- PhD (Colombo)

Snr. Prof. Rohini Fernandopulle
- Qualifications
- Teaching Areas
Teaching Areas
- Clinical Pharmacology
- Ethics
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Awards & Grants
Awards & Grants
- Presidential Awards for Research for year 1999 – 2000
- Presidential Awards for Research for year 2001
- Presidential Award for Research 2002 – 2006
- Selected for Presidential Award for Research 2007
- Award from the Vice Chancellor University of Colombo in recognition of excellence in research for 1999 and 2000/2001
- Best Poster Award. Sri Ranganathan S, Senadeera SAC, Balasubramaniam R, Fernandopulle R. Spontaneous reports on anaphylaxis: the applicability of the Brighton case definition. 43RD Annual academic Sessions of the Ceylon College of Physicians. September 2010
- H K T Fernando Award. Acute paracetamol poisoning: is the ingested dose a reliable indicator of likely toxicity and need for N – acetylcysteine. 120th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 21-24, 2007, The Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume 52, Supplement 1, March 2007
- Award of excellence. R Gunatilaka, K Munasinghe, S Sri Ranganathan, BMR Fernandopulle. Drug- induced Stevens Johnson Syndrome: a review of spontaneous reports received by the National Adverse Drug Reaction monitoring Centre. Students Scientific Session. November 2004 (Poster-post graduate category)
- Sir Frank Gunasekera Award: Affordability of medicines: the Sri Lanka situation118th Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association 2005.
- Award of excellence. R Gunatilaka, K Munasinghe, S Sri Ranganathan, BMR Fernandopulle. Drug- induced Stevens Johnson Syndrome: a review of spontaneous reports received by the National Adverse Drug Reaction monitoring Centre. Students Scientific Session. November 2004 (Poster-post graduate category)
- Sir Frank Gunasekera Award: Affordability of medicines: the Sri Lanka situation118th Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association 2005.
- S. E. Seneviratne Award: Gastroprotective effects of Momordica dioica at the Sri Lanka. Medical Association Anniversary Session 1992 .
- Award for the Best ( Medical) paper from the Natural Resources, Energy and Science Authority. “Pharmacodynamic Evaluation of a few members of the Cucurbitaceae family”
- Merit award by NARESA for scientific research on the project titled “A pharmacodynamic evaluation of Momordica charantia and Momordica dioica BMR Fernandopulle, WD Ratnasooriya, Welihinde J.
- WHO/ SEARO grant to for Identifying Priority Areas under WHA61.21 by Ascertaining status of Pharmaceuticals, Herbal Medicine, Dental Formulations and Medical Technologies in Sri Lanka
- WHO/SEARO grant to compile and publish the Sri Lanka Drug Index 2009/2010
- SEARO/WHO Grant (5000 US Dollars) – for the Project on “analysis of money spent on pharmaceuticals issued by the Medical Supplies Division; 2002-2006
- Research Grant under C1A2/ IRQUE Project- A study on current situation regarding availability and quality use of oral paediatric medicines in Sri Lanka.
- SEARO/ WHO grant for the project” Post Tsunami donations to the MSD.
- Publications
Published Books
- Fernandopulle BMR and Karunaweera N. Guidelines on the Management of Malaria in Sri Lanka.2nd ed. Sri Lanka: Faculty of Medicine, Colombo; 2011
- Fernandopulle BMR, Beneragama BVSH 2nd and 3rd edition. Drug Index 2009 – 2010 ISBN 955 – 9021 – 39 – 7
- Sri Ranganathan S, Fernandopulle R, Beneragama BVSH, Weerasinghe MC, Weeraratne ED. Medicines issued to the private Sector: 2002 – 2006 Ministry of Healthcare and Nutrition and Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine University of Colombo; 2009 (ISBN 978-955-9021-87-2).
