Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention Chennai – India 22-26 September 2001. Deliberate Self Harm In Urban Sri Lanka P 30.
- De Silva D, Seneviratne RDeA, Abeysinghe AMN. Deliberate self harm (DSH) in a tertiary care hospital. Ceylon College of Physicians 34th Annual Academic Sessions September 27th – 29th 2001.
- Seneviratne RDeA, Samarasekera, DD, Karunathilake IM. Students’ Perception of Problem-based Learning in the Medical Curriculum of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore. 30 (4), 2001: 379-381.
- Seneviratne RDeA, Samarasekera DD, Karunatilleke IM, Ponnamperuma GG. Problem-based learning (PBL) in the undergraduate curriculum of the Colombo Medical Faculty. Sri Lanka Medical Association 114th Anniversary Academy Session, 21 to 24th March 2001.
- Seneviratne RDeA, Samarasekera DD, Karunatilleke IM, Ponnamperuma GG. Needs Assessment for staff development in the Colombo Medical Faculty. Sri Lanka Medical Association 114th Anniversary Academy Session, 21 to 24th March 2001.
- Lankatilake K.N, Seneviratne S.R. De A, Fernando D.N. Indoor air quality and respiratory symptoms among children and women. Presentation made at the workshop on acid rain monitoring, air quality monitoring and management. Organized by the Postgraduate Institute of Science and the Ministry of Forestry and Environment, held at the Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya, February 12-15, 2001.
- Seneviratne RDeA. The health revolution: The Sri Lanka Experiences. Invited paper presented at the Asia Pacific Conference on Public Health. National University of Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. 2-7 December 2000.
- Seneviratne RDeA, Fernando D, Herath HMSSD. Distribution of iron supplements through the workplace The Ceylon Journal of Medical Science 1999;42:75-86.
- Seneviratne RDeA, Samarasekera DD, Karunatilleka IM, Ponnamperuma GG. Experience of problem-based learning in Colombo Medical Faculty. Paper presented at the 1st ASEAN Conference on problem-based learning in Health Sciences Singapore20- 22nd November 2000.
- Fernando DN, Seneviratne SRdeA. Use of multiple methods of student assessment in a community based teaching programme Abstract. Conference programme and abstract Horizon scanning in medical education; 2020 Vision Ben Gurion University of the Neger, Beer Sheva Israel. 27-30th August 2000 p 64.
- Fernando D, Seneviratne R, Samarasinghe D, Rajapaksa L, Jayasinghe S. (2000) Community Stream teaching programme in the Colombo Medical Faculty. Innovation on Health Professions Education and Community Orientation. Annual Network Conference. 21-26th October 2000 Manama Bahrain p. 166-167.
- Jayasinghe S, Seneviatne RdeA, Jayakody L and Mendis N. Reforming a conventional medical curriculum. The conference in Colombo. Innovation on Health Professions Education and Community Orientation. Annual Network Conference. 21-26th October 2000 Manama Bahrain p.174.
- De Silva MVC, Lakshman WDH, Seneviratne RDeA, De Silva GDI, Seneviratne H.R. Evaluation of perinatal deaths in a tertiary care hospital by necropsy examination 113th Anniversary Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association. March 2000.
- De Silva MVC, Seneviratne RDeA, Lakshman WDH. Major congenital malformations in perinatal deaths and the associated risk factors. 113th Anniversary Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association. March 2000.
- Lankatilake K.N, Seneviratne S.R. De A, Fernando D.N. Indoor air quality and respiratory symptoms among children and women. Proceeding of the annual session of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 2000.
- Seneviratne RDeA, McAleer S and Davis M. The Old Masters – A Portrait of Graduate Achievement. Conference of the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) Linkoping, Sweden 29th August to 1st September 1999.
- Seneviratne RDA, De Silva MCV, Lakshman WDH and Seneviratne HR. Association between social and environmental risk factors and perinatal deaths. 31st Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 14 to 16th August 1998 p. of book of abstracts.
- De Silva MCV, Lakshman WDH, Seneviratne RDeA, & Seneviratne HR. Obstetric risk factors of perinatal deaths. Annual Scientific Session of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science Section A 1998 P of book of Abstracts.
- De Silva MVC, Lakshman WDH, de Silva G.D.I, Seneviratne RDeA and Seneviratne HR. Wigglesworth classification of perinatal deaths using necropsy Examination at the De Soysa Hospital for Women, Colombo. 31st Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Sri Lanka 14th to 16th August 1998 p. 21 of book of abstracts.