- Fernandopulle R(Chairperson). List of Essential Medicines Third revision. Sri Lanka: Ministry of Health; 2006 and Fourth revision 2009
- Member of the compilation of the Manual of management of drugs second revision Ministry of Health care and nutrition 2008
- Fernandopulle R, Beneragama BVSH, Galappatthhy P. Fernandopulle ANR. The expectations, The reality and the burden of Drug donations : Evidence for action. Sri Lanka. Ministry of Healthcare and Nutrition and Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine University of Colombo; 2007 (ISBN 955-9021-52-4)
- Fernandopulle Rohini, Shalini Sri Ranganathan. Adverse Drug Events reporting- A pharmacist’s guide. 2007
- Forum of ethics review committees, Sri Lanka FERCSL. Ethics Review committee guidelines: A guide for developing standard operating procedures for committees that review biomedical research proposals. Sri Lanka:2007.
- National Immunisation Summit; Proceedings of the second meeting of national stakeholders January 8th 2007. Colombo Sri Lanka. Epidemiology unit, Ministry of Health; 2007.
- Fernandopulle Rohini, Sri Ranganathan S. Advisory labels for dispensed medicines: Dispensing advice in a second. Sri Lanka: Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine Colombo; 2006
- Fernandopulle BMR. Guidelines for the Registration of Cosmetics in Sri Lanka Drug Regulatory Authority Sri Lanka:2005
- Fernandopulle BMR. Guidelines for the registration of Fixed Combination Medicinal Products in Sri Lanka. Drug Regulatory Authority Sri Lanka: 2005
- Management of paracetamol poisoning: Dr Rohini Fernandopulle, Sri Renganathan S, Kuruppu T.
- Fernandopulle BMRSenaratne SMDK. Guidelines for applicants seeking approval of a clinical trial in Sri Lanka (includes guidance note and application form) Drug Regulatory Authority Sri Lanka: 2005
- Fernandopulle BMR Draft Guidelines on Recall of quality failure products 2009
- Sri Lanka. National Immunisation Summit; Proceedings of the second meeting of national stakeholders January 8th 2007. Colombo Sri Lanka. Epidemiology unit, Ministry of Health; 2007.
- Fernandopulle BMR and Karunaweera N. Guidelines on the Management of Malaria in Sri Lanka.1st ed. Sri Lanka: Faculty of Medicine, Colombo; 2003 ISBN 955 – 8891 – 00 – 2
- Asthma: A guideline for pharmacists: To optimise their role in the management of asthma. Authored by Dr Rohini Fernandopulle ISBN 955-9021-36-3
- A guide to the procedures followed by the Ethics Committee that reviews Biomedical Research of the Faculty of Medicine. Compiled by Fernandopulle BMR. and Senanayake HMMs. Edited by K Lankatilleke.
- Rohini Fernandopulle, Shalini Sri Ranganathan. MCQs in Pharmacology. Past papers with answers and explanatory comments for External Pharmacists’ Examination (3 editions)
Chapters and web documents
Member of Expert committee in the following publications
- World Health Organization Geneva 2011. IMAI District Clinician Manual: Hospital Care for Adolescents and Adults. Guidelines for the Management of Illnesses with Limited Resources Volume 1 and 2
- Report of a Meeting: Country Support and Interventions to Improve Use of Medicines in Children Geneva Switzerland June 2009
- World Health Organization. Report of the expert committee, 2011 (including the 17th model list of essential medicines. Geneva: 2011;
- World Health Organization. Report of the expert committee, 2009 (including the 16th model list of essential medicines. Geneva: 2009;
- World Health Organization. Report of the expert committee, 2007 (including the 15th model list of essential Medicines. Geneva: 2007;
- Member of the WHO International Working Group for Drug Statistics Methodology from 2002 to date resulting in the annual publication of the Guidelines for ATC classification and DDD assignment. Editions 5 – 12. A co-publication between the WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug Statistics Methodology and the Nordic Council on Medicines
- Report of the Informal Expert Meeting on Dosage Forms of Medicines for Children WHO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland 2008
- World Health Organization. WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. 34th Report. Geneva: 2006; Technical Report Series 942
Chapters in books
- Management of anaphylaxis following immunization
- Management of anaphylaxis following immunization. In: Jayasuriya L, Weerasinghe,ed. A Guidelines for the use of NON – EPI vaccines, 1st and 3rd edition. Sri Lanka Medical Association: 2006, 2011; 46.