- Seneviratne R, Fernando D. Pattern of use of contraceptive technologies in a marriage cohort. Page 153 Programme and Abstracts. International Conference on reproductive Health.15-19 March 1998, Mumbai, India. Organized by the Indian Society for the study of Reproduction and Fertility and UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction.
- Seneviratne R, Fernando D. Dynamics of use of contraceptive echnologies in a marriage cohort. Page 214 Programme and Abstract. International Conference Reproductive Health.15-19 March 1998, Mumbai, India. Organized by the Indian Society the study of Reproduction and Fertility and UNDP/UNFPA/WHO/World Bank Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training Human Reproduction.
- Fernando TEI, Seneviratne RDeA, Dalpathado KCS. Outcome of a distance education programme and knowledge, attitudes and performances of Public Health Midwives in post partum care of the mother. Page 8 Annual Sessions of the College of Community Physicians of Sri Lanka, 1997.
- Buddhakorala K, Seneviratne RdeA and Weeramunda AJ. Report of the presentation of research findings in reproductive health. Task Force for Research in Reproductive Health, National Co- ordinating Committee for Reproductive Health Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, 12th September 1997 (12th abstracts).
- Fernando D, Seneviratne R, Rajapaksa L. Use of Community – based research as an educational tool. Page 76-77. Programme and abstract International Conference on the Role of the University in Health Research for Development. February 5-9, 1995. Madras, India.
- Seneviratne SR, Herath HMSSD, De Alwis R, Fernando D, Lankatilaka K, Jayakuru W. A health information system for promotion of worker’s health Page 103. Programme and abstract International Conference on the Role of the University in Health Research for Development. February 5-9, 1995. Madras, India.
- Seneviratne RDeA. Fertility related behaviour in a marriage cohort. Proceedings of the Scientific Sessions on Reproductive Health, International Medical Congress 29th July 1995. Colombo, Sri Lanka. Page 29-30.
- Seneviratne RDeA. Contraceptive use dynamics. Report of the Workshop on Presentation of Research Findings in Reproductive Health Page 6 and 7. National Coordinating Committee on Reproductive Health. 26th May1995.
- Fernando DN, Seneviratne RDeA. Social and Health Aspects of Elderly Women. Proceedings of Fourth National Convention of Women’s Studies 3rd-6th March 1994. In: Women and Health, Published by Centre for Women’s Research, Sri Lanka. CENWOR 12 1/1 Ascot Avenue, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka.
- Fernando G, Seneviratne RDeA. SLMA 106th Anniversary Academic Session of the Sri Lanka Medical Association , 24th –27th March 1994. Use of Anti Bacterial Drugs in Medical and Surgical Wards of a teaching Hospital. P 19-20 of Booklet of Abstracts.
- Jayasinghe KSA, Seneviratne RDeA. SLMA 105th Anniversary Academic Session of the Sri Lanka Medical Association, 24th-27th March 1993. 1Q Tests and the performance at the final MBBS Examination: A preliminary report P. 16 of Booklet of Abstract.
- Seneviratne RdeA. Study Design and Setting Report of the Workshop on Development of Research Protocols Summary Page 16 and 17. National Coordinating Committee on Reproductive Health. 13 –15 December 1994.
- Senevitartne RDeA. Environmental Health (in Sinhala). Vidya Viyapthi, Publication of the Committee for Popularization of Science. Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, 23rd September/October 1994; 32-36.
- Fernando Dulitha N and Seneviratne Rohini De A. Survey of social and health aspects of ageing. Research abstracts of South-East Asia Region. WHO Regional Publications SEARO. Research Abstracts 1993; 16 (4): 73-76. ISBN 92 9022 165 8
- Seneviratne RDeA. Research Needs of Women at Work. Paper read at a seminar on Occupational Health with Special Reference to Women, 15th November 1989. Document Series No. 59. CENWOR. Centre for Women’s Research Sri Lanka. CENWOR Publication 12 1/1 Ascot Avenue, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka.
- A Preliminary Study of Selected indices of Pregnancy Outcome among Officers. Thesis submitted for MD [Community Medicine] 1989.
Unpublished papers Graduate Supervision
- Successfully supervised 25 doctoral theses, with award of degree