- Chapters in the Patients Formulary: 2010
- Management of anaphylaxis following immunization..In
- Fernandopulle BMR, Weerasuriya K. What can Consumer ADR Reporting Add to Existing Health Professional – Based Systems? Drug Safety 2003; 26 (4): 219 – 225
- Weerasuriya K, Fernandopulle BMR, Weeraratne CL, Karunaweera. Efficacy of a 5 day course of primaquine in prevention of relapses in Plasmodium vivax malaria(letter). The Ceylon Medical Journal 2003;48 (1):32
- Sri Ranganathan S, Fernandopulle R, Abeywardena BVDSP, Hathlahawatta HMKN, Gunathilaka KR. Kohomba oil induced encephalopathy: lessons in prescribing traditional medicines. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health. 2005; 34 (3): 94
- Punchihewa GL, Gunatilaka KR, Fernandopulle R. Anaphylactic shock and acute myocardial infarction following intravenous ceftazidime. Ceylon Medical Journal 2005;50(1):34
- S Sri Ranganathan, M G Sathiadas, S Sumanasena, M Fernandopulle, S P Lamabadusuriya, BMR Fernandopulle. A case control study in Sri Lanka of fulminant hepatic failure and paracetamol overuse with therapeutic intent in febrile children. Indian Journal of Paediatrics. Indian Journal of Paediatrics, Volume 73-October, 2006 pg 871-876
- Sri Ranganthan S, Fernandopulle R. case reports of Nicolau syndrome following intramuscular diclofenac administration. Sri Lankan Prescriber 2007;15(1):6-7
- S Sri Ranganthan, Fernandopulle BMR. A clinicians guide to adverse drug reactions. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2007;52(2):41 – 4.
- Rath Barbara, Inder Thomas, Cornblath David,Hudson MichaelFernandopulle Rohini, Hartmann Katharina, Heininger Ulrich et al. All that palsies is not Bell’s: The need to define Bell’s palsy as an adverse event following immunization. Vaccine 2007, vol. 26, 1, pp. 1-14
- Senarathna, S.M.D.K.G., Sri Ranganathan, S., Dawson, A.H., Buckley, N., Fernandopulle, B.M.R. Management of acute paracetamol poisoning patients in a tertiary care hospital. Ceylon Medical Journal 2008; 53 (3):89-92
- Sharmini Gunawardena, Shalini Sri Ranganathan, Rohini Fernandopulle. Pharmacovigilance through consumer feedback in the mass treatment of lymphatic filariasis using diethylcarbamazine and albendazole in two districts of Sri Lanka Tropical Medicine and International Health 2008;13 (9):1-6.
- Unacceptable variance in the estimation of plasma concentration of parcetamol. Senarathna SMDKG, Sri Ranganathan S , Dawson A, Fernandopulle BMR., 2010(letter). Ceylon Medical Journal. 55(2)
- Gidudu, J*, Sack DA, Pina M, Hudson M, Kohl KS, Bishop P, Chatterjee A, Chiappini E, Compingbutra AA, da Costa C, Fernandopulle R, et al. Diarrhea: Case Definition and Guidelines for Collection, Analysis, and Presentationof Immunization Safety Data. Draft publication of The Brighton Collaboration Diarrhea Working Group. Vaccine 29 (2011) 1053–1071
- Senarathna SMDKG, Mannapperuma U, Fernandopulle BMR Medicine prices, availability and affordability in Sri Lanka. Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 2011; 43 (1): 60-63.
- Sri Ranganathan S, SenadeeraSAC, Balasubramaniam R, Fernandopulle BMR, Spontaneous reports on anaphylaxis: the applicability of Brighton case definition. Ceylon Medical Journal 2011; 56: 129-130.
- SMDK Ganga Senarathna, Shalini Sri Ranganathan, Nick Buckley and Rohini Fernandopulle. A cost effectiveness analysis of the preferred antidotes for acute paracetamol poisoning patients in Sri Lanka. BMC Clinical Pharmacology 2012, 12:6 doi:10.1186/1472-6904-12-6:
- S.M.D.K. Ganga Senarathn, Shalini S. Ranganathan, Nick Buckley, S.S.S.B.D. Preethi Soysa, B. M. Rohini Fernandopulle. A quick inexpensive laboratory method in acute paracetamol poisoning could improve risk assessment, management andresource utilization.
- N M R Fernandopulle, K W D A Anuradha, U K M D A Samarasekara, B M R Fernandopulle. Psychosocial well-being in children with epilepsy. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health 2012;44 (3):123-128.
Conference Papers / Journal abstracts
- Galappatthy P, Rupasinghe RT, Cooray BPR, Galappatthy GKS, Fernandopulle BMR. Side effects of statins in patients attending a cardiology clinic in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International conference on Pharmacovigilence and 3rd annual meeting of the Society of Pharmacovigilence in India, 11th-13th December 2003 Agra, India.
- Fernandopulle BMR, Sri Ranganathan S, Safety of polygeline. Annual meeting of National ADR centres, Dublin, Ireland, September 2004.
- Fernandopulle BMR. Chronic paracetamol use- frequent hepatic failure 24th Annual Meeting of National Centres Participating in the WHO International Drug Monitoring Programme 2003
- Fernandopulle BMR, Senarathna SMDKG. Does registration of several generics translate into more and cheaper drugs for the patient? Second International Conference on Improving the Use of Medicines ICIUM, Thailand March 30 – April 2nd 2004
- Fernandopulle M Fernandopulle BMR,Sri Ranganathan S, Sathiadas M G, Soysa SSDP, Thalawattegedera C, Jambruthgoda C. Paracetamol hepatotoxicity in chidren, 8th World Congress on clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. Brisbane Australia. 2004
- Fernandopulle BMR,Sri Ranganathan S, Sathiadas M G, Sumanasena S, Lamabadusuriya SP. A Case control study to predict the risk of hepatotoxicity with paracetamol in febrile children. Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Brisbane, Australia, 2004
- Galappathy P, Cooray BPR, Rupasinghe RT, Galappathy GKS, Ferandopulle BMR. Impact of introduction of statins to the private and state sectors in Sri Lanka on Utilization, Cost and Prescription pattern. . Second International Conference on Improving use of Medicines Chiang Mai, Thailand 2004; 101
- Fernandopulle BMR, SriRanganthan S, Galappatthy P. Info_vig (pharmacovigilance): a different role. In Drugs of current interest 28th Annual Meeting of the WHO drug monitoring Programme 2005
- Senarathna SMDKG, Sri Ranganathan S, Soysa P, Fernandopulle BMR. The economical burden of current management of patients with acute paracetamol poisoning in a tertiary care hospital of Sri Lanka. 5th International congress of Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology. 6th – 8th August 2006; 26
- Senarathna SMDKG, Sri Ranganathan S, Soysa P, N Freemantle, Fernandopulle R. History of ingested dose and plasma paracetamol for the risk assessment in acute paracetamol poisoning in resource limited setting. Presented as a Poster Presentation at the International Congress of Toxicology 2007. July 15-19, 2007, Montreal, Canada
- Senarathna SMDKG, Sri Ranganathan S, Fernandopulle BMR. Economic analysis of the current management of acute paracetamol poisoning in Sri Lanka. 67th World congress of Pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, Beijing China. 31st August-6th September 2007.
- Senarathna SMDKG, Sri Ranganathan S, S Soysa P, Fernandopulle BMR. Colorimetric technique: a cheaper method to assess the risk of hepatotoxicity in patients with acute paracetamol poisoning. 6th Annual Congress of Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology, Bangkok, Thailand. 12th to 14th December 2007.
- Senarathna SMDKG, Sri Ranganathan S, Fernandopulle BMR. Cost-outcome description of management of patients with acute paracetamol poisoning. 6th Annual Congress of Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology, Bangkok, Thailand. 12th to 14th December 2007.
- Senarathna SMDKG, Sri Ranganathan S, Fernandopulle BMR. Economic analysis of the current management of acute paracetamol poisoning in Sri Lanka. 67th World congress of Pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences, Beijing China. 31st August-6th September 2007.
- Senarathna SMDKG, Sri RanganathanS, Dawson A, Buckley N, Fernandopulle BMR. Decision tree modeling on the antidotal therapy of acute paracetamol poisoning management. 7th Congress of the Asia Pacific Medical Toxicology: December 2008. Chandigarh, India
- Fernandopulle Rohini, Sharma Shailja. Evidence based medicine: Implementation in preclinical years. In Winds of Change in Medical Education, International Medical Education conference 2008, Malaysia. PP 23
- Sharma Shailj, Fernandopulle Rohini, Abdullah Juriah. Standardised patients global ratings of student competence in medication counselling: How do they compare with academic assessments? In Winds of Change in Medical Education, International Medical Education conference 2008, Malaysia. PP24
- Sri Ranganathan S, Weerasinghe MC Beneragama BVSH, Fernandopulle R. Antihypertensive medicines in public sector hospitals in Sri Lanka: an analysis of issues and cost. 10th Southeast Asia Regional Scientific meeting of the International Epidemiological Association.Epidemiological methods in evidence based healthcare; May 23rd – 26th 2010:P009; 68
- Fernandopulle BMR, Benaragama BVSH, Gallappatthy P, Fernandopulle ANR. Tsunami drug donations in Sri Lanka: has the WHO guidelines on drug donations been effective in meeting public health pharmaceutical needs in times of disaster. Accepted for presentation at the ICIUM International Conferences on Improving Use of Medicines (ICIUM2011) Turkey November 14th – 18th 2011.
- Correlation of antimicrobial resistance (amr) with antibiotic usage in relation to urinary tract infections (utis) at a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka
- Senanayake HM, Fernandopulle BMR, Bujawansa S. Characteristics of projects submitted to the Ethical Review Committee of the Faculty of medicine Colombo. 116th Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association 2003: 45; 51
- Galappatthy P, Cooray BPR, Rupasinghe RT, Fernandopulle BMR.The prescribing pattern, side effects, utilisation and cost of statins in Sri Lanka., et al. Proceedings of the 59th Annual scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science, December 2003.
- Fernandopulle BMR, Warawita RVK, Wijayabandara J, Pathirana W. A screening for topical analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of the mother tincture of homeopathic medicine Arnica Montana Proceedings of the 59th Annual scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Association of Advancement of Science, December 2003
- Hettiarachchi GLR., Wijesinghe WDUM. Fernandopulle BMR, Perera TRK, Gnanathillake PGK. Lionel HHA, Rathnayake WDC.A simple bioassay to assess the therapeutic equivalence of generic versions of frusemide. 117th Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association 2004: OP 23; 42
- Galappathy P, Cooray BMR, Rupasinghe RT, Ferandopulle BMR. A pharmacoeconomic analysis of statin therapy in Sri Lanka . 117th Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association 2004: OP 20; 40
- Pallewala WAVH. Premaratne MMSP, Fernandopulle BMR. Over the counter multivitamin syrups: should they be registered. Students Scientific Sessions 2004; PP16: 78
- P Galappatthy, GK Nanayakkara, J Wijebandara, BMR Fernadopulle. Alternative Medicines available through pharmacies in Sri Lanka. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2005;50: Supp1: 32.
- Galappathy P, Cooray BPR, Rupasinghe RT, Ferandopulle BMR. A pharmacoeconomic analysis of statin therapy in Sri Lanka. 117th Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association 2004: OP 20; 40
- Gunatilaka R, Munasinghe K, Menike MS, Sri Renganathan S, Fernandopulle BMR, Drug induced Steven Johnson Syndrome: a review of Spontaneous reports received by the National Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Centre.118th Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association 2005: OP 5; 8.
- Herath SC, UdugamaD, Illeperuma I, Herath ANH, Fernandopulle BMR Use of disease Modifying antirheumatoid drugs (DMARDs) in adult rheumatoid arthritis in the National Hospital of Sri Lanka. 118th Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association 2005: OP 20; 15
- Senarathna SMDK, Fernandopulle BMR Affordability of medicines: the Sri Lanka situation118th Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association 2005: OP 55; 33
- Galappatthy P, Nanayakkara GK, Wijayabandara J, Fernandopulle BMR Alternative medicines available through pharmacies in Sri Lanka. 118th Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association 2005: OP 54; 33
- Abdulla A, Fernandopulle BMR Drug registration in Sri Lanka: does it add to the confusion.118th Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka Medical Association 2005: PP 3; 38
- Fernandopulle BMR, Ranawaka ANR, Pathirana W. Effect of mosquito coils on reproductive parameters and teratogenesis in the rat. Scientific sessions of the Pharmaceutical Society of Sri Lanka (Technical Sessions) 2005.
- Lesson learned from rofecoxib; a Sri Lankan perspective. Lokunarangoda NC, Abhayarathna SA, Dharmasena KMN, Weerasena MGS, Abdulla AA, Sri Ranganathan S, Fernandopulle BMR. Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo. 119th Annual Scientific Sessions , Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 22-25,2006, The Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume 51, Supplement 1, March 2006
- Gunatilaka KR, Munasinghe KK, Lokunarangoda NC ,Abhayarathna SA, Sri Ranganathan S, Fernandopulle BMR, Wijekoon PN. Adverse effects with anti-tuberculous drugs: A follow up patients treated for tuberculosis at Chest Clinic, Colombo. 119th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 22-25,2006, The Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume 51, Supplement 1, March 2006
- Health related newspaper advertisements-how healthy are they? Abdulla AA, Fernandopulle NMR,Velummayilum P, Abhayarathna SA, Sri Ranganathan S, Fernandopulle BMR. Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo.119th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 22-25,2006,The Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume 51, Supplement 1,March 2006
- Abhayarathna SA, Lokunarangoda NC, Gunatilaka R, Sri Ranganathan S, Fernandopulle BMR. How effective is spontaneous reporting in detecting adverse drug safety issues of new chemical entities?.119th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 22-25,2006, The Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume 51, Supplement 1,March 2006
- Galappatthy P, De Mel VNC, De Silva DL, De Silva HTR, Fernandopulle BMR. Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting among doctors in Sri Lanka and factors influencing reporting. Proceedings of the 120th Annual Academic sessions of the Sri Lanka medical Association. The Ceylon Medical Journal 2007; 52 (S1) 47.
- Senarathna SMDKG, Sri Ranganathan S, Soysa P, Fernandopulle R. Costs of current management of acute paracetamol poisoning. 120th Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 21-24, 2007, The Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume 52, Supplement 1,March 2007.
- Senarathna SMDKG, Sri Ranganathan S, Dargan PI, Fernandopulle R. Acute paracetamol poisoning: is the ingested dose a reliable indicator of likely toxicity
- Sri Ranganthan S Mayutharan K Fernandopulle R Anti-emetics for children: drug utilisation data in Sri Lanka and systematic review of the literature: 121st Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 2008, The Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume 53, Supplement 1, March 2008 OP42
- Liyana Arachchi N, Sri Ranganthan S, Fernandopulle BMR. Adverse drug reaction database (ADR database) for Info_vig. Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Colombo. HISSL Scientific sessions 2008 organised by the Health Informatics Society of Sri Lanka; July 26th 2008.
- Sri Ranganthan S Mayutharan K Fernandopulle R. Quality of product information leaflets of antiemetics1 21st Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 2008, The Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume 53, Supplement 1,March 2008 OP 43.
- Senarathna SMDKG, Sri RanganathanS, Fernandopulle R. Cost outcome description of management of patients with acute paracetamol poisoning 121st Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 2008, The Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume 53, Supplement 1, March 2008
- Senarathna SMDKG, Sri Ranganathan S, Fernandopulle BMR. Cost minimisation and cost effectiveness analysis on the antidotal therapy of acute paracetamol poisoning management in Sri Lanka. 122nd Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 19-21,2009, The Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume 54, Supplement 1, March 2009
- Fernandopulle R,Beneragama BVSH, Weerasinghe MC, Sri Ranganathan S, Rationality of issues of medicines in the public sector using benchmark indicators. 122nd Annual 54, Supplement 1, March 2009 Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 19-21,2009, The Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume
- Perera MTK, Fernandopulle R, Liyanapathirana C, Rathnayake WDC, Lionel HHA, Sri Ranganathan S.Lithium treatment and monitoring patient characteristics and compliance. 122nd Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, March 19-21,2009, The Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume 54, Supplement 1, March 2009
- R Fernandopulle, S Thillainathan, UL Somasiri,S Sri RanganathanAnti-epileptic medicines for children: Availability and palatability122nd Annual Scientific Sessions, Sri Lanka Medical Association, June 3rd – 5th 2010, The Ceylon Medical Journal, Volume 54, Supplement 1, March 2009
- Hashim FR, Wijayapala MHWMN, Fernandopulle R, S SriRanganathan, Balasubramaniam, Ranasinghe RAND, Kandasamy M. Patients perception of satisfactory drug treatment. 36th Annual Academic Sessions of the College of general Practitioners Sri Lanka 3rd – 10th October 2010
- Wijesinghe H, Usahgowry S, Galappatthy P, De Silva R, Seneviratne SL, Rajapkshe RPGK, Raneniya P, Fernando C, Fernandopulle BMR, Weerasekera LP, Wijayaratne LS, A randomized double blind controlled clinical trial of efficacy and safety of low dose rituximab compared to leflunomide in patients with refractory rheumatoid arthritis. The Ceylon Medical Journal. 2011;56 (1): 26
- Ratnayake RMGM, Ruwanpura LP, Fernandopulle BMR. Pre- hospital practices of patients with acute coronary syndrome. Ceylon Medical Journal 2011; 56 (1, PP35):59.
- Sri Ranganathan S, R Fernandopulle*, R Balasubramaniam, S Thillainathan, UL Somasiri, Physical and cultural access to anti-epileptic medicines for children in a paediatric tertiary care hospital of a resource limited country. Asia Pacific Conference on National Medicines Policies. Sydney, Australia 26-29 May 2012.
- MHWMN Wijeyapala, WDMG Amarasinghe, Fernandopule BMR, ChandrasiriP. Trends in antimicrobial resistance in urinary tract infections at the De Soysa Hospital for Woman. The Ceylon Medical Journal. 2012;57(1):152, PP 160.
- Unpublished papers
- UL Somasiri, S Thillainathan, R Fernandopulle, S Sri Ranganathan. Antiepileptic drugs for children: Availability, suitability and acceptability. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2012; 41:
Graduate Supervision
Completed Mhil Students:
- Ms PPB Daluwatte: Prescribing patterns of antirheumatic drugs and development of an extended release formulation of Indometacin for use in rheumatoid arthritis 2004
- Ms SMDK Senaratne, M.Phil “Pharmacoeconomic modeling to develop guidelines for the management of patients with acute paracetamol poisoning” University of Colombo2009’
Current MPhil/PhD Students:
- Senadeera S To describe the trends in Antimicrobial medicine utilization and Antimicrobial resistance and the association between the two in the district of Colombo.
- Dr Kumuthini Cohort Event Monitoring in vaccine pharmacovigilance; using Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccine and live Japanese Encephalitis vaccine as models
- Research Interests
Research Interests
- Drug utilisation, drug safety, Herbal medicines
- Involvement with other Organizations
Involvement with other Organizations
Ministry of Health
- Chairperson of Ministerial Committee formulating the Essential drug List Sri Lanka
- Chairperson of the Safety of Medicines and Risk Evaluation Subcommittee
- Secretary of the Cosmetics Evaluation Subcommittee
- Member of the Drug Evaluation Subcommittee
- Member of the Devices Evaluation Subcommittee
- Member of the Advisory committee on communicable diseases
- Member of the Advisory committee on registration of biological medicines
- Member of the National Expert committee on adverse effects following immunisation
- Member of the National Committee on supply and safety of medicines of the medical supplies division
- Member of the Task force for Food substitutes and Neutraceuticals of the Ministry of Health
- Member of the panel for pharmaceutical and clinical evaluation of pre – registration drug dossiers.
- Member of the committee developing guidelines to harmonize procedures for evaluation of drugs for registration and conducting preclinical trials
- Member of the working group to develop guidelines and training modules on management of anaphylaxis and CPR at immunisation centres.
- Member of the multi-stakeholder committee for the regulation and monitoring of medicines prices.
- Member of the working group on implementing an action plan on antimicrobial resistance.
- Member of the committee to develop specification for medicines for the Family Health Bureau
- Member of the core group on essential medicines for Non communicable diseases
Ministry of sports
Member of the Disciplinary committee of the national Anti- doping Organisation of Sri Lanka
- Sri Lanka Standards Institute – Consultant to Sri Lanka Standards Institute on standards and Chairperson of the working group that developed the Sri Lanka Standard for the Classification of cosmetic Raw material and Adjuncts Part 1: Coloring agents, Pigments and colour additives recognized as safe (second revision).
- State Pharmaceutical Corporation of Sri Lanka; Panelist of their technical advisory committee for evaluation of tenders, consultant on pharmaceuticals and lecturer on staff educational programmes.
Sri Lanka Medical Association
- Member of the committee on herbal medicines
Postgraduate Institute of Medicine
- Member of the Board of study in Family Medicine 2009 – 2012
- Member/ Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Speciality Board since its inception in 2008
- Member of the Board of study in Dermatology 1997 – 2000
- Member of the committee on drawing up the curriculum for MD in clinical Pharmacology
- Member of the MCQ core group in Ophthalmology 2008 to date
- Member Library committee
- Examiner MD oncology part 1
- Examiner Diploma in Family medicine (clinical and theory)
International medical University KL, Malaysia
- Professor in clinical Pharmacology, 2007 – 2008 (during Sabbatical leave)
- Member of the IMU senate
- Executive & Other Positions
Executive & Other Positions
World Health Organization
- Member of the WHO Expert committee for the global selection of Essential medicines, WHO Headquarters Geneva, since 2006 – 2012
- Member of the WHO International Working Group for Drug Statistics Methodology, since 2002 – to date
- Designated contact person for the WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring, Uppsala, since 1999 to date
- Member, Expert advisory panel on drug evaluation – WHO
- Member of the Global Network for Post-marketing Surveillance of Newly Prequalified Vaccines since 2009 to date.
- Appointed by WHO/ SEARO as Expert advisor to facilitate and finalize the National Essential Medicines List in the Maldives in August 2008. Support when needed is provided to date to the national Drug Authority Maldives.
South Asia Regional Antidoping Organisation
- Trained member of the Therapeutic Use Exemption team
World Health Organization
- Resource person at the Regional Consultation for Developing a Regional Framework on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property” held from 5-6 April 2011at SEARO, New Delhi, India
- Resource person at the Programme of the International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities (ICDRA) held in Singapore from 30 November to 3 December
- World Health Organization. WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. 34th Report. Geneva:2006; Technical Report Series 942
- Resource person for Global Network for post marketing surveillance of newly prequalified vaccines in Rabat, Morocco on November 6th and 7th 2009
- Temporary advisor on the Gates Project on Country Support and Interventions to Improve Use of Medicines in Children 15-16 June 2009, Château de Penthes, Geneva
- Temporary adviser to the Regional Director WHO Regional Office for South East Asia for regional Conference on Essential Medicines October 2007
- Member of the Expert committee on TB medicines for children, WHO Headquarters Geneva in July 2008
- Member of the Informal Expert Meeting on Dosage Forms for Children in 15-16 December 2008, WHO headquarter Geneva 2008
- Member of the Expert Committee on Drug Dependence 2006
- Member at the consultation meeting on global monitoring of adverse events following immunization WHO Geneva 9 – 10th January 2006
- Resource person for Global Training Network (GTN) and for conducting the Inter- country Training Programme on Adverse Events following Immunisation in Sri Lanka 2003 – 2008.
International medical University KL, Malaysia
- Professor of clinical Pharmacology, 2007 – 2008 (during Sabbatical leave)
Postgraduate Institute of Medicine
- Member of the Board of study in Family medicine
- Member of the Board of Study in Dermatology
- Other
- External examiner in clinical Pharmacology for the MBBS programme Eastern University of Sri Lanka
- Evaluator of Research protocols for funding for the National Science Foundation
- Scientific advisor on Medicines to the Ministry of Health Sri Lanka